Another Avenger...Shocker

17 0 0

July 7th, 2016

(Avengers (except Steven) have logged on)

(Fantastic Four have logged on)

(Fandral has logged on)

(Dakota has logged on)

(EveryKissBeginsWithKay has logged on)

EveryKissBeginsWithKay: Hi

Steve: Who's that?

Tiara: KAY!!!

EveryKissBeginsWithKay: TIARA!!!

(EveryKissBeginsWithKay is now Mikayla)

Mikayla: How are you, girl?

Tiara: Good you?

Mikayla: Pretty good

Natasha: So, who is this?

Mikayla: I'm Mikayla, Kay for short

Tiara: Friend of mine

Tony: Friend or "friend"?

Tiara: *hits Tony* We never dated!

Johnny: Yeah, but you've dated nearly everyone here!

Bucky: Would someone tell me who these two are?!

Tony: Right! Forgot about that issue! No, we won't tell you

Bucky: Why the hell not?

Tony: Reasons. Steve, get him out of here

(Steve has logged on private chat)

(Bucky has logged on private chat)

Tiara: I don't know who that was, but...

Mikayla: What did Tony mean by "friend"?

Tiara: I've dated many of the people here

Mikayla: How many exactly?

Tony: Me

Wyatt: Me

Johnny: Me

T'Challa: Me

Bruce: Me

Steven: Me

Fandral: Me

Thor: Sort of me

Natasha: She dated Steve

Loki: We were engaged

Mikayla: Were?

Tiara: Yeah, why did we break it off?

Loki: Reeeeeeally complicated story

Mikayla: don't know why you called off your wedding?

Tiara: ...for some reason I can't...remember

Mikayla: Tell us why, Loki

Loki: ...why?

Mikayla: Oh. Another guy

Thor: She's good

Coral: *hits him*

Tiara: But I don't think I saw anyone after you, Lokes

Loki: You...uh...didn' was me

Tiara: Tony

Mikayla: What?

Tiara: Loki and Tony are dating

Mikayla: And of course that's fine with you. You love the gayness

Tiara: You know it

Mikayla: *shakes head*

(Steven has logged on)

Steven: Tiara?

Tiara: Give em to me

Steven: *hands children to Tiara*

Hailie: *hugs Steven* Missed ya, babe

Steven: *hugs Steven* Miss you too

Mikayla: Awwwwwww! Whose children are these?

Tiara: Mine

Mikayla: When did you become a mother?!

Tiara: Right before I died

Mikayla: What?!

Tiara: That happened

Mikayla: Well, then...

Tiara: Yeah...

Tony: So, Mikayla-

Mikayla: Please, call me Kay

Tony: ...right. So, Kay, would you like to attend a masquarade ball?

Mikayla: Hell yeah! What's it for?

Tony: For getting Loki back

Mikayla: Will there be alcohol?

Tony: ...of course

Mikayla: I like the way you celebrate

Tony: Thank you

Loki: *motions Tony over*

Tony: Excuse me

Loki: *whispers to Tony* Tiara and Bucky don't know know what each other are wearing, correct?

Tony: *whispers to Loki* And they'll have masks

Loki: *nods* Perfect

Tiara: What's perfect?

Loki: Planning

Mikayla: *raises a brow*

Tiara: Good!

Mikayla: You realize he's lyin-

Loki: Let's travel, shall we?

Lynn: Wonderful idea!

Dakota: Where to, Lokes?

Thor: What about Asgard?

Tiara: Please!

Loki: Tony?

Tony: Sure!

Tiara: Would you like to go to Asgard with us, Kay?

Raine: Please, it will be so fun!

Mikayla: I'd love to!

Tiara: What about you, Fantastic Four?

Reed: I...We've got a date

Sue: Yes we do!

Ben: So do I! But not with them...

Johnny: I'll go

Fandral: Yay!

Tony: Let's go!

Tiara, Thor, Loki: HEIMDALL, PORTAL!!!!!!!!!!

(Avengers have logged off)

(Fantastic Four have logged off)

(T'Challa has logged off)

(Dakota has logged off)

(Mikayla has logged off)

(Chatroom has ended)

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