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A/N: So, Marvel started Thor's story based mostly on Norse mythology (which they reference a bit with Jane on Earth). However, then they leave Norse mythology in the dust and do their own thing (which is fine). I obviously also am basing these characters off Marvel, especially in characteristics and attitudes. HOWEVER, I will be sticking more with Norse mythology for the character's relationships. With this said, Norse mythology states that Hela is Loki's daughter, not sister, which I sort of introduced with the first chapter involving Hela. I also added Tiara (also known as Sigyn, based off Loki's wife of Norse mythology) as Hela's mother, which is not according to Marvel or Norse mythology, but shh. ;-) Anyways, here's the chapter!
July 20th, 2016

(Avengers have logged on)
(Sif has logged on)
(Fantastic Four have logged on)
(Fandral has logged on)
(Hela has logged on)

Loki: My dark darling? It's so nice to see you! *hugs Hela*

Tiara: Hello, Hela! *hugs Hela*

Hela: *hugs Tiara and Loki* Mother! Father! I've missed you so!

Bucky: Wait...mother?

Tiara: ⊙﹏⊙

Hela: Yes, of course. My mother and father are here. I am Hela Lokidottir.

Tony: So.....you've been together a while before we thought, then, huh?

Loki: It was in Asgard

Tiara: A long time ago

Loki: We were drunk

Tiara: We never meant for anything to happen

Loki: But I don't regret it at all

Tiara: No, it was a blessing to have you, Hela

Hela: *beams*

Loki: *takes her hand* How are your brothers?

Tony: *mutters* That's right. The others.

Mikayla: *mutters* Ah yes, the weird animal children

Hela: Oh, they're doing great. Unfortunately, I'm again not here on a social call, as much as I miss you guys.

Tiara: *lowers voice* Same subject?

Loki: *lowers voice* Or the underworld?

Hela: ...both?

Tiara: Not here

(Tiara has logged on private chat)
(Loki has logged on private chat)
(Hela has logged on private chat)

Wyatt: ...what?

Clint: Hawkward

Tony: ...lack of context???

Thor: Well, the underworld, also known as Helheim, is a land of abundant life after death, filled with feasts and sparring.

Sif: Ah, yes! The sparring!

Lynn: Yeah, Helheim was the only clear part of their exit



Hailie: Really, Raine?

Raine: Thomas Sanders!!! :-D

Hailie: *facepalm*

-----PRIVATE CHAT-----

(Tiara has logged on)
(Loki has logged on)
(Hela has logged on)
(Tiara is now Sigyn)

Sigyn: What news do you bring, my child?

Hela: The Nine Realms are in chaos. Odin is afraid of Ragnarok and the threat of the Natascha. However, a new update of the talk was spread to Helheim.

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