13 0 0

July 3rd, 2016

(Avengers have logged on)

(Fantastic Four have logged on)

(Fandral has logged on)

(Dakota has logged on)

(T'Challa has logged on)

(Whitey is now Tiara)

T'Challa: Tiara, can I talk to you?

Tiara: Sure

(T'Challa has logged on private chat)

(Tiara has logged on private chat)

Bucky: Why does everyone me want to talk to my wife?

Dakota: *whispers to Bucky*

Bucky: I see. But what about T'Challa?

Dakota: *shrugs*


Tiara: What's up, Challie?

T'Challa: Two things actually

Tiara: Go on

T'Challa: Is our past relationship going to interfere with anything going on?

Tiara: Nah but I can tell them, if you want

T'Challa: Yes. Also, I feel a little...affection towards someone

Tiara: Oh? Like a crush?

T'Challa: ...yes

Tiara: On who?

T'Challa: Your friend-

Tiara: Probably taken

T'Challa: -Dakota

Tiara: oh

T'Challa: Wait...is she in a relationship?

Tiara: No but the rest of my friends are

T'Challa: So, do you think I have a chance?

Tiara: *mumbles* More than you know

T'Challa: What?

Tiara: I think you probably have a chance

T'Challa: That's not what you said, but okay, thanks

(Tiara has logged off)

(T'Challa has logged off)

(Private chat had ended)


Bucky: What's up?

Tiara: Not much

Furry: *raises a brow*

Tiara: Nothing...for you to know

Dakota: Gossip?!

Tiara: Possibly

Tony: Without us?!

Tiara: Possibly

Airhead: How could you?!

Tiara: It's private info

Hothead: *raises a brow*

Tiara: *whispers to Dakota* T'Challa likes you

Dakota: *laughs*


Tiara: Nope

Dakota: Really?

Tiara: Yup

Dakota: Wow

Tiara: Yup

Furry: I feel like you did just gossip with Dakota

Tiara: *looks at Dakota*

Dakota: *looks at Tiara*

Both: Nope


Tiara: T'Challa and I had a past relationship

Bucky: You. Have. To. Be. Joking.

Tiara: Nope

T'Challa: She's not

Bucky: Every. Single. Person.

Tiara: Not everyone! I was never with Thor!

Thor: Well, there was that-

Tiara: We don't speak of that

Bucky: *eye twitches*

Johnny: She really was the player

Tiara: I was never with Fandral!

Fandral: Though you did kiss me when you were drunk

Tiara: I did?

Fandral: Twice

Tiara: Oh, good to know

Reed: She never dated me!

Tiara: True!!!

Bucky: One guy?

Tiara: I never dated Ben

Ben: True, true

Bucky: Two out of, how many?

Tony: Fourteen

Clint: She hasn't date me or Bruce

Bruce: Well, I'm afraid to admit I make three...

Tiara: *laughs* Oh yeah

Bucky: you WHAT?!

Tiara: yeeeeeah, I kinda dated Bruce for like a day or two

Bucky: You have got to be joking

Bruce, Tiara: Nope

Bucky: *inhales sharply*

Steve: Deep breathes, Buck

Bucky: *deep breath*

Tiara: I'm with you now though

Bucky: I know but you've dated eleven out of the fourteen guys here

Tiara: Yup!

Bucky: Oi

Ember: She hasn't even gone into her complete history of her relationships

Tiara: I could write a book! "The Complete History of Tiara Barnes' Relationships"

Bucky: I want the whole story, from the beginning

Tiara: You sure? That could take a while

Bucky: Yes

Tiara: Alright! It all start on June 23rd, 1930, where I met a young Steve Rogers. He was only twelve and I was fourteen. We became best friends right away, sharing interests in many things...


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