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July 19th, 2016

(Avengers have logged on)
(Sif has logged on)
(Fantastic Four have logged on)
(Fandral has logged on)

Johnny: Guess who's back, bitches?!

Tony: Oh, good. I'm so glad you guys are back. I totally remembered you were people.

Tiara: -_-

Thor: Fandral! *hugs Fandral*

Sif: Fandral! *hugs Fandral*

Fandral: *hugs Thor and Sif* It's so good to see you all again!

Tiara: *hugs Johnny*

Johnny: *hugs Tiara*

Raine: So, how'd it go with the Silver Surfer?

Reed: Oh, you've heard of him?

Lynn: We read the news

Mikayla: *mumbles* More like you read Tumblr

Lynn: *smacks Mikayla's arm* I heard that!

Coral: I mean, she's not wrong.

Ashley: *on Tumblr* No, she is not

Hailie: *on Tumblr, snorting* I mean, it's just so funny on here

Dakota: are you guys actually on tumblr right now? I s2g

T'Challa: *facepalms* Americans

Loki: *on Tumblr* I mean, have you seen this shit? It's amazing

Hailie: *high fives Loki*

Loki: *high fives Hailie*

Ashley: *shows Tumblr post* Look, here's a badass picture of you guys fighting the Silver Surfer!

Johnny: *looks at picture* Damn! Look at this! My ass looks amazing!

Fandral: *grabs Johnny's ass* Your ass always looks amazing

Coral: Oh my gosh, I totally forgot how much I didn't miss them.

Sif: *grabs Coral's ass* Oh, don't act like we're not like that, too.

Steve: Okay, let's settle down with the PDA

Tiara: Yeah, this is more like Public Displays of Ass-grabbing

Bucky: Nice one. *high fives Tiara*

Tiara: *high fives Bucky*

Hailie: *shows Tumblr post* Look, here's one where Sue and Reed are getting some actionnnnnnnnnn

Johnny: *whips head to glare at Sue and Reed* yoU DID WHA-

Sue: *blushes, facepalm* It was just a kiss, don't phrase it like that.

Reed: Besides, we're engaged now.

Johnny: ...

Sue: You remember that, right, Johnny?

Johnny: Yes, of course? I? How could I forget something so important? What? Do you think I'm a hot-headed idiot?

Tiara: I-

Johnny: Don't answer that, Tiara

Loki: You totally forgot

Johnny: I may or may not have blocked it from my memory, yes

Ben: *laughing* You forgot that your only sister is getting married?

Johnny: Shut it, Grimm

Sue: It's okay, Ben. I understand why he did. I would've tried to see reason in Johnny marrying and fail as well

Johnny: Hold on, now. What?

Fandral: Yeah, that's a possibility

Johnny: ......

Sue: *raises a brow*

Thor: Fandral?

Clint: ...hawkward

Natasha: *smacks Clint, whispers* one chat, all i want is one chat without you saying that, you crazy bird man

Tiara: *smirks* Got something to say, Fandral?

Fandral: ...welp, cat's out of the bag. *gets down on one knee*

Johnny: *gasps very dramatically*

Sue: *eyes widen*

Fandral: Jonathan Lowell Spencer Storm, will you marry me?

Johnny: Ohmygodicantbelivethisishappeningyesyesyes! *kissed Fandral*

Fandral: *kisses Johnny*

Sue: *faints*

Thor: *whispers* What was that?

Loki: *whispers* Midgardian proposal, I suppose

Sif: *whispers* Well, you can't do an Asgardian one, here

Tiara: *whispers* True, no Bilgesnipes on Midgard


Ben: Well, I did not see this coming.

Reed: Yeah, tell me about it

Johnny: *lovingly holding Fandral and staring into Fandral's eyes*

Fandral: *lovingly holding Johnny and staring into Johnny's eyes*

Sue: *wakes up* hold oN A SECOND

Johnny: Look, I now understand the whole thing with Reed. I'm sorry for pretending to forget it. But I'm elated for you! And for me! I'm so elated right now!

Sue: *glares at Fandral* I just have one question for you, Fandral.

Ben: Uh-oh, protective big sister mode activated. *takes a step back*

Reed: *takes a step back*

Sue: *walks right up to Fandral, glaring* How did you know my brother's full name?

Johnny: *breaths out in relief* geez, i thought you were gonna kill mY FIANCE

Sue: No, why on Earth would I do that?

Fandral: Honestly, idk. He knows my full name too. It just sort of...came

Wyatt: *snorts*

Fandral: *blushes* Shut it, Mohawk!

Bruce: Johnny, what's Fandral's full name?

Johnny: Fandral the Dashing of Asgard's Warriors Three, protector of the Nine Realms, master swordsman, fiance of Jonathon Storm - that's a new addition. *smirks*

Sif: Wow. He got all of it

Thor: Even I didn't know the whole thing

Steve: Fandral the Dashing? That's your real name?

Fandral: Oh no, that's just an addition from the ladies *smirks*

Tiara: *rolls eyes* It sure is

Sue: I'm just so happy for you guys! *hugs Johnny*

Johnny: *hugs Sue* I'm so happy too!

Elex: Guys, we have a wedding to plan

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(Fandral has logged off)
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