14 0 0

June 29th, 2016

(Avengers have logged on)

(Fantastic Four have logged on)

(Fandral has logged on)

(BeetActressEver (not on Wattpad) has logged on)

BestActressEver: Hey I'm the new Avenger!

Ember: Name

BestActressEver: My name is Dakota!

Ember: DAKOTA!

(BestActressEver is now Dakota)

Dakota: EMBER!

Bucky: *holding baby boy* Hey there.

Steven: *holding baby girl* Nice to meet you

Tony: Hey girl

Dakota: Who's children and where's Tiara?

Ember: Tiara's children and she's dead

Dakota: What the hell did I miss?

Lynn: A lot

Dakota: Apparently. Anything else I should know?

Raine: No one is single

Dakota: I see

Bruce: What's with the gloves?

Dakota: To keep me and everyone around me safe

All: From what?

Dakota: From me

Steven: I'm intrigued

Tony: Me too. Wanna come to my training facility?

Dakota: Was that flirtation?

Tony: Dude, I'm waaaaaay too gay for that

Dakota: I see

Bruce: Training hall?

Dakota: Sure

Tony: LET'S GO

Dakota: *stands in middle of empty room* You sure nothing can get through the wall?

Tony, Bruce, Steven: *standing in control room with window*

Tony: Yeah, they are a half-foot thick and made of vibranium

Dakota: Okay

Tony: Whenever you're ready

Dakota: *takes off gloves, transforms*

(Dakota has logged off)

(Diigon has logged on)

Diigon: *has pale skin, yellow eyes, ripped (modest) clothes, long claws*

Bruce: Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitake mushrooms

Tony: Oh my god

Steven: Never seen that before

Diigon: Hello, Avengers.

Steven: Dakota, can you-

Diigon: Dakota's gone!

Bruce: I can see that. What do you call yourself?

Diigon: The name is Diigon.

Tony: Digging?

Diigon: No, it's pronounced "die-gone"

Bruce: Were you made in a lab?

Diigon: Not exactly. The weakling Dakota was born with me. I've always been part of her

Steven: *whispers to Tony* How do we get her to put her gloves back on?

Diigon: Do you think I have no magical powers? My senses are amplified beyond normal limits and I have the power of darkness

Tony: Darkness?

Diigon: *makes ball of dark powder in hand*

Tony: Interesting. *scans magic quickly* Literally made of darkness and nothing. It's like it's not even there

Diigon: Like me *about to poof away*

Bruce: Wait! Could I come down and talk to you?

Diigon: *raises a brow* Why?

Bruce: I have two...sides if you will

Diigon: I know. You are the Hulk

Bruce: I want to know your secret with coping with your other half

Diigon: *shrugs* Okay

Bruce: *goes down into training hall, grabs gloves*

Diigon: What are you doing with those?

Bruce: Are you afraid of them?

Diigon: *scoots back* No

Bruce: Hey, hey, Diigon. It's okay. Do these hurt when you wear them?

Diigon: *nods* I don't want to go

Bruce: I'm sure they hurt Dakota though too

Diigon: *nods*

Bruce: I just want to talk to Dakota quickly. Could you out them back on for a second?

Diigon: Fiiiiine *puts on gloves. transforms*

(Diigon has logged off)

(Dakota has logged on)

Dakota: How did you do that?

Bruce: I know a few things about separate sides

Dakota: *nods* Thanks, Bruce

Bruce: Any time!

Tony: Now that we know what we are dealing with, I know who to call in.

Steven: Who?

Tony: T'Challa

(Avengers have logged off)

(Fantastic Four have logged off)

(Fandral has logged off)

(Dakota has logged off)

(Chatroom has ended)

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