Another day in Paradise

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~ "Killa" - Cherish ~

At that day, L.Joe had officially marked Ricky as his. Everyone knew that the lovely puppy-like boy with blue-ish dyed hair was the kingka's boyfriend, and pay him a lot of respect and admiration. Ofcourse, the boys looked at him like the cool guy who were 'friends' with L.Joe, and tried to approach him and tie him around their fingers and brag to their other friends that they knew Ricky. The girls, on the other hand, were jealous. Or, to be more specific, two girls were; Hyuna was one of them. 
She hated Ricky so bad and made sure he was aware of it. Even though she was older than him by one year, and you get the idea that her mindset would be on a level below Ricky's, she didn't show it. She intentionally bumped into him every time she saw him, pushed him out of her way if he was standing 'in front of her', she had more than once asked for some nerd to break into the boy's locker and thrown everything inside it, outside and stepped on it to ruffle the pile of books and papers up. Her tricks had been very discrete, as she didn't want L.Joe to find out and think bad of her. 

Yes, Hyuna did not like the fact that a random BOY had stolen her boyfriend. She wasn't homophobic, but L.Joe, her crush since what seemed like forever. Her best friend and imagined lover. 
She sighed, and fiddled with the red skirt and pouted cutely towards her two friends who were positioned in front of her in the cafeteria. 

"Jia... eottokae? Am I not pretty enough for L.Joe oppa?" Hyuna whined, heart brokenly and sighed inwardly as she placed her both palms underneath her chin and felt her eyes getting teary at the subject she was bringing up. 
The two girls sighed, but the look over Jia's face, somehow made it feel a little bit better. "Eonnie. You are absolutely beautiful. The prettiest girl around school. It's just that... L.Joe has a wierd sense of style".
Nicole scoffed, and removed a blonde strand of hair out of her face and crossed her legs. "Get over it, Hyuna. He never wanted you in the first place anyway. We all knew that he was swinging the other way. Well, except for you who was too busy chasing after him like a loser you really are. - Jia, I'm sorry, I've just heard enough of this girl's bullshit. - Look around instead, Hyuna. There's tons of fish in the water".

And just like that, did the blonde girl jump down from the table she had sat on, swung her hair over her back, and left. Her confidence was something that Hyuna had always envied. She always spoke her mind, even though the things she'd say, would hurt other people to the bottom of their hearts. But, she was being more of a slut than a queenka, like Hyuna herself was. She hadn't even lost her virginity yet she was chasing a boy like she wasn't. But it was all she knew, he was the only one on her mind. He was the reason that her grades were so-so and that boys noticed her. 

"Hyuna. Why are you looking like that?" Jia asked suspiciously and then widened her eyes, as she remembered that expression from another time. "No, not again. He's too innocent!".
Hyuna shook her head, and smiled. "You do crazy stuff when you're in love~" Hyuna sing-songed in reply and rose from the table. "I want him, Jia. And I gotta have him".


Ricky's POV

Ricky curled his lips into a smile and felt a giggle tickle him inside his throat where he stood. He had been with Baekhyun and Eunhee for the whole day and gone to every little shop in a shopping mall Baekhyun had taken them to. 
And by every little shop, Ricky really meant EVERY single one of them. Eunhee was desperate to find a new bag, since the strap on her old one had broke. She had said that she had looked up some stores that sold bags and that she wanted to try them on. But, then she had found clothes and other cute things she wanted to look closer on. And to be completely honest, Ricky had enjoyed it. The girl was so cute everytime she removed the curtain and wore a different set of clothes. 
It was amazing how no matter what she wore; skirts, dresses, jeans, shirts, t-shirts... she looked absolutely amazing. It was really fascinating to him. 

"What is it?" Baekhyun asked, and tilted his head to the side, as he looked at the direction Ricky was looking, but couldn't figure out what was so amazing.
And he shouldn't have. Because the thing that had gotten Ricky's attention, was a person. A person that he didn't know, but liked anyway. The person was walking with a tall boy, that he chatted happily with. However, once he noticed that someone was staring at him, he stopped and looked at Ricky.
The two smiled at each other for quite some time, until they both hurried over and hugged each other. 

"Aigoo" Ricky chuckled and felt that the height difference between them had changed a whole lot. "Can't breathe~".
The boy chuckled with a low manly voice and patted Ricky on his head. "I'm fine, how are you?".
Ricky chuckled and exhaled as the boy let go of him. "Now, I'm much better. Are you here with your friend?" Ricky said, and glanced at the taller boy who awkwardly looked around the place.
"Yeah, my dongseang. Pyo Jihoon, my baby!" Yukwon exclaimed and grabbed the boy by his wrist and pulled him closer to them. "He is tall and talks like a ahjussi, but really, he is younger. - Say hi to Ricky!".

The boy blushed and nodded at Ricky, then at Baekhyun and Eunhee, who seemed a little lost where they stood. Ricky chuckled and introduced them to each other. He did however notice a little blush over Yukwon's cheeks as he lay eyes on Eunhee. The smile that had been plastered over his lips widened and he suggested for them all to go get something to eat. 

It was a little bit uncomfortable for Ricky as Baekhyun had hooked his arm around Ricky's left and Yukwon on his right. He was like the lock of a necklace where he walked; stuck in between. He tried his very best to talk to both of them, since neither of them wanted to talk to each other nor reply to anything the other said. Ricky pouted and glanced over his shoulder, and realized that the younger boy, named Jihoon, wasn't too comfortable walking beside Eunhee, who was being a little over friendly with him. 

"What school do you go to?" She asked with a cute voice and smiled warmly, as she patted the boy on his shoulder. 
He chuckled nervously and brushed over the area where she had touched as if it had been dirty. He didn't reply, but instead put both his hands in his pockets and walked over to his hyung. 
"So, what do you think?" Baekhyun suddenly asked with his voice filled with enthusiasm. 
Ricky looked at him with a questioning look and then chuckled. "Mian, can you repeat that?".
Ricky saw how Baekhyun rolled his eyes, but obediently said the thing that he hadn't been listening too. It was a small party he was throwing in his house in Jeju Island. Two days and one night in the luxurious house that he and his friends would have all to themselves, by friends Baekhyun meant Kai, Kevin, Sohee, Eunhee, Suzy and Ricky. He did include Nicole, but wasn't too sure that she would come. 

"So, you're in right?" Baekhyun asked, with the same enthusiastic voice. 
Ricky gave it a thought, and then nodded. He saw nothing negative with it at all, he was just going to spend the first weekend of their break with his friends. Nothing wrong at all. Well, except for the people that Baekhyun was inviting. It was too few and there was no L.Joe. 
"Can L.Joe come?" Ricky asked and felt his heart skip a beat as the question left his lips. 
Baekhyun hesitated first, and looked over at Yukwon. "I was actually going to ask if Yukwon hyung and Jihoon wanted to come, so... the rooms are already occupied".
Yukwon lit up and smiled brightly. "You rascal... ofcourse we can squeeze Ricky's boyfriend in. I can share bed with Eunhee-ssi if needed!".

Ricky bit his teeth together in an attempt to hold back the laughter that was bubbling inside his stomach. Without looking, did he know that Eunhee shot the older boy and Baekhyun one heck of a dark eye. Yukwon on the other hand, didn't hold back any emotions, but cracked up together with Jihoon. 

"Ani-ya, just kidding" Yukwon then said, turned around and winked flirtatiously with Eunhee. "Unless... you want to. Then I'm up for it!".
"Pig..." Eunhee muttered, and stretched her back. "Oppa, let's eat over there!".
Ricky gulped down another laugh that threatened to come out, and looked at the direction that Eunhee pointed at and nodded. Korean BBQ. 

The boys shouted happily, except for Baekhyun who rolled his eyes and hooked arms with Eunhee instead. Ricky pouted, but walked inside the little diner with Yukwon and Jihoon, who chose a big table by the window. Yukwon made another joke about him and Eunhee, and grinned when she came along and had no idea what had happened. 
Like a gentleman, however, did Yukwon pull out a chair for her and smiled warmly at her. "I'm sorry for earlier. I'll pay for your food, cutie".

Eunhee scoffed and sat down, but did however feel flattered by his actions. Ricky smiled and sat down beside Jihoon and Baekhyun. The waitress came up to their table to take their orders. Ricky saw how Yukwon smoothly placed his hand on top of Eunhee's, and ordered meat for both of them. Jihoon widened his eyes, and whined at his hyung who weren't buying him anything. 
Ricky smiled at the boy, and told him not to worry since he gladly pay for him as well. 

"Aigoo, what's with the nonsense?" Baekhyun scoffed, and smiled cutely at the waitress who seemed much happier by the look of the adorable eye smile of Baekhyun's. 
Baekhyun ordered meat enough for seven people - which to Ricky was way out of proportion, since he wasn't that very hungry nor had that great appetite like a normal teenager. 
"Gwenchana-yo, hyung-nim" Jihoon said in an attempt to make Ricky feel better, and shot him a sincere smile before looking straight at Baekhyun with something serious over his stone face. "Gomawo-yo hyung, I will eat well!".

The four laughed at the boy who spoke with such sincerity and seriousness. Except for Eunhee, who was busy trying to break free from the arm that Yukwon had snaked around her neck. Ricky noticed, and sighed. He understood the behavior of the blonde, Eunhee was indeed a very beautiful girl with stunning features, but he should let the girl breathe, since she wasn't interested at all. 

"Hyung-nim" Jihoon said, and broke the thoughts of Ricky and gained his full attention. "Do you play any computer games or something?".
Ricky furrowed his eyebrows as he had to think twice before answering, he did however have an answer for the boy, but he didn't want to cut the conversation that he was trying to hold. 
"Honestly, I haven't played games that much, but I would love to try" Ricky answered and smiled full heartedly. "Do you perhaps know any I should try?".
The boy lit up and nodded violently. "Ye! There's the new Diablo that you HAVE to play! And then... the new version of WOW is out. Changjo and I play it all the time. We could play together! And I could teach you!".

The way Jihoon spoke about the computer games, made Ricky smile. It was indeed a big interest that he had, and to see how he went from silent and a little shy from almost ecstatic, was a blast. 
Ricky nodded, and chuckled over the cute boy that kept on talking about the games, and how Changjo and him killed the many beasts and other creatures in a game called 'World of Warcraft'. 
The waitress came back with the meat, and Baekhyun and Yukwon immediately began to make it. Jihoon and Ricky kept discussing games, till all the meat had been cooked. 

"Wow~" Ricky said and smiled at the sight of the great piles of brown meat. "It looks delicious!".
Yukwon grinned, and took Eunhee's plate, and quickly put some of the meat and a nicely cup of rice on it. "Here you are, sweetheart~ oppa has made it really delicious just for you!".
Ricky made a face over the cheesy comment, but decided that Eunhee could take care of herself, and began to eat some of the meat that he had put on his own plate.

When all of the sudden, Eunhee excused herself, she grabbed Ricky by his wrist and pulled him away with her. Confused, did Ricky follow her out of the restaurant and out of the mall. 

"Waegurae?" He asked when she finally stopped. He was looking at her from behind, so he had no idea what was going on at all. 
Eunhee took one breath and turned around, looking quite furious where she stood with her hands into fists and her cheeks burning. 
"I hate him, Ricky-ah! I can't stand one more second of his so called 'company'! I know we left Baek there alone, but I really don't care! Can we please go somewhere alone?" Eunhee said with an annoyed voice, and shot Ricky a begging look. 
He chuckled and felt a little bad for her, but he understood where she was coming from, and nodded in reply. Baekhyun was a social person and didn't seem like he was having too much problems with the two boys anyway. 

He hooked his arm with Eunhee's, and smiled excitedly at her. "Hm... how about we go to the movies?".
The girl lit up and nodded happily. "I'd love to! I can pay if I get to choose the movie!".
Ricky chuckled, and nodded defeated. "Okay, deal!".

As the two began to walk down the street, they began to talk about movies that they had seen and genres they preferred. Busy discussing movies, did they not notice the girl with a huge camera that were snapping pictures of them. Little did they know that that person were following them from a huge distance and were smiling satisfied at the pictures that he had taken; one of the many pictures had he shot out of an angle where it looked like Ricky were kissing the girl.

"Tsk... you just wait Ricky. When I'm done with you, L.Joe won't even look at you".

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