'Cause without you, I'm lonely

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Ricky's POV

Eunhee had chosen the movie that they were going to see, and to be completely honest, Ricky was excited and looked forward to it. But, the excitement had taken it's turn, when the movie was canceled due to a kid that had thrown up in the salon, and left quite a mess for the workers to take care of.

“Aish! I really wanted to see that movie...” Eunhee sighed, with an undertone of both annoyance and disappointment.

Ricky nodded, he was a sucker for movies and would have loved to see the one that his friend had recommended. But, he had gotten over it and instead smiled happily as he tapped the girl on her back. 

“Don't be sad” Ricky said, and saw how she looked up at him with a soft pout formed over her puffy lips. “We can see a movie some other time, nde?”.

She hesitated first, but nodded. She knew that Ricky was right, but couldn't help feeling what she felt.

Since it was Saturday, not many people were inside the school, but had left to meet with their families and friends outside the school. Ricky would love to meet with his grandmother, and check up on how she was and what she had been doing. It had been two months since he first came to the boarding school, and those two months sure had been busy ones and eventful. He had gone from being a nobody, to a somebody. He had got his first boyfriend and been on several dates with him.

The thought about L.Joe brought a smile upon his lips, and an idea popped up inside his head that only took seconds for him to proceed. Ricky quickly took out his phone from his pocket and wrote down a short message and didn't hesitate to press the send button. Eunhee glanced down at the phone and sighed.

“Aigoo... you're with him 24/7! I thought you would spend the whole day with me!” She exclaimed and made a face.

Even though she did have a point; Ricky did miss his boyfriend. He hated being away from him more than necessary. And lately, he hadn't been at all much with him. He had been busy studying for tests and doing homework that the teachers gave them. Lot of people had given up because it simply was too much; Ricky was not one of those people. He gave his everything in the studies and tried to make L.Joe do the same, since he had big plans for his future.

“Mianhae Hee-ah. I just... feel incomplete when he's not around” Ricky confessed and felt how a blush appeared over his cheeks. Being with L.Joe did that too him, made butterflies go wild inside his stomach and his cheeks to burn every now and then. Maybe... what he felt was love?

Eunhee rolled her eyes and quickened her pace. “Yeah well... text me when you feel like doing something with Me. See you later”.

She hurried inside the school before Ricky got the chance to say something back. He made a face, but decided not to worry about it. She had a lot of friends and people that she knew, she would do just fine without Ricky for a couple of hours. Or a day or two. 

Ricky smiled widely when he walked inside the gates and made his way to the boys' dorms, when a girl grabbed him and pulled him up against a tree. Confused, did Ricky stare into the girl's dark, almost furious eyes. At first, he had no idea who it was, but later realized that it was his hater. Hyuna. 

“You little piece of shit... going somewhere?” She hissed between her teeth, and took Ricky by the collar.

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