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Ricky's POV

A little saddened that no one of his friends would be joining him for his first class, did he walk with his head facing the ground to the the building where all the classes were. Little did he know that someone was tip toeing behind him, only to jump up in front to roar out a "BOOO!". Startled, did Ricky jump and widened his eyes in shock and stared at the giggling figure in front of him. 

"I got you there, didn't I?" She giggled and clapped her hands together in satisfaction that her mission to scare the crap out of Ricky had succeeded.
"Jeez... I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest" Ricky replied, and put his right hand over his chest, and exhaled. Even though he was a little annoyed that the girl had startled him like that, couldn't he be mad at her, looking all cute with her braided hair and pink bows at the ends of them.
"Mianhe" She apologised and looked around. "Omo, where are the other oppas? Did they leave you alone?" She asked and looked genuinely concerned about him.

Ricky told her that they had different classes in the morning. She listened and nodded, then offered to walk him to the classroom, since hers was right next to it. Ricky thanked her, and the two walked inside the building. Cheerfully having a conversation about all kinds of things. He couldn't help but to think of her as a little sister, with her chubby cheeks and energetic way of speaking with him.

"Take care, Ricky-sshi. And don't worry, I'm sure you'll get a lot of friends. And Mr. Park is a really nice teacher" She said, with a reasuring facial expression and nodded. "Tell me all about your first class afterwards, okay? Ricky fighting!".
"Thank you, Sohee-sshi" Ricky replied and saw her leaving with her fist in the air, mimicking another 'fighting'. 

A sigh slipped it's way out of Ricky's throat, as he walked up to the empty classroom, to find a senior by the desk. Ricky walked in, and bowed before the boy and noticed how he shone up and walked up to Ricky. 

"Oh, you must be Yoo Changhyun" He said, with a smile and stretched out his hand to grab Ricky's. With a firm shake, did he introduce himself as Park Jungsoo.
"Sunbae... why are you in my classroom?" Ricky asked, as polite he possibly could and stepped back, looking slightly confused at the boy.
Snickering, the boy held out his arms and shook his head. "Aigoo, you're mistaken. I'm not your sunbae, I'm your seonsengnim".
Ricky felt his eyes widen in shock. "TEACHER? Woah, jeosonghamnida, I really thought you were a student! You look so young!".

He nodded, and said that it wasn't the first time people had said that to him. He then revealed that he was actually a lot older than he looked, and said that he soon would turn thirty. Ricky nodded, but didn't find the age "old".
Ricky chatted some more with Mr.Park and didn't realise how many students had entered the classroom, until Mr.Park cleared his throat and told him to take a seat before the room was completely filled. 

Ricky bowed with his head at Mr.Park, and sighed relievingly as there was an empty seat in the middle, by the window. He scooched over to the seat, and only a few minutes later, did Mr.Park walk to the door and close it. Wearing a smile, he told the class about the new student that was going to be in this class. He asked Ricky to stand up and introduce himself, and so he did. With his lips bit together, did he rise from the seat and bowed.

"Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Yoo Changhyun, but you can call me Ricky. I just began here, so please take care of me" He said, and bowed once more, only this time 90 degrees. 
As he sat down, he heard some of the girls squeal and whisper with their mate things like; "CUTE!" and "Ohmy, and he's in MY class?!". Happy that there was no one that came to dislike him, he smiled. Maybe, coming here wasn't such a bad idea after all. 

Mr.Park turned to the whiteboard, and began to write things up, when finished, did he assign the students to read the pages on the board, and then answer the questions he would write down afterwards. Ricky watched how the teacher came up to Ricky with a history book, a writing book and a pen and rubber.

"We're right now on World War 2, and are discussing the matters that happened between North- and South Korea" He informed, and ruffled Ricky's hair, as he went back to the desk.
Ricky blushed, as he felt angry glares at him. "Teachers pet..." Someone sighed and shot him a deadly glare.

"And now, a quick checkup who actually came to my class" Mr. Park said, and opened up a little book. He put on a pair of glasses, and read up names. 
One after one, said "yes". When Mr. Park suddenly came to Lee Byunghyun, did he leave the book with his eyes and looked around the classroom.
"Lee Byunghyun" He said, one more time.
When no one responded, did he mark something in the book, and continued saying names. When suddenly, the door slammed open and the blonde haired guy came in.

Everyone turned their attention towards the guy, those "some" girls that had squealed when Ricky had introduced himself had no got doubled. The guy blew up a bubble with his chewing gum and walked up to Ricky, and sat down in the empty seat beside him. 

"Sorry I'm late" He said, and took off the navy blue sweater and leaned back in the chair. "I didn't know you had changed my schedule".
Mr. Park smiled, and looked up from the book, wearing a wryly smile. "I see. Now that you do know, don't come late to the next class. Please introduce yourself to the class".
He snickered, and stood up from the seat and looked around. "Everyone knows who I am, right?" He began, and recieved some nodding. "Sseng, it's L.Joe, by the way. Not Lee Byunghyun".
"Arasso. I see your former teacher haven't given you any things..." Mr. Park muttered, and sighed fore he had no more books with him. "Ricky, please share your book with L.Joe".

Ricky nodded, and put the book in the middle of the desk, so that L.Joe would be able to see as well. 
"Aish, this girl" L.Joe muttered, and typed in something on his phone. "Oh. You're a face I haven't seen around. New?".
Surprised that the guy had spoken to him, Ricky nodded. L.Joe turned around, and took a deeper close at Ricky, who just stared confused at him. 
"Look, hunny, I'm not interested in history" He suddenly said and scoofed the book in front of Ricky, who just gape.
"H-h-hunny?" He stuttered and felt his cheeks heating up.
"You're cute, but you're not my type, babe" L.Joe muttered, and turned his attention to his phone. "I know you're going to fall for me, so I will just be clear: I don't date anyone. And especially tom-boys like you. Even though your face is pretty, I'm not interested. Go on with your studying, and adore me from afar".

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