Chapter 44.

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Alexa's POV
They're getting married today. It's a very secretive service at the back of the house with the team and family. Everyone is excited and nervous. Everything is set up and ready to go. Mum's dress is amazing. She looked stunning. Mom's is just as amazing. As for my dress. Seeing as it's just myself and Ash up their with them as maid of honour and best man, or woman in this case. Between running up and down the stairs all morning I am absolutely wrecked. I'm spending the rest of the morning with Mom seeing as Alex, Christen, Ali and all them are helping Mum get ready. Ash and Carli are with mom and I.
"So mom..."
"Yes Lex?"
"Am I have to leave tonight."
"To where?"
"Utah. Camp is starting the day after tomorrow."
"Oh okay. Have you told Kel?"
"No. I was planning on saying goodbye before I leave."
"That's not going to be a good idea. Go tell her now."
"Fine. Be back in an hour."
They all laughed and I walked up the stairs to Mum's room. I knocked on the door and walked in. I froze when I saw Mum. She looked absolutely stunning.
"Oh my god. You're, uh, wow."
"Ah Lex you don't look half bad yourself. What's up?"
"Am I was wondering if I could speak with you for a moment in private."
"Am sure let's go outside." I nodded and followed her out onto the balcony.
"So what's up kid?"
"Am I have to leave tonight for a few weeks."
"What? Why?"
"Camp in Utah."
"Oh wow okay. What time tonight?"
"5pm! Lex that's before the meal."
"I know and I'm so sorry. I really wish I could be there but I really have to go."
"I know."
"Are you mad?"
"No, I'm pissed, but not mad. How long are you gone for?"
"A month...."
"A whole month! I won't see you for a whole month!"
"We can FaceTime."
"That's not the same Lex and you know it."
"Mum you knew it was going to happen sooner or later."
"Sooner is a lot sooner than I thought."
"Hey don't cry you'll ruin your make up." I grabbed her tissue and sapped her eyes. I kissed her forehead and hugged her. "You make a stunning bride. Mom is so lucky to have you." She nodded and we headed back in. I left her with the gals and went into my room. I grabbed my suitcases and carry on that I packed last night and brought them downstairs. Ash came out with Emily.
"What time do you leave?"
"5pm but I'm going to leave here at 4. I'll call a taxi."
"For how long?"
"A month."
"Wow that's long. How did Kel take the news?"
"I know. She's grand. She's upset but I know she'll be fine. She has mom." We walked back into mom and momma. I kissed mom and the cheek and sat next to her.
"How long are you gone for?"
"A month."
"That's a long time. Are you packed?"
"Yeah did it all night when you were asleep."
"What time are you leaving?"
"Here at 4 and from the airport at 5pm."
"Wow so soon."
"I know."
"Is Mallory going?"
"I honestly don't know. I haven't talked to her." Mom nodded. I stood up and walked out of the room. I walked to my spot and saw someone there. As I got closer I saw it was Jason.
"Ahh Lex." He was drunk.
"What are you doing here? Drunk."
"You're mom's getting married."
"Why are you here?"
"Hope. She was my person but then that dyke came and stole her from me after she left. I loved your mom so much. So much that I gave up everything when I found out she was pregnant. Do you know how much it hurt when she left? No. it hurt so much. I turned to drugs and alcohol. I found her when you were two. Ashlyn was with her. She told me if I didn't get my act together I couldn't be around you. I cleaned up and went to rehab for a while but when I came out you were gone. She gave you up for adoption. And then took you back. I wanted to be apart of your life. Have a happy family with you, me and Hope. But no she turned out to be gay."
"You're drunk."
"I'm in love Lex."
"No you're drunk and leaving."
"Make me."
"Don't make it harder than it has to be Jason."
"Or what? You're going to leave too? I don't care about you. I only want your mother." That one hurt. He stumbled towards me and punched me in the face. I lost my balance and fell. He jumped on me and spat on my face. I had tears streaming down my face. He slapped me across the face and punched me in the jaw. I screamed out in pain. He picked me up and slammed me into the tree.
"You were a mistake. You ruined everything." He slapped me across the face again. He punched me in the stomach and let go of me. I fell and held my stomach. He kicked me in the ribs and I coughed up blood. He was about to kick me again but someone threw themselves at him. I don't know who but all I know was that he fell and was knock unconscious. My vision became blurry and I fell.
"Hey. Hey Lex. I need you to stay with me okay?"
"It's me sweetheart. Stay awake for me baby girl."
"Ash it hurts. So bad."
"I know baby. I know but help is on the way."
"I want mom and mum and momma."
"They're coming Lex. They're coming don't worry." Ash ran her fingers through my hair as Iay there in pain. Minutes later we heard all the sirens and mom shouting. They appeared seconds later and I heard mum scream. They bent down next to me.
"Lex. Oh my baby." Mom was crying.
"Mom it's time."
"Lex don't say that. You're going to be fine."
"I love you.."
"Lex.." I opened my eyes and closed them several times. The paramedics appeared and put an oxygen mask on me.
"Okay Alexa wee need you to keep your eyes open, okay sweetie?" I nodded slowly. We made it to the ambulance and mom sat in next to me. One of the doctors took one of my hands and mom took the mother. I let go of one of their hands and took off my mask.
"No no no Alexa keep it on. You need it."
"I love you mom." I barely croaked out.
"I love you Lex. So much. I need you to stay awake okay. You're going to be okay. You're going to be fine." I felt my body go numb and everything around me went in slow motion. I let go of mom's hand and closed my eyes for longer periods. We arrived at the hospital and I was taken off the ambulance. I could hear mom screaming at me but it was just a blur. I saw doctors looking down at me and examining me. I coughed up blood and slowly took off my mask.
"Tell them it was my time and I love them. And that I'm sorry." I barely whispered. The doctor from the ambulance took my hand and squeezed it tight. Everything went black for what felt like a minute. All of a sudden I was blinded by light. I put my hands up to cover my eyes. I saw someone walk over towards me.
"Grandpa Jack?"
"Hello Lex. Long time no see."
"Grandpa where am I?"
"Somewhere special. Listen Lex you have to go back to your mothers. I know what Jason did was wrong but trust me he's paying for it. You're going to pull through this and become stronger than ever before. You have to be there for Emily. She means so much to you. You've got be a good role model for her. She already looks up to you. Carli has a lot ahead of her in the near future if you know what I mean. So be there for her every step of the way. As for your mothers, well they won't see happiness anymore if you go."
"Grandpa Jack what's it like here?"
"Peaceful. But you weren't made for peaceful. You were made to change the soccer world. Congrats on the call up. Your mew-maw and I are so proud and always looking down on you."
"So this is goodbye again for now?"
"It's more of a see you soon because even though you can't hear or see us that doesn't mean we aren't there. We listen to you when you talk and I promise you that you have a bright future a head of you. I love you Lex."
"I love you too Grandpa."
Everything faded and I felt hands in mine. I couldn't move or open my eyes but I could feel. And boy was I sore. I heard someone talking and others crying. I tried so hard to move but I couldn't. I heard rattling and shuffling and the door opening and closing. Someone was still holding my hand but my other one was free. I heard someone whisper and next thing a small hand take mine.
"Mommy what am I suppose to say?"
"Anything baby girl. Anything at all that'll make her happy and want to wake up."
"Okay but can I talk to her alone ?"
"I guess so just be careful when you sit on the bed."
"I will mommy." I felt the person let go which I'm guessing was Ali and walk out of the room. I'm guessing Emily jumped up onto the bed because I felt her sitting on my lap.
"Hi Lexi. Mommy said to say nice things to you so you will wake up but I don't know what to say. I want you to wake up. You're my big sister and I need you. You make me giggle when I'm down and buy me ice cream. You play dollies and dress up with me. And have tea parties with me and Mr. Tickles. He misses you a lot. I do too. Lexi you need to wake up. I don't want to you to go to sleep like mommy and daddy. I need to remember you. I love you Lexi." I felt her kiss my cheek and a drop fell on my cheek. She was crying and my heart broke. She must of got off the bed because the door opened and closed and I was left in silence. My head started pounding and I felt my body shake. The machines started beeping faster and faster and pain shot through my body. I felt the sheets under my hands and I squeezed them trying to bare the pain.

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