Charlie M. Quinzel:Joker pov

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I opened my eyes and the lights were out. I heard patients yelling and moaning. Their cries soothed me. I felt pleasure in my stomach and I started to walk. I had my hands in front of me for guidance. "Ready or not, Daddy's coming." I sang out to the darkness. As I walked past the crazies they banged the door at me.

"Let me out!"

"You've done it before!"

"Make me laugh huh make me laugh."

I smiled. I wasn't here for them. I faintly saw a door that was open. It was one of the cells. I slipped inside and the lights came on. The door shut behind me and when I looked I heard Harley laughing from a distance. I grabbed the bars of the window on the door. "C'mon baby, is that all you got?" I shot the lock and let myself out. I saw blood on the floor. There was a trail of it so I followed. The blood led me to a closet. I opened the door and there were two patients getting it on. "Carry on." The woman's foot was bleeding. I closed the door. It was like they didn't notice. Finally I saw her. She was in one of the doctor's rooms. I went in and grabbed her from behind. "Got you."

"Yeah." She looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"What happened?" Suddenly I felt very protective over her.

"Read the computer." I sat down on the chair and she went to sit on the desk. There was a picture of Charlie in white clothes against a white wall. I scrolled down.

Charlie M. Quinzel
Born: September 11,1997
Relatives: Mary and Timothy Quinzel-parents
Harleen Quinzel- first cousin
Jen and James Quinzel- Aunt and Uncle
Georgia Quinzel- Grandmother
All relatives with the exception of Harleen have passed.

Diagnosis: Schizophrenia and MPD
Placed in Arkham Asylum for the murder of Jen and James Quinzel and the attempted murder of Harleen Quinzel. The judge ruled him insane and sent him here.

Day One:
Psychiatrist- Dr. Selena Brown
Notes: When I first went in the room he was shaking his head and repeating the words "Little lamb". When asked what or who "little lamb" was he shut down completely. He barely acknowledged my presence.

Day Two:
Psychiatrist- Dr. Selena Brown
Notes: Patient has confirmed that he is hearing the voices of his parents in his head. He says they tell him to find little lamb and kill her. When asked if he wants to kill little lamb he goes right to talking about how he would kill her. (Ex:) "I would tie her hands behind her back and her legs and then s so so slowly c cut um um um cut her legs off and I um put her in lake. Yeah yeah yeah lake is fine." After that he shut down again.

I kept reading the notes and kept scrolling down. Harley was reading with me.

Day 43:
Psychiatrist- Dr. Selena Brown
Notes: I believe the pills are helping him. He has shown progress. However there was an incident when he claimed to have seen "the Joker". He asked me to find Joker and pay him to kill little lamb.

"Who's little lamb?" I asked.

"Me." I looked up at Harley.


"It's what his mom called me when we were young. He wanted to hire you to kill me."

"I would've denied the moment I saw you." I held her hand and she started crying.

"He hates me that much."

"You haven't told me much about that part of your life."

"When I was 17 and he was 15 my parents were supposed to pick his parents up at the airport. He stayed with us that summer. I had to babysit. There was a shooting at the airport and I wouldn't drive him there. There was nothing we could do. His parents were shot before mine even arrived. He blames my parents for not being there soon enough and me for not taking him to them."

I let it sink in. I looked at the broken girl before me. She was always full of smiles. She had always made everything with her fun. This was the girl I shot. The girl I pushed into a bucket of chemicals. The girl that turned me inside out in the best way.

"His dad... broke some boundaries with me and had hurt Charlie very bad. That's why he came to stay with my parents and me. " Harley continued.

"What did his mother do?"

"She belted me because she thought I was lying. That's when I started to get into drugs and I just changed. It took the whole summer to fuck me up and when Charlie's parents died he got fucked up. He hated us. Then later that year we were in the kitchen and my mom said something about Timothy and Charlie snapped. He grabbed a knife and stabbed my mom and when my dad came after him he stuck his hand in the disposal and turned it on while beheading my dad. When he came after me I was high like a kite. I could barely get out of the way to run down the street and that's when the cops showed up. A patrol car was driving around and saved me."

I stood in front of Harley. "I'm so sorry. I swear to god I'll kill Charlie." Harley laughed.

"Game's over I guess. You win."

"I only want one prize."

"What's that?"

"You." She coiled her arms around my neck and kissed me hard. She needed my love right now and I will give her everything in my heart.

Back in the car, Harley was asleep in the passenger side. We left Arkham Asylum and got in the car. That's as far as we got. It was 4 am now. I was too tired to drive but not tired enough to sleep. I wanted to make Harley smile and laugh like usual. I just wanted her to be happy. I needed her to smile. But I couldn't fix this.

8:30 am*

I woke up to Harley shaking me. "Puddin!" I sat up looking around.

"What? What's wrong?"

"You're sleeping and I'm bored." She stuck her tongue out at me and I grabbed it.

"You woke me up from 4 hours of sleep because you're bored..?" I asked and she nodded. I let go and kissed her cheek. "Well as long as you're not bored." I chuckled. I drove home and Harley had the radio going. I could see she wasn't okay still. When we
got to the building Harley got out of the car and stretched. The radio was still going, it was a slow song now.

"Dance with me?" Harley asked with soft eyes so I got out and pulled her against me. We danced slowly and barely had weight on one another. It was as if we would break if we used too much force. It began raining but neither of us stopped. Harley and my makeup smeared down our faces. We were a mess, Harley and I. But we were a beautiful mess. "I live for these moments with you Mr. J." Harley said smiling. I had made her smile come back. I made her happy again.

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