'And you are so going to pay for it'

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Ricky's POV

  Days passed by, and even though Ricky wanted to put all his focus on the main situation with L.Joe, he couldn't forget about his kiss with Baekhyun. He felt sorry towards the boy, since he didn't feel the same. Ricky tried his best to ignore that matter, but it was easier said than done consider the fact that they had classes together and shared dorm. 

  One day, Baekhyun had had enough of the cold treatment from Ricky, and so he pulled him to the side and shoved him up against the wall. 
"Yah. Why are you acting like this?" He asked, with a hurt voice and stared at Ricky with a sad expression over his face. 
"Mianhae, Baekhyun... I don't..." Ricky began, but stopped knowing that nothing he said would make things better nor easier. "Mianhae".
Baekhyun sighed and grabbed Ricky's collar, not at all satisfied with the answer. "You listen to me; that never happened. I'm with Sohee and I know that... you don't like me that way anyway. So let's just... forget, okay?".

  Ricky sighed and reluctantly looked into Baekhyun's eyes. He nodded, and Baekhyun let go of him. "I don't want to lose my best friend...".
Ricky nodded in agreement, and placed an arm around the boy's shoulders. "Gaja!".

  Even though Ricky found the whole situation a little uncomfortable, he decided to just go with the flow and forget that he had crashed lips with Baekhyun, his forever bacon boy. Even though the memory would remain, and that he was one hundred percet sure of, he prentended. For Baekhyun's sake. 

                   L.Joe stood from afar, and smirked at the scene that was played up in front of him. He wasn't one to enjoy people suffering, but gosh, that moron deserved it. No one should ever lay their eyes on Ricky, who had healed up quite quickly. L.Joe folded his arms over his chest, and walked with Jonghyun and Chansung. He walked in the middle of the two, and watched as Ricky and Baekhyun began to randomly talk. He wasn't impressed, sure Ricky must feel wierd around that devil in disguise? 

"Aish" He muttered under his breath, and furrowed his eyebrows in irritation. "Jonghyun-ah, who is that petite little boy anyway?".
Jonghyun seemed to caught off guard by L.Joe's sudden question, and scratched the back of his head. "Ricky? I have no idea... his register was kind of empty-".
"Not Ricky, the other one, the brunette. I've seen him around, and I know Zico's banging his sister, but other than that" L.Joe sneered at the stupid dinosaur boy, who was even dumber than dumbest and smacked the back of his head.
  Jonghyun made a face and pouted. "Hyung, don't hit me like that, it hurts~" He whined and scratched the area where L.Joe had left his mark. "Byun Baekhyun is a ladies man, they all think he is so cute with his eye smile and sweet personality. But, he's not like that to the people he dislike. Chansung, for example. Only, he doesn't dare to pull a hairstrand off of that boy's head, cause he knows that Zico will come after him. Uhm... he's extremly talented in piano, and he often get compliments for his pretty and long fingers-".
"Fingers, you say? Isn't that a little... gay?" Chansung snickered and made a high five with the dinosaur, making L.Joe swallow his anger. 
"You two are useless... I'll leave first, I don't want to be seen around with idiots like you".

  After saying that, he quickened his pace and cussed under his breath. Sometimes, he wished he could've just been a good student, done his homework and NOT fail any of his tests. If he had, then he wouldn't be a freaking junior, but a senior. Then, he could've sticked with his old friends as well. But, ofcourse not. L.Joe sighed inwardly and steered his steps into his classroom where the teacher was preparing for the class - that he ofcourse had come late to. He didn't care, it wasn't something important anyway. 
  He steered his steps to the empty desk in the back - good thing it was empty, otherwise he would've caused a scene right there in the classroom. He always sat there, and either slept or recieved a brisillion text messages from Hyuna. Yes, Hyuna. His stalker. His so called 'girlfriend'. The raven-head that thought he liked her. He didn't. He didn't hate her, he wouldn't hate anybody - he just really, really, REALLY disliked her. To a level just beneth hature. 

"Byunghyun-ssi, how do I solve THIS problem?".
  The voice of Ms. Lee broke L.Joe's thougts, and he looked up from the desk with a murderous look on his face, making the teacher more than just uncomfortable where she stood and pointed at the white-board.
"What problem? The one you have in bed or the one where you're not satisfied afterwards?" He sneered, caused everyone in the classroom to crack up in laughter, except for the very young teacher, who blushed like a little tomato where she stood. "Sorry ssaeng, I don't really give a rat's ass about you. Do procede with the lesson".

  L.Joe smirked and watched how the woman fixed her glasses and fiddled at the edge of her skirt, and then stuttered some words about homework for the next week. L.Joe didn't note it down, but quickly rose up and left the classroom - even though she hadn't finished her god knows how long speech nor the class ended. It was simply, too boring.

  As he walked down the empty hallway, he sighed. Yeah, he should've just passed the classes last year. Then, he wouldn't have to re-do everything he had already done. He slowed down and ended up leaning against the wall next to the other classroom where he was suppose to have class after the one he had now. He peeked inside and spotted the black haired boy with blonde high lights chatting cheerfully with his neighbour, who just happened to be that hormone-filled boy, Kim Jongin. 

  He released a 'Tsk' sound where he stood and examined the tanned boy. Why exactly did girls like him, he wondered. Or more exactly: why did RICKY like him. He was probably the most boring person ever, that was a fact L.Joe could tell from his appearance and stories heard from Jonghyun. Jongin was Jonghyun's little slave, and did everything he asked for. 

"Jjongie's little bitch" L.Joe chuckled and put a fist over his mouth to stop the bubbly laugh that was about to leave it. 
  He studied Ricky from where he stood, sometimes he would look at the board, write down notes, sometimes he would giggle with the fugly Jongin and sometimes look completely blank, as if he was in deep thoughts. 
"Hm... a heavy thinker?" L.Joe muttered and toke note of that. Other than that, Ricky looked completely flawless in the school's navy blue uniform. He could pretty easily be mistaken for a girl with that pretty face of his. His deer eyes and soft-looking milky white skin. Then ofcourse, he had that haircut of his; the Elvis Presley-looking one. Even though it kind of worked for him, L.Joe couldn't think of anything... uglier. And what was up with that darn hair colour? Blonde hight lights... on the BANGS?! Come on, no one wears that anymore! 

"What are you doing, oppa?".
  L.Joe glanced to his side, where to his surprise Jia stood. He blinked a few times, then turned around and uttered a low 'Hi'.
"Were you called out of class again?" She giggled, and shot him a smile.
  L.Joe shook his head and pointed at another door. "Nah, I left. It was too boring, so I decided to do something fun instead".
Jia blinked. "... and by fun, you mean staring into another classroom?".
"No, that Ricky kid. He got beaten up. I thought I should check up on him, see if he's healed alright" He replied with a sigh, hoping to god that Jia wouldn't see through his meek answer. Then it hit him - he just told her that he cared for the kid. 
  Jia smiled and nodded. "Ye, he is. Well, I got sent out of class because I kept texting, so why not do something?" The pink-head asked.
L.Joe shook his head. "You should be with your dumbass boyfriend instead. Doesn't he have... physics?".

  Jia was a girl he could tolerate. She was cool, with her pink hair and pretty smile. He befriended her almost the second he saw her. She was different from everyone else, she was kind and sweet and cared for others. Sadly, she was friends with that Hyuna that with an instant decided to become his girlfriend. So, he did not dislike Jia, he had things to do and didn't want her to disturb him. Though, his answer had been quite mean, she didn't mind. She had gotten used to his personality, and shrugged it off.

"Ara. If you change your mind, I'll be in the cafeteria getting some snacks" She chuckled, and walked off.
  L.Joe nodded, and looked back inside the classroom. He watched Ricky as he once again dozed off, looking like on of those creepy dolls that people collect. He shivered at the sight, and then opened the door and pointed at Ricky.
"Yah, stop doing that!" He shouted, making everyone look at him - even Ricky. "Ssaeng, I'm taking that kid out. I have to talk to him".
The teacher stared at him with disbelief in his eyes. When he didn't answer, L.Joe walked up to Ricky's desk and pulled him out of the classroom. 

"Y-yah, what are you... doing?" Ricky asked, between his breaths, obviously not used to the sudden fast walk.
"What does it look like?" L.Joe sneered in reply, and squeezed Ricky's wrist tighter, and quickened his pace. 'It's your fault I'm all moody, Ricky, your fault. And you are so going to pay for it'.

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