Baby, don't cry...

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When Ricky finally reached the boarding school, the familiar cute face of Kevin's stood indeed by the gates, with a thick winter jacket covering up his slim body. He had a cute knitted hat over his head and an oversized scarf around his neck. His hands had he put inside his pockets. Ricky smiled and hurried over to the boy and greeted him.

”Did you wait long?” Ricky asked with a concerned voice, and placed his hand on Kevin's back. But the boy just chuckled and shook his head.
“Don't worry about me” He said with a friendly voice and nodded at the school. “As you can see... I prepared myself for a storm, so I didn't freeze for even a second”.

Ricky chuckled but felt a little bad for not being there earlier. He should have told Kevin not to go out and meet him, since it was so cold outside. But then again, that wouldn't matter, since Kevin had gone out anyway.

“Kevin” Ricky said suddenly, as the two started walking inside the gates and off to the dormitories.
The taller boy glanced down with a small smile on his lips. “Yes?”.
“Did you and Suzy ever... fight?” He asked in a soft voice and looked down at his shoes, feeling slightly embarrassed to even ask such a question since it wasn't any of his business.
Kevin raised an eyebrow in surprise, but chuckled cutely and patted Ricky on his head.
“Ofcourse we did. And we still do, sometimes. It's a part of a healthy relationship, I think” Kevin answered with a wide smile. “Wae? Did something happen between you and Byunghun?”.
Ricky briskly shook his head. “Ani-imnida. I just... wondered”.
“Well... in the beginning, Suzy and I did almost nothing but fight. And the things we fought about were so silly. It could be because I talked in a too friendly way with other girls, or she always being friendly and hugging other boys. In other words, there were a lot and LOT of jealousy going on. It even went so far that we broke up. And as we did, we realized that because we weren't together, the fights kind of ended. And so we decided to be together, but not as a boyfriend or girlfriend” Kevin explained and laughed. “Aigoo... that is messed up. But what to do? I love her”.

Ricky nodded, and like Kevin, he found the explanation odd. But instead of asking further questions about Kevin and Suzy, Ricky shut his mouth. He wasn't that close to the boy to ask such questions yet. But that didn't seem to bother him, as he continued talking about days he had spent with Suzy.
Ricky smiled where he walked, the way he painted up a picture of his and Suzy's dates and the feelings he had felt before, touched Ricky's heart.

“Well. You go in first, I'm going to Suzy's. I'll see you tomorrow, Ricky” Kevin said, and waved his hand. Before Ricky got to say goodbye, had the taller boy turned around and took the same way back out of the school.
He pouted a little where he stood and felt like he had been left alone for some girl. But then it hit him that the only thing he needed to do, was walking up the four steps, pull the doorknob down and walk to the middle of the whole building.

He giggled nervously and straightened his back. “Aish Ricky... you pabo”.

When he got inside the dorm, he was meekly greeted by a tired Baekhyun who layed on white sofa with a book in his hands. The way he leaned his back against the armrest, looked so... model-like. And it was weird seeing Byun Baekhyun with a book and actually reading it. He had always given Ricky the feeling of not being one of those kids that spent their time reading books, but instead by the TV watching movies.

“What are you reading?” Ricky asked and pulled down the zipper of his jacket and hanged it neatly on a hanger.
Baekhyun finished reading the page and turned the book upside down and placed it on the glass table. “Uhm... nothing special. Just... something Kevin lend me”, He answered with a husky voice and chuckled. “Tehe, listen to my voice! It's all husky because I read so much!”.
Ricky giggled and put on a white pair of slippers and walked up to the sleepy Baekhyun. The boy made some place for Ricky and the two looked at each other for a short while, until they at the same time cracked up in laughter.

“YAH! Why are you laughing, you smurf?” Baekhyun grinned and bend double as another attack of laughter left his mouth.
Ricky bit together his own laugh and shook his shoulders. He honestly had no idea why he so suddenly had started laughing.
“Molla” He answered. Just then, Kai walked out of his room with his hair tousled and his tanned body covered in only a pair of neon blue pajama pants.
“You are too loud” He muttered annoyingly, but smiled a little at the sight. “What are you doing?”.
Baekhyun pinched his own cheeks and shook his head and made a wailing sound at the same time.
“This smurf just walked in and we both started laughing. At the same time” He explained and turned his attention back to Ricky and put one hand on his thigh, giving him a sincere smile. “Gomawo. It was a while since I had so much fun”.

Ricky felt a warm feeling spread itself inside him when receiving that smile and those cute words. He had a feeling that Baekhyun wasn't one to express his feelings so openly, and not with just anyone either.
Kai removed Baekhyun's hand and sat down between them, making the two boys sigh in annoyance over the huge boy that had split them apart.

“You guys are weird...” Kai chuckled and patted their heads. “But as your roommate, I will love you anyway”.
Baekhyun scoffed and smacked Kai's arm, making him whine. Ricky chuckled and watched as the two started to quarrel and argue on who was the “weirdest among them”, but received a text message from L.Joe that made his heart drop. He froze where he sat. The grip around the black cellphone tightened and he gulped. What... was that suppose to mean, he wondered. Those words made no sense. Was it a prank? Because he had left L.Joe with his friend, Ricky wondered and went back a few hours ago. No, L.Joe had been a little surprised, but he had seemed happy to be spending some alone-time with CAP.
It must be a prank, Ricky thought and tried to convince himself that that was the case.

           Baekhyun noticed the sudden change of atmosphere surrounding Ricky and raised an eyebrow. He put his hand over Kai's non-stop talking mouth and added a little pressure on it, making the boy shut up. Baekhyun leaned forward a little to get better view at the pale Ricky.

“Ricky. Gwenchana?” He asked, his voice filled with concern for the boy. When there was no reply, Baekhyun let go of Kai's mouth and walked over to the silent boy. “Yah. Changhyun-ah. You're–” when seeing that Ricky had glued his eyes onto the cellphone. The eyebrow that had been just slightly raised had now been accompanied by the other one and he circled his hands around the black rectangular phone. He took it from Ricky, with some force as the grip that he held around it was quite tight.
When the phone was in Baekhyun's hands, he looked down at it and widened his eyes in shock. It was a text message, or no text message was not the word for it. Texts usually are short messages with merely any words in them. This one however, looked more like a freaking novel with useless words. But to sum it all together, it was an apology, a goodbye and a take care. Was this guy serious?! He couldn't... right? He loved Ricky. Even though Baekhyun hated to say such words about L.Joe, they were true. He did love Ricky.
Suddenly, Kai had noticed the change in Ricky too and asked what was wrong. Baekhyun stared at Ricky and saw how the boy in front of him struggled to hold in his emotions. To see pain in his otherwise happy and full of life eyes and those slightly pink lips that were drawn into a straight line.
Inside, Baekhyun cried. He hated seeing his friend like this.

“R–Ricky...” He whispered and reached out his hand to the black-haired boy, but got rejected. He was pushed away from Ricky and could only watch as he hurried over to the hall and put on his jacket and his sneakers, tore the door open and left without closing it.
The second that Ricky had left, did tears form inside Baekhyun's eyes. Kai scratched the back of his head, and patted him on his shoulder, even though he no idea what was going on. Baekhyun gritted his teeth together and turned his head towards Kai.
“I'm going to kill L.Joe”.

            Ricky ran down the hallway, tears blurring his sight and threatening to pour down and wet his cheeks. He couldn't lose L.Joe, his love. His hero. He just couldn't. He needed an explanation for this nonsense, and he needed it now.

As he ran up the stairs to the second floor, he gulped. What if... he really had lost his L.Joe? The lonely door appeared in front of him, and he came to an abrupt stop. He took a deep breath, and slammed his hand repeatedly over the door.
When ten minutes passed, and there was no response from inside, Ricky felt a lonely tear leave his one eye. He grabbed the doorknob, and pulled it down. And to his fear, it was true. The otherwise apartment-looking room had been cleared out. All the white furniture’s, the enormous TV on the wall. Everything.
He fell down on his knees on the dark wooded floor and covered his face with his palms. Tears ran down his cheeks and he sobbed loudly.

           L.Joe gritted his teeth together where he sat in the back of his father's assistant's car. The man had grabbed his arm, snatched him to the car, and pushed him inside it. And sitting on one side, was one large bodyguard looking man who grabbed his wrists and tied them together. He was being kidnapped. By his father's assistant! Where had the logic gone, he wondered and cussed.

“You just wait till my father gets his hands on you. You can kiss your sorry ass goodbye as his assistant” He sneered and saw how the man turned around, his eyes knitted together and glared at L.Joe with sharp eyes. Even though the man was in his thirties and wore small rectangular glasses over his nose, he looked really scary. This was the first time that L.Joe had been furious with him. It was also the first time that he made it clear that he didn't fear him. Otherwise, he had kept his mouth shut.
“Don't look at me with that ugly face of yours” He hissed and was about to lean over and plant a punch on the man's face, but was stopped when the bodyguard-looking man put an arm out and held him steady.
“Byunghun. I'd appreciate if you didn't talk like that to me. It would make things so much easier that way” The assistant said, with a somewhat pleading voice.
L.Joe scoffed, and rolled his eyes in disbelief. “Easy my ass! You ғυϲƙing kidnapped me, you crazy son of a bitch!”.

Without any warning, did the body-guard looking man put a hand in front of L.Joe's face. He struggled to get away from the man's hand, but suddenly stopped as the world before him, turned black. 

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