Roller coasters and cotton candy

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Ricky looked up on the round clock on the wall; L.Joe had a habit of eating dinner quite late, so he probably wouldn't call him until at least 6PM. And at that moment, were the clock 12AM sharp. He had tons of time to kill.

He quickly put on a pair of skinny, black jeans and a baby-blue tank top. On top of that, did he sloppily throw a navy blue jacket with golden buttons. Looking at his own reflection, he hesitated. Was it too formal with the jacket?

“Oi, where are you going?”, Chanyeol asked as he walked out of bathroom with a white towel wrapped around his hips.
Ricky blinked a couple of times. So that was what hid underneath the over-sized t-shirts he thought. Not that Chanyeol was muscular, but pretty sleek. He wasn't fat, but skinny. Not un-healthy skinny, but in a perfect pretty way.
Chanyeol noticed that Ricky was staring at him, so he folded his arms over his chest and cleared his throat.
“Out. With a friend”, Ricky quickly said and felt how a blush spread over his face. “So I'm going now. Bye”.  

It didn't take Ricky many seconds to hit the stairs, mess up his hair and clumsily and almost unbelievably enough, stumble on his own feet on the very last step. Then again, he was too embarrassed to face Chanyeol after that scene... it wasn't at all what the guy had thought, not even a bit. Why would Ricky look on a giant when he had his midget?

He pulled himself up and brushed some dust away from his pants, before walking up to the door. He was greeted by a laughing, taller yet younger boy. He had squeezed his eyes shut and slapped himself on his thighs violently while letting out incoherent sounds that probably was suppose to be laughter. Ricky blushed.

“Yah”, he whined and scratched the back of his head. “It's not funny...”.
“But it is!”, Changjo grinned and laid an arm around the boy's shoulders. “Oh man, I haven't laughed like that for a long time. I heard the boom from when you fell, then some cussing, and then there you were, looking like an angry kid”.
Ricky gritted his teeth together. Exactly why had he agreed to hang out with that punk?
“But don't worry, I like you anyway. So, let's go!”.

There had been ages since Ricky had gone to an amusement park. He had gone with... Byun Baekhyun on his first, and that had been in first grade. His mother was taking them out. Ricky remembered how jealous he had been on Baekhyun because of his gentle and almost angelic mother. She was always kind and cared about everyone except for herself. He had lost count of how many times he had wished that she had been his mother instead by the time he surpassed fifty.

“How is everything?”, Changjo asked as they got on a bus that was taking them all the way down-town to the place where the amusement park was suppose to be at.
“It's good”, Ricky said. “My friends are having a rough time lately, so I feel bad for them, but-”.
“Because that's totally what I want to know. Pabo, I meant your bruises”, Changjo sighed and lightly hit him on the head.
“Ow! I was fine, until you tortured my head. You're so violent... hey, I don't know your full name!”.
“It's nothing special anyway...”, Changjo quickly replied and looked out the window.
“Oh, come on! You know mine!”.
“Oh, come on!”.
“No, Ricky. It's... so embarrassing”.
“I'm sure it's not!”.
“But it is. Let it go. Look, there's L.Joe”.
Ricky was about to say something back, but froze. He bit his lips together and carefully peeked over Changjo's shoulder and saw a blonde with black glasses, walking down the street. He looked... bored. As if he was missing something, or perhaps, someone. Then, a choir of high school girls came running behind and yelled “Oppa!”, “Oppa, you're so handsome!” and all kinds of cheesy things. What made Ricky smile, was how L.Joe so easily ignored them. He just walked on, like he had all time in the world.

“I wonder where he's going”, Ricky muttered and got an answer from Changjo who said that he probably was meeting up with Chunji or CAP for a reunion. That sounded like something L.Joe would've done, Ricky thought and nodded.

However, that wasn't at all what L.Joe was about to do. He was annoyed, and whenever Lee Byunghun was annoyed, something big had happened. Ever since he had met Ricky, had his temper switched like a light-switch to the better. Annoyed had he been ever since Baekhyun's farewell party. Why? The answer to that question is simple; he had been ignored completely by his lover. Not only had he been ignored, but also lied to. He hated it. He wanted to know what the reason was that Ricky had lied to him, but the fact that he had, was making it hard for him to even try to think of the reasons.

“Aish”, he muttered and ran both of his hands through his hair. “He is probably tired and needed to rest. That must be it. Like... I wouldn't tell him I needed space, I'd lie too”.
Thinking things through, he realized that there wouldn't be a time where he got tired of Ricky, the less would he lie to him.
His phone vibrated inside his pocket and he reluctantly picked the device up from his jean pocket and answered with a bittersweet hello.

“Oi, Hunnie! What's up?”, a overly enthusiastic boy yelled on the other line, making him sigh.
“Taking a walk to calm down, but you screaming like a moron ruined that attempt”, he growled in reply and was about to hang up, but stopped when the boy apologized in a very sincere way. “I didn't mean it like that...”.
“Hm... if you're not doing anything, then why don't we go shopping? I was suppose to yesterday with Changjo, but that little brat stood me out”, Chunji chuckled cutely, bringing a smile upon L.Joe's lips.
However, he didn't like shopping. When Ricky asked them to do that, had he refused like a little child and Ricky had gone with some other people, much to L.Joe's disappointment.
“No thanks”, he said politely and even forced his voice to sound friendly, though his motive wasn't.
But, Chunji was consistant to go shopping with him and he knew just how he was going to make L.Joe change his mind. After hearing the boy out, did L.Joe grit his teeth together and mumbled a sentence that he would've never thought he'd say before;

“Fine. Let's go shopping”.

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