
14 0 0

June 28th, 2016

(Avengers have logged on)

(Bucky is with Steven and children)

(Fantastic Four have logged on)

(Fandral has logged on)

Tony: *typing* JARVIS is trying to hack the scrambler

Steve: So we won't find Loki for a while?

Tony: *typing*JARVIS is doing his best

Ember: In that case, I have an announcement

All: Yeah?

Ember: I'm pregnant!

Steve: I'm going to be a father?!

Ember: Yes!

Raine: Congratulations, Ember!!!

Lynn: I'm so happy for you!!

Coral: When are you due?

Ember: December

Tony: *typing* Congrats, Ember and Steve

Fandral: I wish the both of you congratulations

Ember: Got anything on Loki yet?

Tony: *typing* No

Steve: What do we do?

Tony: *typing* Wait...I'm getting something...

All: *crowds around screen*

Loki (on screen): I got ahold of one of Natascha's spy bots and used my magic to reprogram it. This is a recording. *looks behind him* Trust me, I'm fine.Stop looking for me. Natascha plans to show me off to you guys in a week. I love you, Tony

Tony: *frozen* He...he...

Thor: My brother is okay

Ember: What do we do if we don't look for him?

Tony: *typing* I'm not going to stop looking for him. I'll have JARVIS run programs in the background *turns away from computer* You said you were pregnant?

Ember: Yes I am!

Tony: December, you said?

Ember: Yeah, I'm three months in

Steve: *faints*

Ember: Took longer than I expected

Raine: Is he okay?

Ember: Yeah, he just fainted

Coral: *rolls eyes* Boys

Ember: *high fives Coral*

Coral: *high fives Ember*

Bruce: There are boys standing next to you

Thor: Yes, do you not see me?

Coral: You are sissies

Thor: That's harsh

Ember: Its true, though

Steve: *stands*

Coral: You made a baby

Steve: *faints*

Ember: That was kind of rude

Coral: Eh

Raine: He can't handle that he is a father?

Ember: It's the process he can't handle

Tony: *typing* Makes sense. My mother never wanted to admit that her and my father were...what's the word..."fonduing"

Lynn: *raises a brow* Fonduing?

Tony: My parents are old, okay?

Ember: You sound like Steve

Tony: Whateves

Steve: *wakes up*

Natasha: What's the plan now, Stark?

Tony: Live our lives normally until Natascha comes or JARVIS can track down Loki

Steve: How can we live normal? Someone has died!

Ember: Tiara would want us to continue normally

Raine: She also wouldn't want us to mourn

Ember: Little late for that

Steve: *puts hand on shoulder*

Ember: *wipes away tear*

Tony: Let's start living normal by baby proofing the tower

(Avengers have logged off)

(Fantastic Four have logged off)

(Fandral has logged off)

(Chatroom has ended)

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