"You're kind of mean."

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It had been a nice, spring-ish day. The sun was shining bright and tried it's very best to warm everything and everyone up. It wasn't exactly a match to the wind though, who roamed around Busan like a ghost looking for someone to scare.
Changjo had gotten up early that day. He was meeting up with one of his closest friends and he wanted to look his very best when doing so. He had hopped inside the small bathroom in his dorm he shared with one other boy. The water that ran down his body was ice cold. The first droplets that left the faucet felt like needles that dug themselves inside his skin.
It wasn't that he enjoyed pain or anything, he just didn't feel clean if he took a shower with hot water. And, he'd also get more alert with the icy water. If it had been hot, steaming water, then he'd probably fall back asleep.

Changjo looked absolutely stunning in the mirror once he was done. Wearing a pair of midnight blue jeans and a moss green, silk button up shirt, with the three golden buttons on the very top unbuttoned he felt confident. He had even taken some gel to fix his hair. That was something he blamed Chunji for. If he hadn't worked at a hair salon, he wouldn't be so fixated on his hair. But well, he looked good, and that was all that mattered.

He walked out of the small bathroom and bumped into his roommate, who surprisingly enough was about same height as him. Or, maybe a few centimeters taller. To be tall and Asian wasn't very usual, yet there were the two of them.

“Woah. Where are you going, looking all... handsome?”, the red haired Chinese boy asked him.
Changjo smirked at the boy and shrugged. “Just going out. Do I really look good?”.
The boy rolled his eyes and walked passed him inside the bathroom and squeezed out some toothpaste on his jade green toothbrush. “Always. Go. My boyfriend's coming over and I need to fix myself as well”.
“Good luck with that”, Changjo said and stuck out his tongue before quickly running out of the room, barely grabbing his jacket and shoes on the go.
Yeah, he figured it was best to joke with the martial arts master on a distance. It wasn't that he was scared, he just knew that that diva could easily kick his ass if he wanted to. And Changjo wouldn't let himself being beat down by a kung-fu-panda wannabe; definitely not! He'd bring out his inner gangster, for sure.
As he walked down the hall of the school, did he put on his black leather jacket and stopped to tie his black converse. Being friends with filthy rich brats had it's benefits. Being best friends with one... well, let's just say it automatically made him one too.
To count everything Chunji had bought him was... impossible. There were watches, bags, products, furniture to put in the dorm, clothes... jewelry. Not to mention the car that he had promised to get him once he finished school. Changjo didn't know much about cars, the only thing he knew was that the one Chunji drove around in, was worth more than everything he'd bought for Changjo together.

Changjo walked out of the school with his hands inside his pockets and began the stroll to the shopping mall where he was suppose to meet Chunji at. It had been a while since the last time the two met. It had been... a month, almost. Maybe three and a half weeks. But there had been reasons; Chunji had sworn to kill Changjo if he for even a second ditched school. He had made a deal with his roommate to keep an eye on Changjo. Over protective, much?
But he couldn't hate Chunji, he'd done so much for him. He really was the best friend he'd never have. Or no, he was more of a brother, actually. When things had been hard, had that blonde been there to help him out.

“Oi, going somewhere?”.
Changjo stopped and turned around to meet with a smiley, familiar blonde. The man chuckled, but then sighed.
“What?”, Changjo grinned and folded his hands over his chest. “Aren't you going to mention how sexy I look?”.
The boy rolled his eyes and walked up to Changjo. “You're going to get sick in those clothes. It's not summer; you can't walk around like that. It's a really good thing I thought of that. Here”.
With that, did Chunji take out a black knitted scarf and rolled it around his neck. It wasn't very necessary for Changjo to think of himself; Chunji did that for him. Like an awesome, caring older brother.

“I have such a good hyung”, Changjo teased and laid his arm around the man's neck, and chuckled. “Let's go!”.

It was nice walking down the street with Chunji by his side. He didn't realize how much he'd missed him until he was there by his side, chatting about all kinds of things. About his new friends that had kept him busy; some Eunhee girl and Ricky. He made sure to listen to every word Chunji said about Ricky.
The first time that he had met the guy was when everything was getting better. 

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