
16 0 0

April 3rd, 2016
(Avengers have logged on)
(Wyatt has logged on)

Tiara and Tony: I have an idea!

Steve: Yes?

Tiara and Tony: Let's start a band!

Tiara: Did I just agree on something with Tony? The world is ending!!! *runs around the Avengers Tower, screaming*

Tony: I feel so hurt.

Bucky: You should

Loki: How dare you?

Tiara: *stops* How dare I what?

Loki: You offended Tony!

Tiara: That was the point, yes.

Ember: We should start a band! Good idea, Tony and Tiara

Tony: What should we call ourselves?

Tiara: The Avengers!

Loki: Wow, that's original

Tiara: Thank you!

Raine: Songs?

Tiara: I'll start writing some now!

Ember: I'll help you! What about Can't Stop The Feeling? That sounds like a good song!

(Tiara has logged off)
(Ember has logged off)

Hailie: What about outfits?

Raine: Our uniforms!

Hailie: With a little upgrade, like sparkles!

Coral: For some of us. Not me

Hailie: Then, you should help us perfect the sparkle ratio!

Coral: Fine

(Hailie has logged off)
(Raine has logged off)
(Coral has logged off)

Tony: I'll start calling managers and see if they'd take us

Loki: I'll help

(Tony has logged off)
(Loki has logged off)

Bruce: I'll start planning dates that would work best and figure out statistics.

(Bruce has logged off)

Lynn: Souvenirs!

Thor: Thor T-shirts!

Lynn: Not just Thor. But yes.

(Lynn has logged off)
(Thor has logged off)

Wyatt: Now what?

Bucky: I don't know. This is very new to me.

Steve: This is too modern!

(Steve has logged off, terrified)

Bucky: I guess I'll help Tiara and Ember with the songs.

Wyatt: And I'll help Lynn with souvenirs.

(Bucky has logged off)
(Wyatt has logged off)
(Clint has turned off invisibility)
(Natasha has turned off invisibility)

Natasha: A band?!

Clint: Awesome!

Natasha: I don't sing, I kill!!!

Clint: I'm sure they could do something. I like your voice

Natasha: I'll try it

(Chatroom has ended)

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