I... did not see THAT ONE coming...

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An hour passed with Ricky inside the bathroom. He couldn't quite get a hold of why he stayed inside of the bathroom. It was as if something held him there, making him unable to leave. Even though he had regained his strength somewhat, he just laid on the rounded mat on the white marble floor, staring with empty eyes on the roof.

“Ricky. It's me, Hee-ah”, Eunhee's voice suddenly sang outside the door after knocking on the door. “Hm... you have been in there for a while now, aren't you hungry? Ahjumma made some soup before she left”.

He wasn't easily one to fall for sweet voices, but this time, it was what triggered him to rise from the floor. His hands tightly grabbed the toilet and he heaved himself up. With shaky steps, did he walk up to the door and unlocked it.
The second before, did he prepare himself for the surprised look spread over her pretty face. He knew she would ask him about the face, why it looked blue and... bruised. But he was in for a huge surprise, as relief shone from her face instead.

“Finally! I was scared I'd had to kick the door open. Come on, let's eat before Kai finds it!”, she said with her usual, friendly tone and took Ricky by his hand, and led him over to the kitchen. Sitting on the counter, with one leg hanging down it and the other one safely on top of it, was Kai. In his hands, was a bowl of probably the soup Eunhee had mentioned earlier.
That thought of his was immediately answered, as Eunhee let out a high-pitched, a very loud and falsetto “YAH”, making not only Ricky, but also Kai to cringe.

“Oh, hi Ricky. What's up?”, Kai said, and lifted one hand to cutely wave it at him. “And don't “yah” me again... I just... needed to see if ahjumma's cooking is as good as it was on Christmas. That's all”.
Ricky smiled at the boy and pulled out a chair to sit on in the kitchen. It was funny how weird it felt for him to be in that room, since his grandmother always carried out a tray with food to the living room so that they could eat out there.

“Aren't you guys curious about how I ended up like this?”, Ricky then asked with a surprisingly sultry voice. The memories of the day before crawled inside his head and revealed themselves like a movie that was only seen by Ricky. It then hit him that the problem of his hadn't been solved; it was still there, and if he didn't get the money to his mother, she would come to him.
He didn't want his friends to know about his tough life, the less did he want them to know what a lousy woman he had in his life that was suppose to be his mother, but acted more like an irresponsible child.

Kai cleared his throat and hopped down from the counter and sat down on the table in front of Ricky. That guy really held a grudge against chairs, Ricky thought.
“Ahjumma told us. And honestly... you don't look that bad. That other time was worse”, Kai explained and patted him on the head. “Don't worry too much. Hee-ah and I are here now. And we're not going anywhere unless you want us to. Got it?”.
Once again, did that boy leave Ricky stunned. He knew that Kai was a friend he could trust and rely on, but he had never showed this soft and almost vulnerable side of his before. The words he had said warmed his heart and he wanted to hug the guy so bad. But he ended up giving him a soft smile. Maybe... a hug was a little too much, even for Kai.

“Arraseo”, Ricky then said in reply and earned a wide smile from the boy. “So... was the soup good?”.
“It was DE-LI-CIOUS”, Kai said and rolled every syllable on his tongue to really show his appreciation of the soup, but also signaling out how good it was. “Seriously. I know old ladies can cook and all... but that ahjumma has some sort of magical ingredient in her food. It's daebak”.
Eunhee chuckled and placed a brown bowl on the table, with a matching spoon inside it.
“Eat. Kai will keep you company while I clean up. When you're done, you and I will do some homework”.

Ricky wrinkled his nose. Maybe his friends cared a little bit too much about him. Or at least, Eunhee did. Kai seemed to feel the same way as he did about the homework- thing.
And Ourense, the girl didn't waste any time, but blew on the soup so it cooled down and Ricky easily could eat it. When Ricky and Kai had eaten, did Eunhee drag them out to the living room and held a whole class for them, where Ricky actually caught up on some of the things she taught them, which was a very surprising thing, since most of the time, he didn't understand what was going on and there on, didn't understand.

“Wow... you should totally become a teacher, Hee-ah!”, Kai yawned and stretched out his arms in the air. “Boring one out in less than ten minutes... you're doing great!”.
The girl rolled her eyes, but ignored Kai and instead pointed at another problem inside the math book. “Try to solve this first. If you still don't get it, I'll help you”.

Ricky nodded, and read the problem through. As he did, the cogwheels inside his head started to run and he wrote down different solutions to the problem and ended up with an answer he confidently thought was the right one. He was just about to call for Eunhee, when he realized that he was left alone with her. There was no Kai nor evidence that he had ever been there either.

“Hey. Where'd Kai go?”, he asked curiously and cutely pouted at the girl, who sighed.
“His dad was taking him to Seoul. He and Baekhyun are going to immediately start their training in SM”, she said, a small undertone of pain in her voice. “Gosh... I can't believe those two actually went. I thought... I mean, I knew they would, I just...”.
“Denied it”, Ricky said and ended her sentence. He earned a halfheartedly nod from the girl who scooted closer to him and looked over the notebook to see if Ricky had solved the problems, and gave him a smile. “That's correct Ricky. Now do the rest of the problems on that page, okay? I'm just going to read my book”.

Okay, Ricky did understand that problem, but those others were hard. And with math being the subject he hated and despised the most, the others were tricky. After what seemed like an hour later, had he “solved” all the problems. But the answers were wrong, and Ricky knew it.

“Hee-ah”, he muttered as he gave her the notebook. “I give up. I hate math, and math hates me”.
The girl finished the page she was reading and closed the book before grabbing the notebook. She made some changed in the solutions and gave it back to Ricky.
“You were thinking correctly, but the numbers were wrong. Pi is always 3,14. Always. Remember that”, she said with a soft voice and tapped with her pencil on the other side. “Now do the ones I marked and don't be afraid to ask for help. It's better to do that than to remain silent and not understanding one bit”.

Ricky pouted and let out a sigh. “I still hate math though”.

A couple of hours later, did Eunhee take out Ricky for a walk. And she had made sure to cover Ricky up completely with a black hoodie, a scarf and huge, black glasses. Even if people looked at the two with suspicion in their eyes, they wouldn't dare say anything. Because even though Eunhee was an angel and all of that, she knew how to protect her friends. And how to shot the deadliest glare at those who looked like they wanted to approach Ricky and see for themselves who hid underneath the disguise.

“The weather is great”, Ricky said to break the silence. “It's... it's pretty. I love spring”.

Eunhee glanced up at him with sweet, innocent eyes. “Yes, it is. It's very pretty. Everything is coming back to life... it's fascinating, really”.

“Yes. It is”, Ricky replied, however, the feeling of breaking the awkwardness wasn't there yet. In fact, it was even more awkward than what it had been before.

“Your grandma told us you didn't want to tell L.Joe about all this. Why?”, Eunhee suddenly asked and sat down on a bench beside a bus-stop. “He's your boyfriend... shouldn't he know about stuff like these?”.
Ricky sighed. “He would be... very upset. And then I'd have to tell him everything and... I'm not ready for that. I know he'll judge me. And even if he wouldn't show it or feel that way, I don't think I'd be able to face him”.

“Ricky”, Eunhee moaned, dissatisfied with his answer. “He loves you. And I'm not saying that because that's what everyone want's to hear; I'm telling you the truth. I have never seen anyone that cares so much about another person before. Even before, when I... when I liked you, I saw that. Everyone saw that. And... I think he deserves to know about everything, since he tells you everything. Don't you think?”.
“Eunhee... it's not that simple. If he finds out about everything, he will misunderstand and think I'm only with him because of his money”, Ricky whispered, his voice cracking up at the last words, leaving him sighing. “I will tell him. Eventually”.
Eunhee sighed. “Fine. But you have to tell him though. You really, really have to tell him”.

The bus rolled up to the bus-stop and Eunhee and Ricky climbed aboard it. To be honest, Ricky had no idea where they were going. He had hoped she would take him to a park or somewhere pretty, where he could let go of everything and deal with it later. But that was not it.
She dragged him out of the bus outside her own house. Ricky had never been to Eunhee's before, so standing outside the black gates, felt like he was standing outside the gates to heaven. She was rich; otherwise, she wouldn't have gone to the boarding school.

“I'm just going to get some books, then we'll head back to your grandma's. Wait here”, she said.
Ricky felt his face fall at those words. So... he wasn't going to enter heaven today. Well... that sucked, he thought and pouted as the gates opened and closed as Eunhee entered.

Another sigh left his lips and he kicked the small rocks on the street. He just... couldn't believe that he was standing outside her house. Her enormous mansion.. yes, mansion was definitely the right word for Eunhee's home.

As he kicked another stone, he put all of his strength into it so that the stone bounced up and down pretty far down the street. He watched as the stone finally came to a stop and was just about to find another one to kick, when he caught a glimpse of a very... unbelievable thing. Two boys walked towards him, hand in hand, looking happily into each others eyes. As if they were... in love.
The fact that there were two boys wasn't the shocking thing though. No, the thing that shocked Ricky was that he knew the two boys. One of them being L.Joe's best friend, Chunji and the other one being the cutie pie in the hair salon... Changjo. 

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