Shopping Circus:Harley pov

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I put on the jacket Puddin gave me, shorts and a white shirt. "You look beautiful." I smiled at Joker.

"I'm going out today, Puddin."


"The mall."

"Sounds... fun?"

"You're not a girl. You don't get it." Joker rolled his eyes and kissed me on the cheek.


The mall was packed today. It was coming up on Christmas. Tomorrow was my birthday so I thought to get myself a treat. I still got looks even though my hair was just down and I had normal makeup on. I wanted to shoot them all, but I didn't.

I walked around for a while, but found nothing I loved. It felt shitty, shopping for my own birthday gift. But that was my own fault. I never told Joker when my birthday was, I always avoided the talk of birthdays. I was turning 20 tomorrow and I couldn't even celebrate with my Puddin.

"Excuse me," a girl said and I moved thinking she wanted to get by. "No, I mean I just wanted to say I love your outfit. "

I smiled so hard it hurt. "Thank you so much! My Puddin got me this jacket and I got the other stuff from that boutique "Dresses and More" downtown." The girl smiled back.

"Thank you, Miss. But um what's a Puddin? Do you mean like the food?" I laughed.

"That's what I call my... boyfriend." It felt weird saying that for some reason.

"He sounds nice. Well I have to go catch up with my mom but thanks for the chat!" She waved and ran off.

"She seems nice." I said to myself. I decided to buy myself a lunch. I got a taco and soda. I ate alone, but I wasn't sad. I didn't know what to do after that. I've been at the mall for two hours now. I didn't steal or buy anything aside from the taco meal. I started heading out when someone stepped in front of me.

"Leaving so soon?" Charlie said.

"Get the fuck away from me."

"Why should I?"

"I swear to God I'll kill you."

"Just like I killed your mommy and daddy?" It took everything in me to not shoot him on the spot. "Batman isn't dead."

"Yeah well we changed our minds."

"No no no. You can't just change your mind. We had a deal and I think you still recall the last time a deal between Joker and Penguin was broken." I stared at his lazy eye.

"We moved." Charlie ran his hands through his brown hair.

"Give me Joker."

"Hell no."

"Give me Joker and I'll go away for good."

"Nice try. Go kill the bat yourself."

"I could do that. But I don't have time."

When I pulled out my gun so did Charlie. We stood there, guns aimed at each other's head. Two security guards ran up. "No one move." I rolled my eyes.

"It's a waste of time. Let me deal with this."

"Sir, Ma'am I'm gonna need you to drop the guns now." The security guard number one said.

"She drops it, so will I." Charlie said.

"Ma'am?" The second guard pleaded.

"Stop calling me Ma'am and what do I look like to you? I'm not a moron!"

"Timothy, put it down." I looked up and saw Penguin. I aimed the gun at Penguin and Charlie pulled the trigger but lucky me, one of the guards tackled him so the bullet only hit the wall. "Don't do it, Harley. My apologies about Mr. Warden, he's not well. " I went to pull the trigger but Penguin grabbed the gun from me and aimed it towards my face. "Timothy, go get in the car. " Charlie round house kicked the guard that tried to restrain him and ran out the doors.

"You son of a bitch. We'll never do anything for you. " Penguin smiled.

"I'm going to need Batman dead."

"Then do it yourself."

"I'll be calling in the next week. Answer when it rings." with that Penguin shoved my gun in his coat pocket and left. After I was sure their car had gone I walked outside. I walked home, lost in my thoughts. We moved to an abandoned apartment complex. I stepped into the elevator and smashed my fist against the door. When I got to the top floor I walked into our apartment. Joker was asleep on the floor next to some of his knives.

"I'm home." I announced and Joker stirred. "Puddin we need to talk." His eyes opened and he slowly sat up.

"About what?"

"Penguin." He frowned.

"Did he hurt you?"

"Not exactly."

"I want every little detail." I thought of Charlie. I thought of him mentioning my parents and a single tear rolled off my cheek. "Come here." Joker said softly and I went to sit on his lap. I leaned into him.

"Why didn't you just kill Batman?"

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