You made it!

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When a couple of weeks went by and school really started, Ricky had transformed into the dorky unsocial kid again, as he studied and did his homework’s instead of going out and meeting his beloved boyfriend or friends. As for the latter however, it wasn't unusual that he didn't meet with them. Even though they lived in the same dorm, Kai had to practice dancing, Baekhyun took more piano lessons and hung out with Chanyeol whenever the chance arrived. And Kevin was always with Kai, cheering him on and at the same time, question him about school. It was a smart idea, really. That way, he got better in not only dancing, but with the school subjects as well.

Ricky sat on the white sofa, his legs spread into a comfortable sitting position with his Psychology book in his lap. He had a huge test coming up and the new subject wasn't at all one he understood. Despite looking at the pages over and over again, he still couldn't understand. He found no logic in them at all! What made it even worse, was that Baekhyun and L.Joe “liked” the subject and found it “very interesting”.
Good thing was though; L.Joe was on his way to Ricky to help him out. It's kind of funny, Ricky thought. Usually, it'd be him who helped L.Joe out or they both went to almighty Eunhee. But she had gone out with Chunji on the nth “date”. Even though she wouldn't admit that they were going out, Ricky knew that they were.

The door clicked and L.Joe walked inside, wearing a bright smile and the red sweater that Ricky gave him at Christmas. And it was actually the first time Ricky got to see him wear that sweater, since they all wore their navy blue school uniform all the time. And just like he had imagined, did it fit him perfectly. Not just with the way the sweater surrounded the boy's body, but the strong, red color. He never wore colorful clothes, but dyed his hair instead.

“Hi there princess”, he greeted cutely and slipped his feet inside a pair of white slippers. “I'm sorry you had to wait so long...”, with that, L.Joe walked up to Ricky and planted a soft kiss on the boy's lips.
Ricky smiled against the lips and gave the boy a loving eye. “It's alright. I re-read the pages Mr. Jung gave us. Not that it helped though...”.
A sigh slipped it's way out of Ricky's lips and he pouted. He wished it were... Korean or math, those subjects were so much easier. Plus, he wouldn't have to worry about his “tutor” taking advantage of him.
The blonde snickered and sat down on the couch on the left side of Ricky. He grabbed the book and looked over the pages.

“What do you need help with?”, he asked and shut the book. “The theory of B.F Skinner? The behaviorism?”.
Ricky puffed his cheeks. “EVERYTHING!... what's behaviorism?”.
“It's a theory that B.F Skinner made in the mid 19 century. He believed that in order to understand a human being, you need to look at it's environmental histories and stuff. It makes sense though, don't you think? Let's say there was a murderer and the police wants to uhm... know why he killed all those innocent people. And he then confesses saying he grew up in a family that used a lot violence and that he only killed men that looked like his father. Or something. It's really interesting, don't you think?”.

Ricky blinked. Even though he did understand it better when L.Joe explained it to him, the example he had said was a little... well, it was impressive that L.Joe knew things like that, but it was a little scary as well.

“Why don't you read and ask whenever there is something you don't get, hm?”, L.Joe suggested and returned Ricky's book to him.
He took it, let out a sigh and flipped the page open. As he read the first page, he suddenly felt a cold hand slip inside his t-shirt and slowly brush against his back. He gasped at the cold touch and arched his back to get far away from it.

“Yah! That's cold!”, Ricky exclaimed when L.Joe just snickered and placed his whole hand on Ricky's back.
“That's for being stupid and ignoring me like that. Now, give me a kiss”, L.Joe demanded and pointed at his lips. Ricky rolled his eyes but obediently turned his body at his boyfriend and leaned in to give him a kiss. As he did, a playful glimpse filled L.Joe's eyes, and he snaked his arms around Ricky's waist, and pulled him down on top of him as he laid down on the couch.

“Hmph”, Ricky moaned as he collided on the flat body. His lips were pressed against L.Joe's in a very hard way that surprised both of them. But the mischievous boy smirked against Ricky's lips and tightened the grip around him and slipped his tongue inside his mouth.
Knowing L.Joe, Ricky didn't put up much of a fight, but stroke his own tongue over L.Joe's. His hands found their way on top of the older boy's chest. L.Joe grunted and pulled his one hand lower down Ricky's back to the edge of his jeans and on top of his butt.

“Y-yah, not here”, Ricky hissed and broke the kiss. Whenever L.Joe grabbed his butt like that, meant he wanted to do... something more. And he did not want anything more to happen. Make outs and kisses were enough for him.
L.Joe sighed in disappointment but nodded. “Fine, not now. But definitely later. It's been too long since last time, babe”.
Ricky let out sigh. It wasn't that he didn't want to do those things with L.Joe, he did. But their positions were always the same. And when they well got together intimately, Ricky weren't able to walk properly for the next two days.

“I think I understand it now. Should we go out? We could... see a movie and have dinner after wards”, Ricky suggested and closed the book.
L.Joe made a face. “How many times have we done that now? Come on, let's just... do IT”.
“But we can't do that all day, idiot”, Ricky muttered and swallowed when L.Joe smirked at him and licked his lower lip in a very inviting way. “U-uhm, I-”, before he could make something up, did his phone vibrate, signaling that he got a text message, from Baekhyun.


Ricky blinked a few times and re-read the message. When... had Baekhyun gone to Seoul? And...

“What did it say?”, L.Joe whispered un-interestingly and crawled up on Ricky to nibble his ear.
Ricky shivered. “Baek passed SM's audition. And he want's to celebrate. So, get up and get dressed”.
L.Joe whined. He was now certain of one thing; Baekhyun was going to die by his hands before he got to debut. Definitely.
“You just wait, Ricky”, L.Joe muttered and got up from the couch and obediently walked away to put on his shoes.

Just as Baekhyun had informed them, did the couple walk in the rather sunny day. Instead of the warm Canada Goose jackets that L.Joe had bought them; himself a navy blue one and a beige colored one for Ricky, they had both put on their spring jackets. L.Joe a black leather jacket and Ricky a gray coat with big black buttons on it.
As they walked, they had hooked their arms together and happily talked with each other. Even if they looked quite different from each other with L.Joe looking like a bad boy with his dark clothing and Rayban sunglasses and Ricky like a little prince charming in his light colored clothes and mushroom looking hair. Despite their differences, everyone that passed them by gave them warming smiles. Ricky noticed quite a few ahjummas that made cute sounds and giggled with their friends at the very sight of them. That brought warmth inside of him and he squeezed L.Joe's arm.

“We're just going to celebrate the guy and then head home, right?”, L.Joe asked when they stood outside the restaurant. Ricky sighed and let go of his boyfriend's arm to give him a deadly stare, that made the blonde roll his eyes and utter a low “'Kay, fine”.
Ricky made a “tsk” sound and waited for L.Joe to open the door. When he did, did a smirk display on the boy's lips and he pushed Ricky to the side and entered the restaurant first. Yup, Ricky thought and inhaled a huge amount of the cold air, my boyfriend definitely is a child. At the age of 2. If not younger.
Having that tiny irritated feeling inside of him, Ricky entered the restaurant and was greeted by not one, but three handsome males that Ricky had never seen before. Two of them having golden brown hair, but in different styles and one of them having natural brown hair. One of them, being rather tall in Ricky's opinion, had half of his hair dyed black. And by the look of his unique and handsome features, he must be older than all of them. And then there was the cutest, and Ricky knew quite a lot of people who were cute, boy he had ever laid eyes on. He just... looked so adorable! And sweet, and innocent. And he could tell that the boy was popular, it was just written all over him. And left was the brown haired boy, who looked quite serious at first. But when he smiled and the dimples appeared, Ricky just died inside. That smile was the prettiest, and most sincere one that he had ever seen.

“Ah, this is my stepbrother-but-not-really, Yoo Ricky”, Chanyeol introduced. “Ricky, meet Sehun, Luhan and Lay. They're my closest friends”.
The boys bowed politely but seemed a little awkward. And who wouldn't be if someone smiled widely and stood staring at you without even blink?
“Oh right!”, Ricky then gasped as he woke from his daze. The boys chuckled and a Ricky's cheeks took on the red color of a tomato. “It's really nice to meet you, I'm Ricky!”.
“And I'm his boyfriend. Call me L.Joe”, L.Joe quickly said and snaked an arm around Ricky's waist.
At the exact same time, did the Sehun guy claim the angel-looking Luhan by leaning his arm around Luhan's neck. He grinned mockingly before planting a hard kiss on the perfect, milky white skin on Luhan's neck.
“And Luhan is my boyfriend”, Sehun said with a voice that made an uncomfortable chill to run down Ricky's spine. He didn't like how he treated the baby-faced angel.
Luhan let out a nervous chuckle and pushed Sehun away with the end of his elbow and smiled warmly at Ricky and L.Joe when he was completely free from the guy's grip.
“It was really nice to meet you. You guys sure make a lovely couple. L.Joe-ssi must feel so lucky to have such a cute boyfriend”.
“Yah, Sehun. It's not a freaking competition”, Lay sneered with a voice sharper than a knife. “And Luhan is your ex-boyfriend, so stop acting like it's anything more”.
Chanyeol cleared his throat. “Guys, I will kick your asses out of here if you don't zip your mouths. This is my Baekhyun's special day and we're here to celebrate him”.

Ricky felt a smile form his lips at Chanyeol's words. He really cared for Baekhyun. In a way that was... more, than just a friendly one? Hopefully.
L.Joe dragged Ricky with him to a smiley Baekhyun who sat beside Kai and a proud Chanyeol. And there was something in the brunettes eyes that changed when Chanyeol had arrived. It was as if he was fully completed.

“I'm so envious, Baek”, Kai said with a cute pout. “But you deserve it. Really”.
“Thank you, Kai. I can assure you that you too will pass the audition. Just... have faith”, Baekhyun replied and hooked his arm with Chanyeol's. “The really sad thing is the moving to Seoul...”.
Ricky felt his heart skip a beat. It shouldn't have come as a surprise that Baekhyun would have to move, but it somehow did shock him anyway.
“Psh, there's skype!”, L.Joe said and gave the boy a smile that seemed genuine.
“And there's us”, Lay said with a warm voice and patted Baekhyun on his shoulder. “Sehun goes to school there, and we're all trainees in SM”.
Kai sighed enviously at the four guys who all were a part of the greatest company in the world.
“I guess”, Baekhyun sighed and looked into Chanyeol's eyes. “But I'm going to miss you though. Like... a lot”.

The mood were a bit sad from that moment, and there weren't much conversing with the boys. Until Eunhee and Chunji showed up together with Chansung. What surprised Ricky the most, was how Kai ignored the two and payed his attention to Luhan. Something had happened between them again, he thought and sighed.
“Hold on, hold on”, L.Joe suddenly said and held up his index finger in the air. “How old did you say you were?”.
Ricky turned his attention to L.Joe and saw that he rudely was pointing at Luhan, who let out an angelic laugh.
“I'm 23 years old, L.Joe-ssi”. Ricky blinked and felt a smile form his lips. The guy was trying to crack a joke, he thought. It was a cute try, but it failed.
“Yeah right”, Kai laughed and shot L.Joe an eye that he instantly responded to. “Come on, you can't be our sunbae. That's just crazy!”.
“Yes. I am your sunbae”, he chuckled earning a sigh from Sehun. “He's MY sunbae. And my hyung, so don't get confused”.

And twice that hour, had Sehun managed to turn on the awkward mode. Even Chunji and Eunhee who hadn't been there earlier exchanged eyes. Chansung blinked at the guy and peeled off the peel of a banana.
Ricky felt bad for Luhan who had such a clingy guy on his shoulders. He also felt bad for Baekhyun who had invited everyone to celebrate, and the mood was just not there. When it suddenly buzzed in his pocket, Ricky excused himself and left the table to take out his phone.

Without checking who had called him, did he slide his thumb over the display to take the call. He smiled and let out a cute “Yoboseo”.
“Changhyun-ah. It's eomma. I need your help”.

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