The different shapes and forms of Love

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Ricky's POV
Girl, you're so one in a million, you are
Baby you're the best I ever had (best I ever had)
And I'm certain that, there ain't nothing better,
no there ain't nothing better than this

"One in a million" Ne-Yo

That day, Ricky got to meet Kevin, who was probably the kindest boy he had ever met. He also met with Chansung, the kingka. However, that impression wasn't as terrified as Ricky had imagined it. Chansung seemed like a cool guy that you definetely could develope a friendship with. That Baekhyun guy had already left when they had arrived back at the dorm. But Ricky was too busy getting familiar with Kevin, Chansung and Kai to even care. 

"So, Ricky. Where did you live before coming here?" Kai asked, and leaned his head against Kevin's arm, as he looked at Ricky with sincerely curious eyes.

"Seoul" Chansung answered before Ricky got the chance to open his mouth. "Can't you tell from his accent?".
Kai nodded and rolled his eyes when Chansung looked away. "Why did you come here?".

"Uhm... my parents kind of chose it" Ricky replied half heartedly and felt a little uneasy to answer questions about his past. "They want me to become a doctor or something high ranked, and this was the only school that had good enough classes".

"Hm... so you're becoming one? Or thinking..." Kai said and made everyone look at Ricky, who thought he got smaller and smaller for every second.

"Or are you simply obeying your folks wish?" Chansung frowned and threw an occusing eye at Ricky. "If that's the case, don't even talk to me, because I won't be interested".

Ricky gulped, now did he realise why Kai had put on a dirty story about the kingkas, because a tiny bit of it was true. They weren't the prince charmings your eyes saw. Not even close.

"Actually, it is my parents dream" Ricky answered and swallowed when Chansung suddenly grinned and rose up from the armchair, ready to leave the livingroom. "My dream is however to become an actor. And that's what I intend to chase after".
A smile formed Kevin's and Kai's lips. "And no effense, but... I don't give a rats ass if you are my friend or not. I'm not going to suck up to anyone to make new friends".

Chansung stopped and looked behind his shoulder, glaring Ricky with pinch black eyes. "We'll definetely see about that".

And after saying that, did he grin and turned into his room, leaving Ricky quite speechless and Kai breathless. "YAH! The hell did you say that for?! He's definetely going to hate you now! Aish, you pabo, pabo, PABO BOY!".

"I'm going to have to agree with Jongin, not your best move, Ricky boy" Kevin filled in, with a pitiful expression over his face. "Have you got your schedule yet?".
With a racing heart, did Ricky nod his head. "Y-yeah, I did" He replied and handed over a paper he had stuck down in his pocket before entering the school. 

Kevin took it from Ricky's hand and looked over it with a smile. "We have math together".
"And music" Kai filled in, and tried to smile, though he failed huge. "And I think you're having drama class together with Baekhyun-sshi".

"Bacon boy" Kevin giggled. "Your schedule looks just like Baekhyun's, and that's a really good thing. He's probably the nicest guy around here".

"Oh, jinja?" Ricky mumbled and bit his lip. "What are you majoring in by the way?".

"Music" Kevin answered and pointed at Kai. "And this crazy kid is dancing. I know, I didn't believe it either when he first told me... but he's amazing".

"Aish" Kai muttered and rose a fist up in the air, looking annoyingly at Kevin. "What's there not to believe? You punk..."

Kevin began giggle, and pinched Kai's chin, and then looked over at Ricky. "Why don't you unpack, and then we three can go grab a snack? I'm meeting Suzy, but I'm sure she won't mind".

"Sure. It's about time Ricky-sshi meet our friends as well" Kai said agreeing and nodded his head at Ricky. "Suzy is my ex, but I broke up with her, since... I found out this little fella here got a crush on me, and so-"

"That's not true, Kim Jongin, and don't talk about Suzy like that. She's not an object" Kevin sighed and rose from the couch. "Anyway, Ricky, you wanna go?".

"O-okay" Ricky said with an uneasy smile, and got the impression that Kevin liked this Suzy-girl, she must be something really special for a guy like him to find interest in.

Without unpacking, the three left the dorm and Ricky followed Kevin and Kai down the street and off to a café which was pretty empty. Kevin suddenly shone up and waved his hand at some girl sitting in a booth. The second he did, did the girl fly up from the booth and ran off to them, and jumped up in Kevin's arms and hugged him tight.

"Oppa~" She said, thrilled to see him, obviously without thinking of the scene she caused. "I missed you so much! Did your test go well?".

"I'm happy to see you too, Suzy-aah" Kevin giggled and blushed at her sudden welcoming. "Ofcourse it did, because I met you before, I got the energy and did my best".

"Ofcourse you did. Oppa, I'm proud of you!" The girl squealed, and smiled huge. "OMO! Who's that cute boy?!".

"Jagiya, it's me, Kai oppa" Kai said, with a slug smile over his lips, but only got a dark eye.

"Not you, dumbass" Kevin giggled and looked over his shoulder to give Ricky a smile. "This is our new roomie, his name's Ricky. Be nice, he's new around here".

"Woah, and I thought Kevin was the cutest around here" The girl exclaimed and waved her hand. "Suzy imnida, I'm Kevin's ex girlfriend".

A little shocked, and surprised, Ricky gave Suzy and Kevin looks. "Ex?".
"Neh. We only fought when we were a couple, but when we're not, we are just as lovey-dovey as if we were one. Cute, isn't it?" Suzy explained and gave Kevin a loving smile. 

"It's wierd and wrong. He's single, and are suppose to meet with GORGEOUS girls, not goofy- super pretty ones like you" Kai said, but changed his sentance, when recieving a deadly glare from Kevin. "Let's just order...".

Ricky laughed at Kai for being irratated, and what Suzy had said, didn't make any sense. It was probably the wierdest thing Ricky had ever heard, but Kevin seemed happy with it and so did the girl, so why not? Love isn't always easy, and comes in different ways and shapes.

Kai sat down in the booth, and made room for Ricky to sit next to him. "As you can see, Kevin here turns into a completely different person when being with Soo-ji, but he's still the best friend".
"Yeah, I see that" Ricky replied, and stared at the two sitting in front of him. 

It was too much, he thought. She smiling and feeding him some of her chocolate cake, and he making noises over how good it tasted. She clapping her hands and he taking the spoon to feed her. 

"Yah!" Ricky and Kai shouted at the same time. "We're sitting right here, you perverts" Kai filled in and pointed an accusingly finger at them. 

"Wae?" Suzy whined and pouted. "You weren't suppose to come here anyway... but Kevin is being the best friend and allow you to be here, so if you are going to sit there, THEN SHUT UP AND DEAL WITH IT, OR GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!".
Both Ricky and Kai looked away, and Ricky couldn't believe that Suzy had just scolded him like that, and for how had they even been together, ten minutes? 

Silent, Ricky and Kai ordered coffee and only spoke when there was something Kevin or Suzy asked. Ricky was too ashamed to do otherwise. As for Kai, he was too disgusted and regretful for coming to speak up. 
When suddenly something turned the atmosphere, and the four turned their eyes at the door. What almost made Ricky's eyes pop out from his skull, was the girls who entered and walked up to an empty table. The one in the middle seemed to be the leader of the trio, Ricky thought and felt his heart skip a beat by the girls' apperance. The leader had the most impact, since she looked so fierce and... sexy. 

"Hyuna" The pink haired one whined, and pouted. "Let's just go, I'm sure that Jonghyun brat just made another prank".

"No" The leader, or Hyuna, replied coldly. "I'm meeting L.Joe here and I'm not leaving until he's here".

"And you had to take us with you?" The third one frowned and sat down on a chair, giving dirty looks at Hyuna. "You're really something, aren't you?".

"I heard he's not even interested in you, so why bother?" The pink haired one asked, obvisouly innocently, but didn't think twice about her choice of words.

"Shut up!" Hyuna shouted and threw a fist on the table. "Fine, leave. But don't come crawling when I'm the one walking by L.Joe's side!".

The girls sighed, but didn't move. They were obviously threatened by Hyuna, and that only made her more and more attractive, Ricky thought as he reluctantly turned his head to the other three, who stared at him. 

"Who are they?" He asked, innocently and heard Kevin mutter their names, Hyuna, Jia and Nicole. 

"Oh" Ricky muttered, and wanted to ask more about the girls, or Hyuna, but he decided not to, since it wasn't much of a distance between them, and who knows what they might over hear if Kai was to answer those questions?

"Oppa!" Hyuna suddenly exclaimed and jumped up from her chair.

There, walking inside the caf'e, wearing a casual white shirt with the sleeves pulled up and a pair of black skinny jeans. His hair shone in a golden blonde colour. It looked so.... smooth. 

The owner of that shiny hair was probably the most handsome guy Ricky had ever layes eyes on. Perfectly shaped face, beautiful black eyes, and... soft, slightly pink lips. OMO! What are you thinking, Ricky?!  Snap out of it!

Hyuna smiled bright towards the guy, who just seemed annoyed and irratated, rather than happy. 
"What?" He sighed, and folded his skinny arms over his chest, looking even more annoyed.

"Oppa, did you sleep well?" Hyuna asked him, and reached out her hand after his, but he just looked nothing less than uninterested.

"I'm kind of busy, and if you wanted to know how I slept, you could've asked Jonghyun. This... irratates me" He snapped and was just about to turn around, when Hyuna flew up to him and tugged him in for a backhug.

"Oppa~" She whined, and leaned her head on his back. "Why are you like this? Can't you see that I want you back?".

The guy just sighed and turned around, wearing an amusing expression over his face. "I thought I made myself clear last time. But being a drama queen does obviously mean that you have to cause a scene wherever you are. 
 Like I said; we're done. Or should I put it this way? WE" The guy said, and pointed at her and him, "never excisted, and WE, never will either. 
So stop trying to get anything, because I'm not interested!".

Ricky felt his mouth form an O and sensed that he wasn't the only one. He watched the boy with somewhat awe in his eyes, as he left the pretty Hyuna dumbfounded. 

"That, Ricky-sshi" Kai said with a low voice. "Was L.Joe, our kingka leader".

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