Party Time

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Ricky's POV
Please please stop stop this night is more last
The image of you smiling like a fool
It's hard for me to bear it, killing me
If you want me too let's go
Dancing, my heart is disco
As if you're making my surroundings spin
Without a word, A UFO that quickly flies away

"Kiss" Sandara Park

The day of the party came sooner than Ricky had thought. The school had went by all normally, he had some classes with Baekhyun, some with L.Joe, and all of them with Eunhee who couldn't do anything but to talk about the party. Ricky figured she was excited, and couldn't stop himself from smiling. When she focused on the classes, Ricky turned around to ask who Baekhyun was going to take with him, and everytime Ricky asked, he would recieve the same answer: "You'll see". 
At one point, he thought that Baekhyun hadn't got himself a date. Then ofcourse, who could resist Baekhyun? When asked Kai and Kevin, Kai had answered that he was going solo and stealing someone elses date there. Kevin on the other hand, wasn't going, since he and Suzy had a date. What Ricky noticed whenever bringing Suzy up, Kai's mood would change, into an annoyed one. Suspiciously had Ricky began to wonder why he found Suzy so annoying, when she wasn't even his. And annoying wasn't even the right word to describe Suzy either. The few times he had met her, she had been nothing but cheerful and happy - something to adore, not get all worked up for.

"I'll pick you up later" Ricky had said to Taehee when finally the last class had come to an end. She had nodded, and trotted away, probably smiling wide.

Ricky shook his head, and opened his drawer. Not knowing what to wear, he pulled out a pair of blue coloured jeans and a white shirt. He had already taken a shower, and was now all fresh and ready to go to his first party. 
Just as he was about button the last button on his shirt, Kai walked in and stared at him like he were some kind of alien. Then, he burst out in laughter, and almost fell to the floor. 

"The heck are you wearing? And HOW are you wearing it?!" He said between his laughters, and put one hand over his stomach.
Ricky just staired at Kai's outfit and wrynkled his nose. He showed too much skin, he thought and looked at the oversized tank top. And those jeans? Couldn't he at least find a pair that weren't THAT ripped? He wore almost... nothing. 
"Pfft..." Ricky sneezed in reply and then met the guy's eyes. "Are YOU really one to be talking? You're barely wearing nothing!" He said and almost felt like cover Kai's body up with a towel.
"Uh..." Kai said, monotonely and shook his head. "We're going to a party, not a church. We're suppose to look sexy, not... nerdy. Ricky. Have you never been to a party before, or what?".
Ricky blushed, and looked away. "I wasn't... into those kinds of stuff when I was younger, I focused on school".
"Loser" Kai chuckled and walked up to Ricky, and looked him straight in the eyes. "It's a good thing Kai is here, otherwise people would've really start to think what kind of guy you REALLY are".

When Kai was done, Baekhyun came into the room and gaped at the sight of the one kid he actually never thought could look any other way, than cute. 

"Wow!" He said, and clapped his hands in amazement and smiled. "Yoo Changhyun! You look hot!".
"Psh" Kai sneezed and gave Baekhyun a look. "If I didn't enter the room, he would've look like the typical teacher's pet. Blue pants and shirt buttoned all the way up and all the way down".
Baekhyun shot Kai a smile, and nodded. "Awesome work!".

Slightly uncomfortable with the clothing Kai had demanded him to wear, did he walk with Kai and Baekhyun to the female dorms, and they all could her giggles and squeals as they came closer. Some of them were also attending to the party. Kai ran a thumb over his lower lip, and looked excitedly over at the building. Since they weren't allowed to go inside, the three sat down on a bench outside and waited for Eunhee to come out. To all of their surprises, three other girls walked out. And damn, did they look good, Ricky thought and later on recognized all of them - it was the three girls from the café! Hyuna, Jia and Nicole. 
Baekhyun and Kai immediately turned on their cool mode, and Kai whistled as they walked with their killer heels, short dresses and long legs. Nicole turned her head around, ready to shoot a deadly glare, but instead stopped and a smirk formed her lips instead. With a look that scared the crap out of Ricky, did she walk up to them, staring straight at Kai.

"Well, well, well... someone's looking hot" She said, almost seductively. 
Kai grinned, and rose from the bench and walked up to the light brown haired girl, so that only one centimeter parted them. "I know".
Nicole bit her lip, and looked slightly pissed that he hadn't given her a compliment. "Where are you going?".
"I could ditch my friends and go to wherever you want, baby" Kai replied and glared her with dark, urgefully eyes. 

Ricky wrynkled his nose, and looked away. The sight of his friend wasn't exactly the prettiest. Hell, it looked like they were stripping down and make love hardcore right on the spot. 
Baekhyun chuckled, and nudged Ricky's arm. "Those two have done a little this and a little that with each other. She's suppose to be with Jonghyun, but their relationship isn't exactly a faithful one. He's constantly flirting with girls, and she's... hooking up with other guys".

"Oh, really?" Nicole said, whispering as she tilted her head to the side, and put one hand on her hip. "Too bad I'm not in the mood for you".
Kai's smile widened as he put a hand over her chin, and caressed it. "You're not sexy enough for me anyway. Hyuna, on the other hand...".
"Shut up" Nicole cut him off and shot him a dark glare. "Seek me up at the party. I might change my mind...".
Kai sighed, and leaned in to plant a kiss on her lips. She was obviously not ready for the kiss, and shot her eyes open in surprise. Kai parted their lips, and wiped away the lipstick that he had got from her lips with his thumb. 
"Jongin-aah" She exhaled, and gulped. "I thought we agreed on not going public, since I'm still in a relationship with Jjongie".

Kai smirked at her, and tilted his head to the side. "I'm not exactly a good boy that goes by the rules".

"Ricky!" Someone called, and broke the tensed atmosphere. Ricky turned around, and smiled as he met eyes with Eunhee.
Her dress was adorable, he thought and gave her a hug when she got down. She bit her lower lip, and blushed once he let go of her and then apologized for being so bold. 
"Aniyo" She giggled, and greeted Baekhyun. 
After a while, Kai joined them, grinning like a fool. Baekhyun scoffed at his friend, only to recieve a evilly smirk. "Looks like someone's getting some tonight!".

Ricky, Baekhyun and Eunhee rolled their eyes, and was just about to leave when Baekhyun cleared his throat. "Oh I'm sorry, what about my date?".
Sohee came running out of the girls dorms and panted as she reached the group. "Sorry I'm late, I kind of forgot".
Baekhyun just sighed happily and put his arm around her shoulders. "Because it's you, I will forgive you".

Surprised to see Sohee, Ricky widened his eyes, but smiled. As soon as she had come, it felt like he was completed, that their group was completed. They left the campus, and walked down the street. When they finally arrived, they were greeted, or Baekhyun was, by some of the seniors of the school and people who didn't go to their school. 

Eunhee was obviously not comfortable, as she constantly would try to pull her dress down to cover her legs. Ricky smiled, and took her by the hand. 
"It's okay. I won't leave you to those wolves. Let's have some fun". Even though Ricky wasn't used to being around so many people, that danced - or in his opinion made wierd moves with their hips close to people of the opposite sex. 

He watched as Kai went out on the so called "dance floor" and moved to the music, unexpectingly well. At first, he danced alone. But then, girls surrounded him and grinded against him. And Kai? He looked like he was in heaven. 

Ricky chuckled, and suddenly felt someone pulling him away. Smiling, Ricky believed it was Eunhee being a little too uncomfortable that she just couldn't handle it anymore. Ready to comfort her, Ricky looked up to meet her eyes, but felt fear rush trough his body when the one pulling him away... wasn't Eunhee.

"Look at this piece of shit..." One of them grinned and pointed at him. "Is this really the punk you talked about?".
A smirk formed his lips, and he nodded. Ricky felt his heart race, and shut his eyes as a punch came flying towards his stomach. 

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