Where's my Puddin?:Harley pov

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Two weeks today. That's how long I've been without my Puddin. Puddin wasn't coming for me. Penguin opened my cage and I got out. "What're you thinking about, dear?" Well what are you thinking? Thinking? Can you think? Where's Puddin? The voices rushed in my head and I pouted.

"I miss my Puddin." Penguin took my wrist and twisted my arm.

"You're mine now, Quinn." He growled at me. "Anyway, care to join me for dinner?" I knew by now this was a demand not an offer. Penguin had me wear a simple white dress while I was there and for dinner I had to wear a black one. Dinner was silent. It was pork. His penguin pets swam and played in the tank around us like a zoo. Kill the Penguin. I laughed at what the voice said. How lovely it would be to see his head on a platter. After dinner he injected his "medicine" in my arm again and I felt high. "Quinn, would you like to dance?" I shook my head. "But you love to dance, don't you?" How did he know?


"I'll put on some music." He put on old slow but sort of dancing music. Penguin sat in his chair at the table. There was plenty of room for me to dance so I did. I thought I heard Joker laughing a few times but he wasn't there so I laughed too. Then I noticed Penguin wasn't there anymore. Neither was the table and chairs. I kept dancing. I felt tired. But still I danced and danced. I danced as if Puddin was there dancing with me. Puddin.

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