A Long Time Ago...

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March 9th, 1961

(16 years after world war 2)

Special Strange History 1/1

A knock. Steven Strange checked his broken watch. It read 12:56pm. Who could be here at this hour? He asked himself. But nevertheless, he closed his book and moved through the halls to the main door. He opened it, letting in the cool Nepali air. A girl, long black hair and purple eyes, laid outside, shivering. He ran to her and checked for a pulse. It was present. He lifted her up and took her to his room. He laid her on the bed and covered here with the blankets. As he was puling more blankets up to her chin, she turned, a strand of hair falling in her eyes. He stopped, looking at her. Her breathing had steadied and her chest rose and fell rhythmically. He moved the strand of hair from her eyes. He sat on the bed next to her sleeping form. He felt a weird sensation in his chest, like joy and embarrassment at the same time.

He woke up the next morning, laying next to the girl. She hasn't waken yet. He stood and looked at her. When he was sure she was asleep, he walked to the library. He returned the book he finished last night.

"Who came last night?" Wong asked as he put the book back. Steven shrugged.

"I'm not sure. She came in and collapsed." Wong gave him a look when he came back with two books. He looked the books over and handed them back. Steven nodded and walked back to his room. She was still asleep, so he sat and opened the first book, "The Lost Arts of Magic: Advanced.

" He read a few pages before turning to a spell. He set the book on his legs and raised his hands. The girl opened her eyes slowly and quietly. Steven read it again, talking to himself. She could only see a male's back. Suddenly, the room lit up with orange color light, coming from the man's hands. She sat up in fear. The light then went dark. Steven looked at her.

"Good morning. I am-"

"Steven Strange, I hope." She smiled. "I'm Tiara Mueller. I came here seeking help."

"Physical help?" He put the book on the table beside the bed and turned to look at her. She nodded.

"Yes. I broke part of my spine. I can't stand, much less walk. If you don't want to teach me, that's fine. But I would need some assistance to leave." Tiara says. She cocked her head, waiting for his response.

"Let me introduce you to the mystic arts." He felt a little strange, no pun intended, offering to carry a girl he just met. She puts her arms around his neck. He put an arm behind her back and an arm under her legs. He started walking towards the door.

They got to a big room and he set her into a chair in the middle of the room. He walked to the table and poured some tea. He handed her the cup and she took a sip. He watched her with growing curiosity.

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