Possessive L.Joe

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When the morning welcomed Ricky with it's bright rays, he yawned loudly and stretched out his skinny arms in the air out of old habit. With blurry sight, he sat up in the cozy and warm bed and tried to blink the blur away. After what seemed like ten tries, he could see everything clear and noticed that he once again had spent the night with his beloved boyfriend. A heartwarming smile formed his lips and it widened as the slim figure of L.Joe appeared in front of him.

“I'm guessing you slept... well” He said with a husky morning voice that made the hair on Ricky's back to rise. It wasn't that he was a fan of the blonde or anything, he just couldn't help but thinking how sexy the sound of his voice was in the early mornings.
“Like...” Ricky began and gave it a thought, before answering with a chuckle. “Like a princess”.
“Ofcourse you did” L.Joe grinned sexily and walked up to the bed, and leaned down to place a passionate kiss on Ricky's slightly plumb lips.
Smiling against his boyfriend's lips, Ricky snaked his arms around his neck and pulled him closer. When L.Joe pulled away, the loss of those heavenly lips made a pout to form over Ricky's. Loving those lips, and kisses had that affect on him. It was as if the other was teasing him when he so quickly ended their kisses. It made him want to beg for more, even though more probably was something he wouldn't be able to handle.

Ricky slid down the bed and reached for his jeans, when suddenly L.Joe in a very teasing way grabbed his chin and stared intently into his eyes. Not knowing what to do, Ricky gulped and felt his body tremble at the sudden change of events.

“You” L.Joe said monotonously and licked his lips. “Better not show this face looking like this in front of anyone but me. Or else... I might have to punish you. Understood?”.
Ricky had no idea what the latter was talking about, but knowing L.Joe, he better do what he asked for. A small streak of happiness trailed down his spine and the ends of his lips curved into a small smile. He didn't know that L.Joe was this... possessive of him.
“Neh, hyung-nim” He said with a chuckle and noticed how a mischievous smirk appeared over not only L.Joe's lips, but whole face. Before he could ask why he looked at him like that, had he pressed Ricky down on the bed and crashed their lips together.

With eyes almost popping out of his skull, did Ricky respond to the kiss, but that try of his stood no chance compared to the wild tiger on top of him. The way the boy so skillfully moved his lips over Ricky's and at the same time, touched his body, made everything turn into a blur and he was sure that whatever happened next, would take him to some place... even more heavenly than the taste of L.Joe's lips.


After showering in L.Joe's way too expensive bathroom, Ricky was on his way back to his dorm. With his head held high and his arms folded over his chest, he walked with a much slower pace than what he used to. When standing outside the door, he let out a shaky breath and placed his hand on top of the doorknob and pulled it down.
Inside, was one huge argue going on between Kevin and Baekhyun. Screaming and shouting with high pitched voices, the two held out their hands in the air to point out that they were right about whatever it was they were arguing about.

“YAH!” Chansung suddenly roared like a hungry bear and grabbed the two fighting boys by their collar and shot both of them an angry look. “What the ғυϲƙ do you think you're doing early in the morning?!”.
The two cussed under their breathes, but apologized for being loud. Ricky tilted his head to the side and decided to pass the three by to get to his room and collect everything he needed for his study time with Eunhee.
“And you” Chansung said, and stared directly over at Ricky, who stopped instantly in his tracks and grinned innocently. “Where have you been?”.
“Me? I was with L.Joe hyung” Ricky squeaked nervously with a husky, high pitched voice and just a little too fast for anyone to register what he had just said.
The three stared at Ricky with confusion spread over their faces. At the same time, they said; “Mwuh?”.
Kevin walked up to Ricky and as he did, had his eyebrow raised itself just a little. Ricky gulped and plastered on a wide smile that he thought was convincing enough, then he cleared his throat and repeated what he had just said. Hopefully, they wouldn't suspect anything. Then again... Kevin was one of the smartest people around campus, and Baekhyun wasn't exactly stupid either.

“What happened to your voice?” Kevin asked his voice filled with concern.
Ricky shook his shoulders, then laughed in a way that he thought was convincing too. But in the others ears, it was just an action of pure nervousness.
“V-voice? A-ah. L.Joe and I” Ricky began and searched for the right words to say, but Baekhyun was way faster and ran up to them with the biggest smile ever.
“HAD A HUGE FIGHT? AND THEN BROKE UP?! AW, RICKY-YAH! Come here!”. Before Ricky could say something in reply, or facepalming himself for ever letting the thought of Baekhyun being smart hit him. But, Kevin was faster and smacked the back of the boy's head and sighed heavily.
“Are you a retard for real?” Kevin asked and crossed his arms. “Chansung-ssi, I'm begging you please, take this dumb sun ray out of my sight before I explode”.
“What?! Retard? Oh I'm sorry, Mr. Knows-it-all, did anyone here ask for you to open your mouth? No? Didn't think so” Baekhyun sneered in reply, and stuck out his tongue at Kevin.
“Well, at least I say sensible things” Kevin snapped back and snatched his head to the side.
“Chansung-ah. I'm going to study with Eunhee, please don't let them... tear each other a part, will you?” Ricky asked Chansung, who's eyes rolled back in annoyance and then pushed the two boys aside.
Ricky found his chance on breaking free from their suspicious questions, and hurried inside his room to get all of his things.

When he finally was out of the war zone, he exhaled and checked the time on his watch, only to get another panic attack – he was late. Running down the hall with his mathbooks, Korean literature and Japanese books, he breathed heavily to quickly get to library where his friend probably was waiting for him – and probably not too happy with him being late.
He turned to the left and found the library. Not many people were inside, Ricky could tell by peeking inside through the small, rounded windows on the doors. He let out a sigh when the familiar face of Eunhee reached his eyes. Yup, she was angry.

He opened the doors and was welcomed by the silence inside the room. Sophmores and seniors were spread around in the Hogwarts-looking library, reading books, enjoying the silence and studying. And growing angry for every second that passed, Ricky thought and made his way up to the table in the middle where Eunhee was seated.
She shot him a questioning look, but that anger seemed to have faded just by looking at his face. He sighed in relief and placed his books on the empty space on the table.

“I'm really sorry” Ricky whispered and took her by the hands. “I am so going to make it up to you”.
Eunhee shot him a smile, and waved her hands, as if telling him that they could talk about that later and focus on their homework instead.
“Do you need any help with anything?” Eunhee asked him, and pointed at the Japanese books. What Ricky had found out later, was that Eunhee actually was half Korean, half Japanese and that she had lived in Japan for ten years before coming to Korea. She would always help him out with his homeworks that wasn't in a language he was too familiar with, and because of that, he would always receive a fair grade on the tests.

“Ani-ya. You focus on your homework first and then I'll ask if there's something I don't understand”.
She pouted first, but nodded. He then gave himself a mental punch in the face: ofcourse she wouldn't do any homework, she always did those under her classes where she could ask the teacher for help. Pabo...
Ricky saw from the corner of his eye that she instead read a Harry Potter book in English. She really was a smart girl, he thought. She could speak the language of five – Japanese, Chinese, Korean, English and was currently learning French. And still being a sophmore, that was really impressive.
He opened up his math book first and smiled, as he had solved all the problems without having to ask Eunhee for help. A smile formed his lips, and he closed the book, feeling very satisfied with himself.

“Done” He said his voice filled with aegyo and glanced over at Eunhee – who had finished the Harry Potter book and moved on to the second Harry Potter book, but in Chinese this time. “Woah! You read... that thick... book... and FINISHED it?!”.
Eunhee finished the page and glanced back at Ricky, her eyes glossy and sleepy. “Yes, I did” She replied in English and yawned. “But I had only five chapters left, so...”.
He gaped and sighed, as envy built up inside his body. “Why are you so amazing in everything?!”.
“Amazing?” Eunhee asked and let the word sink in, then shook her head. “I'm not amazing”.
“But you are!” Ricky replied with a slightly louder voice.
Eunhee clapped her book together with enough force to make a huge sound and the people around to jump in their seats, startled over the sudden sound.
“Oh yeah? Then why did you choose Lee Byunghun over me?”.

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