Chaper 2.

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Ashlyn's POV
It's been a week since Ali and I saw each other and it's killing me. I call her everyday but it's not the same but we're heading to Colorado today for camp with the National Team and Ali will be there. God I miss her smile.
"Ashlyn Michelle Harris get you ass down here now!" Hope roared from down the hall dragging me out of my thoughts.
"God it's like your my mother. My bags are already in the car and the flight isn't until another 2 hours so calm down." I said coming down the hall to where Hope was.
"I know but I want to stop off for breakfast first and we're also collecting Ali." She replied without looking up from her phone and mumbling the last part to herself.
"Okay let me grab my backpack so." I ran down to my room and grabbed my backpack with everything I need.
We headed for the Starbucks just across from the street where Ali lives and I'm not going to lie I was surprised to be there because there's a Starbucks in the airport. Hope glanced over at me and pointed over to the steps of Ali's building.
"So are you like just going to sit there and not help her with her bags or what?" She said with a smirk. I immediately ran across the road to help Ali. She was relieved to see me I think because she was struggling to get her suitcase.
"Here let me princess." I said giving her a small peck on the cheeks. Ali immediately blushes and chuckles.
"Why thank you stud. I missed you but I can't wait to spend the next 2 weeks with you." Ali says still blushing. I put her suitcase in with Hopes and mine. Hope got out of the car and we went into Starbucks together. We all got coffee to keep us energised for the flight ahead of us. We got the coffee's to go because we were short on time so I drove, Ali in the front seat and Hope asleep in the back. Ali took a glance back Hope before grabbing my hand and intertwining our hands together. I lifted them up and kissed her hand. She blushed and looked out the window. I glanced at her many times. She knew I was looking at her because she would just chuckle and look down at our intertwined hands.

Ali's POV
I was looking at Ash, who was so focused on the road, for a couple of minutes before she realised that I was. We were just after pulling into a parking space at the airport car park. My head was against the head rest staring into her eyes. Eyes full of love and safety.
"What you looking at Princess?" Ash asked with a smirk clearly knowing the answer.
"Oh you know the usual sexy blonde who I'm falling for." I said leaning in slowly.
"Oh really and who might that be?" Ash asked leaning in. Our lips with just centimetres apart. We were just about to kiss but Hope coughed.
"Get a room please." Hope laughed and got of the car to get a parking ticket. I went red with embarrassment but Ashlyn cupped my face with her hands and smiled at me. I looked into her eyes but she was starting at my lips.
"You know you can kiss me if you want. I don't bite." I said blushing.
"You don't have to say that twice." Ash said locking our lips passionately. Before it got too heated I pulled back and got out of the car. I walked up to where Hope was standing.
"You guys are really cute." She said with a smirk.
"Aren't we." Ash said wrapping her arms around my waist kissing my cheek. Hope groaned and walked away towards our gate. Our plane wasn't leaving for another half hour so we sat and went on social media.Our flight was finally called and luckily enough we were all seated together. I had the window seat, Ashlyn was in the middle and Hope on the outside.
"You can sleep if you want. I'll wake you up before we land." Ashlyn says noticing how tired I was. I layer my head on her should and she kissed the top of my head before drifting off to sleep. It only felt like I was sleeping for five minutes before Ashlyn was telling me to wake up.

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