Joker Smiles:Harley pov

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"Why didn't I what?" Joker asked.

I told him what happened. He looked off into space, taking it in. "I'm sorry."

"That's it? You're sorry that you tried to kill me and not Batman, the one who's against you. Do you even-" I stopped. I didn't know where I was going with this. Batman ruined your chance with Puddin. He never loved you. Batsy. Kill the batsy. The voices in my head yelled at me. "Ahhhh stop!" I screamed. Joker looked beyond puzzled. I got up, grabbing one of the knives on the floor. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and sliced the side of my head. Joker was pulling the knife out of my head in seconds. "No!" I was screaming. I couldn't hear my own thoughts. It was just the voices.

"Shh.." Joker held me against his chest and swooped me up in his arms. I felt the sting of the cut. It burned.

"Get it out." I was talking about the voices. He carried me to our room and laid me down. He left and came back a minute later with a wet cloth and peroxide. As the cloth touched my cut I cried out.

"Shh shh I'm here." Joker pressed his lips to my forehead. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Sugar and spice and something nice.." I said trailing off.

"What?" Joker sat back. I repeated myself over and over. "I'm confused. What's going on?"

"IM GONNA NEED YOU TO LEAVE NOW CHARLIE!" I said mimicking my mom's voice after Charlie started calling her a whore and that he would "lick her wet pussy until she screamed and then cut off her tits and eat them."

"No no this is Joker." I laughed at him. Did he not realize I have eyes.

"Smile for the camera." He was frowning. "Smile." Still frowning and now shaking his head. "Smile smile smile smile smile for the camera."

"What the fuck?" Joker reached to touch my face but I slapped his hand away. I pinned him down and he was too stunned to move. I got a knife from under the mattress and pressed all of my weight on Joker. "What are you doing? Harley?" The knife and I were centimeters away from his face.

"Would you die for me?" I asked him.

"Yes Harley you know-" I pressed a finger to his lips.

"Too easy. Would you live? Would you live for me?"

"I'd do anything for you."

"THAT IS NOT WHAT I ASKED." Joker winced as I yelled at him. "You're still not smiling. Let's fix that. " I touched the blade to the middle of his lip and dragged it up. Blood dripped down and Joker was in too much shock to respond. That's better but not perfect I thought so I did the same thing on the other side and got off the bed. I dropped the knife. "Perfect. "

Joker sat up slowly. He didn't even seem to notice the pain. "Harley .. Harley what" He stood up holding his hands to his face. "I thought you loved me .." It was then that I realized what I had done. It all sunk in. I began crying.

"No no no no no. Please I didn't mean to. I DIDN'T MEAN TO!" I ran up to him and put my hands firmly over his. "No no no." Joker wrapped his arms around me and sat me down on the floor. There was blood everywhere. I wonder who made that mess. He won't love you now. He'll find someone else.


"I'm yours. You're mine." I could barely see him through the cloud of tears in my eyes and he just hugged me. He held me for what felt like days but was just hours. We didn't talk. For once, I didn't hear the voices. They went away. They went away when he was holding me. What had I done?


I woke up in a large t shirt in bed. There was no more blood. Where was Joker? It was dark all around the room but I knew he wasn't there. I got up and opened the door. Joker was in the hallway, leaning against the wall in pants and no shirt. "Puddin?" He looked up.

I saw his face. I saw the mostly healed cut making a fake smile next to his mouth. I saw tears in his eyes. I saw his face paler than usual. "I thought you'd sleep through the night. I'm sorry Harl."

"I need help." I said crying again.

"What?" He cupped my face in his soft and cold hands.

"The voices won't go away. And Charlie said.. and you were so unhappy and oh my God what did I do to you?" I sobbed and Joker kissed me. It was a slow and sweet kiss. He was so gentle it was as if he thought I would break. When he pulled back he hugged me.

"I don't care. I could tell it wasn't you. You had no control over your body. I love you. And I can promise you this, I will kill Penguin and Charlie and whomever else hurts you. " He was so sweet. That's my Puddin. I clung to him and he carried me back to bed. He had his arms around me as I fell asleep.

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