A terrible ending: Harley pov

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*Flash forward five months*

Today was my trial. This would decide if I were to stay in this prison or if I would be considered sane again. I put my hair in a normal low ponytail and made sure all the buttons on my shirt were up and my skirt was ironed. "Ms. Quinzel please take your place at the stand." The judge said plainly. It was an old white man with a long nose that stretched over his top lip. He was quite odd looking. I sat at the chair. I looked around. My doctor was there in the jury.

I was asked a series of questions and I answered them perfectly. I jumped up with joy when I was told I would be released. My first thought was that I could be reunited with J and then I remembered. I remembered hearing the news. I remember my last night with him before I was taken. I remembered everything. He made me who I was. I had to find a new beginning for myself. I couldn't dwell on who I was, on who he was. I was set up with a small apartment and some money to start my new life.

I unlocked the door to my new home. I breathed in the fresh air. It was small; a kitchen connected to the living room and one bathroom and bedroom but it's more than I could ask for. I opened the box of my belongings. My jacket sat there collecting more dust. I took it out and held it up.

"Property of Joker"

It took me all those months to process he was gone. It wasn't until I heard about my hearing coming up that it was real to me. I always expected Joker to walk in my cell one day and hold me again. But that didn't happen. It never would. I was stuck in the normal world again. I took the cash I was given, put on my jacket and went out.

I ended up at Macy's. I needed new clothes. I picked up a pink dress. I couldn't be there any longer. It was freaky being in public again. I was walking down to the cab line when I saw a familiar face.

Al watched me as I ran to him. We hugged briefly. "A-man! You don't know how good it is to see someone I know!"

"Where have you been, Harley?"


"Nine months. Nine mother fucking months of you gone and everyone looking for you and now I see you walking down the street like nothing happened?!"

"I was in Arkham Asylum! Obviously you knew this. It wasn't exactly a secret!"

"No no we checked there."


"J and me, the crew, everyone we know."

"Joker looked for me before he went?" Tears streamed down my face smearing my mascara.

"Before he went where?"

"To the better place." I pointed up. Al followed my gaze but still looked puzzled. "Where they go when they ya know.." Still confused. "DIE."

"J isn't dead?" I stopped breathing for a full minute. I dropped my bag. Al looked more confused than ever and so did I.

"No... why would you think he's ... what's going on?" I told him. From start to finish I told him everything and he proceeded to give me confused looks. "Shit. Um I don't even know where to begin. We all, not J, but everyone else thought you were killed. He never lost hope though. He ripped Arkham apart trying to find you. He hasn't committed crimes that weren't for you. You were right under our noses the whole time. And Charlie knew... He's on the Upper East Side now. You need to see J now."

I was crying tears of joy the whole walk to the new apartment. I was shaking in the elevator and when Al opened the door I heard a click and I saw Joker holding a gun at us. He was looking in the opposite direction. "Sir, it's me. And someone you really wanna see."

"Get out."

I spoke up. "Puddin..." He turned around ever so slowly and his eyes widened. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I ran and jumped into his arms. He spun me around and squeezed me so hard I thought he would break bones.

"Oh Harley baby, i love you i love you i love you!" He kissed me then hard and desperate. I couldn't get closer but I wanted to. He held me with my legs wrapped around his waist.

"Don't let me go." I begged and he hugged me tighter. Al stood awkwardly by the door. Joker gently put me down but still held onto me. We were both speechless. I stared into his eyes and he purred.

"I knew you weren't gone. I never lost hope baby. I looked everywhere. What happened? Oh baby kiss me again." We kissed and hugged. "Al thank you, you will be paid generously but may I ?"

Al left.

Joker cried. Tears fell off his chin and I held his face. I never thought I would see him let alone kiss him again. He asked what the hell happened to me and I tried to tell him but I could barely choke a word out.

"Harley Quinn, my queen of crime." I cried more. I loved him with everything in me. No one has ever seen him emotionally vulnerable like this except me.

"I thought you were dead." That's how I started my explanation.

Sorry it's been so long!!!! I just wanted a little cliffhanger. I'll be updating everyday again. Thank you so much for reading!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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