Chapter 1.

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Ashlyn's POV
"My god she's beautiful." I said looking at her as she walked by. It was like time stood still and it was just the both of us. I must of been zoned out because Hope punched my arm bringing me back to reality.
"Hey... That actually really hurt you bi.." I said but got cut off by the beautiful girl I was staring at. She introduced herself. I was so intrigued by her I wasn't listening.
"I uh.. sorry what did you say your name is?" I said with a forced smile after making a complete fool of myself.
"Alexandra Krieger but call me Ali I prefer that." She blushed.
"You have such a beautiful name uh I mean I'm Ashlyn and this is my friend Hope." I awkwardly answered.

Ali's POV
I was blushing so much when Ashlyn said that I had such a beautiful name but she didn't notice but Hope did and smiled at me. Ashlyn looked down after she answered because she was embarrassed but I thought it was cute. I was looking at her with the biggest grin on my face when Hope asked me a question.
"So are you new here? I haven't seen you around." She said.
"Yes actually I just moved back from Germany recently and was just checking out the neighbourhood before I head to Colorado for camp next week." I said.
"Camp? As in camp for the USWNT?" Hope asked excitedly.
"Yes actually. Oh my god you're Hope Solo and Ashlyn Harris aren't you?" I said smiling with excitement.
"Haha yes we are. Jill told us about you actually but never told us your name. We've heard so much stories about you." Ashlyn said looking me in the eyes with a smile on her face.

Hope's POV
"Hey Ash I've to go to a doctors appointment I'll call you later. Nice meeting you Ali and see you next week." I lied.
"Ok bye Hope. I'll collect you tomorrow morning same time." Ashlyn said.
"Bye Hope nice meeting you." Ali said.
I waved bye and headed back towards my car.

Ashlyn's POV
"So are you free for the rest of the day? I'll take you out to dinner my treat?" I said.
"Is Ashlyn Harris asking me out on a date?" Ali said blushing.
"Yes I am so are you accepting or just going to make fun of me?" I said jokingly.
"Hmm I would love too but I am going to make fun of you during our date." Ali said with a smile.
"Okay then let's go." I said.

Ali's POV
As we got to Ashlyn's car she opened the door for me and helped me get in. We drove for about 40 minutes until we reached her and Hopes apartment to change. Ashlyn showed me around and let me pick out an outfit from the dress closet her and Hope share. I picked a plain red dress with a V neck line showing a little cleavage and leaving my shoulders bare. I picked black high heels and put make up on. Ashlyn was waiting for me down stairs in black skinny jeans, red Adidas high tops and a red and black checkered shirt.
"Wow Al, you look amazing."
Ashlyn said.
"Thanks," I blushed, "now close your mouth before you swallow flies." I said jokingly and kissed her cheek.

Ashlyn's POV
I laughed at what Ali said and she kissed my cheek. I stood there for a couple of seconds in awe.
"Are you coming or not?" Ali said from the door way. I opened the front door and helped her down the steps before picking her up bridal style to my car. I put her down and wrapped my arms around her waist and gently brushed our lips together before opening the car door open for her.
"God you're such a tease," Ali said looking at me, "but two can play at that game."
We were about five minutes into the drive when Ali put her hand on mine and held it. I glanced at her a couple of times while the sun was shining at her face.
"Why are you looking at me?" Ali asked.
"Because you look absolutely stunning." I made her go red and kissed her hand. She put her other hand on our intertwined hands and held them for the rest of the drive. It took us another ten minutes to get to where I had our date planned. I pulled up to beach with the cobblestones path. I got out first and ran over to Ali's side and helped her out.
"Hey Ash, what are we going here?"
"You'll see Princess."
"Oh so you're now calling me Princess. I like it."
"Oh shut up and cmon."
We held hands the whole time we walked to where our date was. There was a table with two chairs and an amazing meal waiting for us. We were out on the pier and the sun was setting while we finished our dinner. We took off our shoes and sat at the edge with our feet hanging and touching the water. Ali had her head on my shoulder and one of hands on my thigh and the other intertwined in my hand. I kissed the top of her head and she looked up at me.

Ali's POV
Ashlyn kissed the top of my head and I the got shivers down my back. I looked up at her.
"I think I might actually be falling for you." I said.
"Oh really?" She said.
"If I wasn't would I do this?"
"Do wha-" but before she finished I kissed her. She kissed me back and I saw fireworks everywhere. She broke away first to catch her breath.

Ashlyn's POV
Ali kissed me and I kissed her back. I broke away first to catch some air and she still had her eyes closed. I was smiling like a fool and she looked at me.
"What are you smiling at you now stud?" She said.
"The most beautiful thing I've ever seen." I said.
"Oh and what's that?" She asked curiously.
"Definitely this view of the sunset." I said sarcastically. She punched me and laughed. My god it was the most beautiful laugh I've ever seen.
"Nah I'm only kidding you're the only view I've looked at all evening Princess and it's gorgeous." I said looking at her.
"Cheesy but still cute." She said with a smile.
We took a walk along the beach hand in hand with our shoes in our free hands. I stopped and looked at the sunset along the horizon with my arm around Ali's shoulder and head against hers.

Ali's POV
I had my arms wrapped around Ashlyn's waist and my head against her chest listening to her heart beat and looking out at the sun. We started to walk back to the car when it started getting dark. When we got back to the car Ashlyn let go of my hand and went to the car helped me in.

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