Under the mistletoe [1/3]

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Ricky sighed. A sound that wasn't all annoyed, but with a slight undertone of amusement. He was seated in a leather sofa, his legs crossed and his chin resting against his clenched fist. He wondered how he had gotten himself into this, only to be reminded how when the curtain was drawn to the side and revealed Suzy wearing a beautiful dress. The cut was clean and ended just above her kneecaps with a thin layer of lace. Her neck and arms were also covered with the laced layer.

“Wow”, Ricky gasped and noticed her crooked smile as she spun around. “It's perfect!”.
“Do you think Kevin oppa will like it?”, she asked and looked at her reflection in the mirror.
Despite the question, Ricky could tell that she loved the dress and how it was tightly wrapped around her body and reveled her legs.
“No, he's not going to like it”, Ricky muttered and gave her a smile. “He's going to love it. And you are going to look stunning”.
Suzy blushed and waved her arms, a cute gesture that made Ricky giggle. She grabbed the curtain and pulled it back to the other side and Ricky rose from the chair. He grabbed his backpack and unzipped it to take out his cellphone. Much to his disappointment, had he no text messages nor did he have any missing phone-calls.

“I wonder what L.Joe's up to”, he whispered to himself and looked around the place and quickly typed down a text message. He slipped the phone down the backpack and slung it over his shoulder, at the same time as Suzy walked out of the dressing-room, dressed in her skinny blue jeans and black sweater.
She frowned and walked up to Ricky, suspicion written all over her face. “You didn't text anyone now, did you?”.
Ricky shook his head in a quick wave and smiled widely. “Ofcourse not. It's... it's no girls-day out for nothing... right?”.
She rolled her eyes and turned Ricky around. She unzipped the backpack and took out his cellphone.
“Y-yah”, Ricky whined and spun around. Suzy turned the phone off and put it inside her pocket.
“We said 'no phones' for a reason, Ricky. You, me and Eunhee are going to meet up the boys LATER. But now, we're going to look for shoes! So come on!”.

So, basically what had happened, was that Ricky needed to find the perfect gift for his boyfriend. Or more accurate, his lover. There had been not only one, but quite a few nights where the two hadn't just slept but been quite active and maybe even... naughty, with each other. And to find the perfect gift, he couldn't exactly take L.Joe with him, because that would be way too obvious. So, Suzy had recommended that Ricky went with her and Eunhee, since those two were looking for Christmas gifts too.
But as the three had gotten to the mall, they had dragged Ricky to every clothing store and made him share his opinion on the hundred garments that they tried on. After the fifth, had Suzy noticed that Ricky had been more active on the phone than being with them, so she had made a rule to not use their phones for the whole day.

“Ricky-yah! Look over there!”, Eunhee exclaimed and pointed over at a little store that sold men's wear. “It looks like stuff L.Joe-ssi would wear, for sure!”.
Suzy took Ricky by the hand and stopped. She stared at him with a blank expression and then leaned closer to him. “For how long have you and L.Joe been together exactly?”.
Ricky chuckled, startled by her seriousness. “What is it... three... months now?”.
“Three months?! I thought it was only one... gosh, you guys sure kept things secret”, Suzy chuckled but seemed genuinely surprised. “Congrats to you guys. You're really cute together, you know”.
Ricky blushed. “Gomawo!”.

As the three walked over to the boutique, Ricky caught a glimpse of someone very familiar inside the store. He wore a black coat and a gray oversized scarf that were fashionably surrounded by his neck. His face looked bored and as if he would collapse at any second. A smile crept up upon Ricky's lips and he hurried inside.

“Chunji-yah!”, he greeted, gaining the slightly taller boy's attention and earning a smile from him. “Annyeonghaseyo!”.
“Ricky! Long time no see, eh?”, Chunji chuckled and made his way up to Ricky and tugged him in for a tight hug. “How are you? How's my L.Joe?”.
Ricky laughed and patted the boy's back. “I'm just fine. I'm out with a couple of friends trying to find L.Joe a christmas gift, but that's easier said than done, I'm afraid”, Ricky sighed in reply and looked over his shoulder at the two girls that walked inside the store with a questioning and curious expression over their faces.
Chunji lit up and nodded at Suzy and Eunhee. “Are those beautiful girls friends of yours?”, he asked and seemed amazed over the sight. “How come I've never seen such beauty's before? Are they single?”.
Ricky laughed and gave the boy a light smack on his arm. “Yah. - Suzy-ah, Eunhee-yah meet Chunji. An old friend of L.Joe's and Chunji, this is Suzy and this is Eunhee”.
“Annyeonghaseyo”, said Suzy and Eunhee in unison and made a short bow. Chunji on the other hand, had never been fond of formalities, and walked straight up to them, grabbed their hands and shook them firmly.
“Pleasure to meet you, pretty ladies. I heard from Ricky that you're Christmas gift shopping”, he said as if he had known them for ages.
That was a thing about Chunji that Ricky envied: his socially personality. He could walk up to a stranger, have a quick conversation and end up having a new friend. Ricky had always wanted to be like that, but there was this little thing called shyness that he possessed that made things a little difficult for him.

Suzy and Eunhee widened their eyes in both shock, but there was a hint of impression in their eyes as well. He wasn't surprised, who would be impressed by Chunji?

“Nde. I'm looking for something for my boyfriend, but ended up finding myself a dress”, Suzy revealed with a chuckle and twirled a strand of hair between her fingers. “Wae?”.
Chunji chuckled and tilted his head just a little to the side. “I thought of joining you guys. Shopping alone has never been an interest of mine and... I think your opinion could be very useful”.
Eunhee gave him a quick look of suspicion, and then glanced down at Ricky. “Well actually... we're just looking for something that Ricky can give to L.Joe. After that, we're going to prepare for a winter party that a student at our school is throwing”.
Chunji shone up, then spun around to face Ricky. “Yah, if I help you find a gift for L.Joe, can you fix me in to that party? Jebal~”.
Ricky giggled, but didn't really know if he could smuggle an outsider into the school, but he really needed help with the gift.
“I don't know if I can get you in... but I'll give it a try”, Ricky replied, earning a huge smile. Then the boy grabbed a red, random button up sweater with golden buttons and a mark on the right side of the chest.
Ricky blinked a couple of times, stared at the sweater as if it was something he should be afraid of. He then grabbed the hanger and furrowed his eyebrows as he took a deeper and more thorough look at it.
Actually, the sweater was perfect. L.Joe wasn't one to use colorful clothes, but instead dyed his hair to stand out. But sooner or later, he had a feeling that his L.Joe would come to realize that he just couldn't keep dying his hair anymore. Then, he'd have the red sweater to wear.
Ricky imagined L.Joe wearing the sweater with a pair of skinny, black jeans and a pair of leather boots with pins and studs on them. Or maybe he'd look better in a pair of simple, black converse? Yes, Ricky thought, converse it is! The otherwise blond hair would remain, but it'd be blond for the last time as he was letting his hair grow out the natural, black color. He wondered how L.Joe would look with black hair. The thought was a little... odd, even for Ricky who loved things being natural and had his own hair black. That one time when he had dyed it blue had been a nightmare to him. Even though he had got lots of compliments for it... he had secretly hated it.

“I know what you're thinking”, Chunji giggled and shot the girls a knowing look. “You're wondering if L.Joe's going to like this or not. And you're wondering if he's going to find out that I picked it out – well, if you don't tell him, then he'll never know. Now buy it already, I want to get to know Hee-yah already”.

Ricky nodded, missing out the fact that his friend was blushing like crazy and Suzy grinning teasingly at her. He walked over to the cashier and paid for the sweater. He hadn't thought of what Chunji had said... but now that he had mentioned it – would L.Joe notice? Probably not. Hopefully, not.

As the small group of four people was closing up to the school gates, the sound of a boy coming running from behind them was heard and they stopped. Ricky glanced over his shoulder, but was hit by the person and fell to the ground, with the person on top of him.

“Y-yah!”, Ricky whined and felt pain rushing through his body. It was a really good thing that it was snow on the ground, otherwise he would've been really hurt.
“My princess~”, a wailing voice replied and made butterflies fly crazy inside Ricky's stomach. “I missed you!”.
L.Joe pulled him up on his feet and brushed off the snow on his coat. Before he could finish however, had Ricky thrown himself into L.Joe's embrace and hugged him tightly as his lips touched the naked skin of L.Joe's neck.
Chunji chuckled cutely and snaked his arms around the two girls and let out a sigh, that was a sound of pure happiness.
“That, my dear friends, is true love”, he said with a soft voice and shook his head. Suzy and Eunhee scoffed and squirmed uncomfortably in the boy's grip around them.
“Who said we were friends...”, Suzy muttered under her breath and gave him a little push. Eunhee did the same and parted her silky brown hair so that it laid on either side of her oval shaped face.
“Chunji-ssi, Suzy have a boyfriend already, you shouldn't flirt with a girl who's not single”.
His eyes glistened, and he turned around and laid his arms around Eunhee's waist. “But you ARE!”, he exclaimed happily and made a little jump in excitement. Eunhee however, made a face and ducked under his embrace to be free.

Ricky noticed, and chuckled. But Chunji liked the fact that the girl didn't throw himself at him, and accepted the challenge to make her fall for him.
“Now let's get ready for the party! I'm going to help you zip your dress, Hee-ah”, Chunji said with a wink and hooked arms with the girl.
Ricky leaned his head onto L.Joe's shoulder and they walked together inside the gates. By the time they reached the boys' dorm, had they intertwined their hands together. Ricky blushed slightly but couldn't say anything as his lips curved up into a wide smile. 

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