Punching Bag

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Ricky's POV

When suddenly, Ricky is left alone, tears begin to flow down his cheeks. He had never, ever thought of getting himself beat up for such a tiny action as "laughing", or at all for that matter of fact. He was always kind to people, and made them happy by just being there. He had that kind of personality that you just couldn't dislike him, no matter what he did. 
He whimpered as he tried to crawl up to the wall, and on some way try to get himself up - but it really ended up with him trying, and falling hopelessly. Ricky sighed, defeated and gave up. His sight had become blurry, and his legs just wouldn't obey to lift him up. Even though he wanted to go home, at that exact moment, he most of all wished that they had killed him while they were at it. 
Feelings rushed through his body, making him shiver. He had no idea where he was, but he was sure he wasn't any near the house where the party had been. He let out a sob and heard steps coming up to him. First, Ricky felt relieved. Someone must have seen him there, and was going to help him out of there. Then, fear took over completely. He bit his lips, and felt a hand pulling him up. And the second the person did, Ricky fell into blackness.

L.Joe's POV

Parties, I thought as I looked out on the dancefloor and scoffed, yeah right. Rather a clip out from "Dirty Dancing" or something. I wasn't in the mood of going to these kinds of things, and I never did either. There were simply too much going on, the dimmed lights, the crowded people, the noise music that gave him headaches. And the clothes... or, fabric, that people wore. Why couldn't they wear clothes, for crying out loud? It's not poison, exactly. I sighed, and to my fear noticed one specific girl who had a tendancy on not letting me go. I looked at her clothes, and scoffed. Even though it didn't came like a surprise that she wore a pair of short jeans and a short t-shirt looking thing that revealed her slim stomach, I still felt an urge on cover her up. Who knows what these wolves would do to her?! 
I sighed, and turned my back against her and met the eyes of my friend, who had noticed her too. "I don't want to handle her tonight... I'll see you tomorrow, 'kay?".
He just nodded, and gave me a little push to hurry before she found me. It was a good thing I had friends like that, who helped me escape crazy chicks. I grinned, and quickened my pace down the street, the opposite way to the school. It was a quite beautiful night afterall.

When I rounded the first corner, my eyes fell into the creepy alley. It did remind you of the scene in "Spider man" where Peter had saved Mary Jane and recieved one hot kiss. Or, maybe not hot, but cute. I stood there, and suddenly heard a whimper and sobbing. Was... there somone there?
I walked up inside the alley, and felt my eyes widen in shock. I quickened my pace up to the body and took him by the arm, and stared at him.
Damn, had this kid been beaten up, I thought and bit my lip. His hair was all messed up and half covered in blood. His eyes were surrounded by black and blue circles, his chin had gotten ripped up and his lip had been crushed. I gulped, and saw how his eyes fluttered, and he passed out.

"I don't know what happened to you, but don't worry, I will help you" I whispered, and lifted the boy up in my arms, and carried him bridal style back to the school. 

Everytime I looked at his face, my heart just broke into thousands of pieces. Who could have done this to this boy? He was so... small, and probably looked all fragile otherwise. And he must be young too, consider how he weight almost nothing. And I wasn't one to work out, yet he reminded me of a model - skinny. 
I kicked up my door, and gently placed the boy on my bed. Even though my mind was going crazy as I had no idea what to do, I wanted to help this kid. I bit my lip and gulped as I reached out for the firs aid kit. I took the box and turned it around, so that every item inside it, fell on the bed.

"Let's see..." I muttered and took one deep breath. "You dumbass, you're studying to become a doctor, and you don't even know what to do to an injured little boy...".
When my senses finally come to ease, I took out some cotton wool and squeezed out some cleanser on it, and gently wiped it over his chin. The wound looked really deep, enough that it might need stitches. I gulped once more as the dirt and blood fell off as I wiped it all away. The face I was looking at, was that boy from history class! The one I had teased for being a girl!

"The ғυϲƙ? They beat up YOU? What the hell did you do to deserve this?!" I exclaimed, and felt a little teary. He had only been to this school for a week, and already ended up as a victim.
I shook my head, and wiped away my wet eyes with my arm. "Don't worry, Yoo Chanhyun, I will watch over you and make sure this never happens again".

And after promising him that, I took out the needle and some thread, and quickly sew his chin up. It was too late to go the nurse, so he had to stay in my room until tomorrow.
My eyes went to his clothes, and I grunted heartbrokenly. Please, don't tell me they broke his little ribs, I thought and pulled his tank top up over his cheast and carefully over his head. I sighed, his body were just like his eyes, covered with black and blue circles. Fortunately, nothing serious unless than bruises. I unbottoned his jeans, and pulled them down and giggled a little at the sight of his boxers. 

"Snoopy, really?" I chuckled and shook my head. "You are one innocent little guy, aren't you?".
I smiled, and saw that both his kneecaps were wounded, and bloody. I nodded and brushed it off with the cotton pad and placed a patch over them. I looked at the boy, and shook my head. 

"Maybe you won't need to go to the nurse, after all?" I whispered and look over him. I had taken care of the worst areas already, and if he woke up in more pain, then he could give the nurse a visit. 

When the morning come, and I had sat on a chair and watched him all night, not for a second tried to get any sleep, he still hadn't woken up. I bit my lip, and tried to remember the room he had and the people he was sharing with, but I honestly had no idea. Then I remembered that Zico knew Baekhyun, who was friends with him. I dialed the number, and asked for Zico to come to my room and help me get him to his own dorm. 

When finally Zico came, he didn't wear his black and red uniform, but baggy demi-jeans and a t-shirt with a print worthy to be laughed at, but L.Joe shut up, and noticed that he probably had left his girlfriend, therefore the casually clothing. I knew he liked that certain print, but wearing it in school... kind of made him look like a dork.  He sighed when he noticed my face, and pouted.

"Yah, don't hate on Hello Kitty!" He said, and made a 'tsk' sound. "I have swag, something you lost long ago".
I shrugged and shook off the insult Zico had said, and showed him the sleeping boy in my room. "I think he share room with Baekhyun or whatever".
Zico nodded, then stared at me with a raised eyebrow. He didn't have to talk for me to get the hint.
"I didn't go, because I don't him to know that I found him. It'd be... wierd. Since I'm in teasing mode with him. Tom and Jerry-ish".
Zico rolled his eyes, and walked inside, lifted the boy up and made a face. "Yo, is this a girl or boy? He's not even heavy! Not lighter than you, but still. Does he not eat?".

It hadn't crossed my mind, and it actually frightened me to hear that from Zico. What if... Changhyun had a eating disorder? It wasn't unsual, just... really, really sad. Heartbreaking. I sighed and shook my shoulders.

Zico gave me a wry smile, before heading off with Changhyun in his arms. I sighed, please get better, Changhyun. 

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