Chapter 32.

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Ashlyn's POV
Ali and I got a text this morning from Hope telling us to meet her at the house at noon. It was 11:30 now so we made our way over. We walked straight in and closed the door behind us. Everyone was sitting in the living room except Lex. Carli and Brian were sitting next to each other and Kel and Hope were on the opposite side of the room.
"Alright who's going to get her?" Kel asks.
"I will." Hope got up and walked over to us. I gave her a nod and she smiled. I walked over and sat next to Ali and put an arm around her shoulder. Her leg was shaking so I took her hand in mine and kissed it.
"She's going be to be okay." I whispered in her ear.
"How can you be so sure Ash?"
"Because she's a fighter. Just like her mothers."

Hope's POV
I walked up to Lex's room and knocked. There was no answer so I just opened the door and walked in. I heard the shower running. I looked around her room and saw her walls. I gasped and walked over to the one next to her bed. It was covered in photos of Lex and our family. I smiled and ran my finger over all of them smiling at the memories.

"My favourite is the one your finger is on now." I jumped and saw Lex standing there leaning against the doorframe. She smiled and walked over. I looked back at the picture and laughed. It was of Lex running towards me after scoring on Ash again. She was smiling and pointing at me.

Flashback to 3years ago....

"You ready Ash?"

"As ever as I'll ever be kid. Try your best."

Lex ran up to the ball and gave it a powerful kick with her left foot from outside the 18. She was working on her long distance with Car, Ash and I for the week. She shot it and it went to the upper 90 on the right. Ash jumped a bit too early and just missed it. Carli went crazy and ran over to Lex and picking her up and spinning her around. I stood in shock of what just happened and Ash was the same. My mouth was slightly open. Carli put Lex down and she came running to me laughing and pointing with the biggest smile on her face. I smiled at her and she ran into my arms.

"Mom did you see that."

"I did that was top class Lex. Unbelievable."

I kissed her head and she ran back to Ash. I laughed when she tripped and Ash caught her just in time. I heard her giggling and my smile grew bigger. Carli walked over and put her arm on my shoulder for support.

"Not doing such a bad job there Car."

"It's all her. You're doing a good job with her. She looks up to you a lot."

"I really couldn't do it with you guys though. Ye have been with us since the start."

End of flashback..

I turned and faced Lex. She was smiling at the photos on the wall.

"Cmon. Everyone is downstairs waiting."
"You'll see. Dress comfy."

I walked out of the room without another word and went back to the living room. They were all watching the news. I went over by Kel and sat next to her.
"Hey my beautiful fiancé." I kissed her head and whispered in her ear. I heard her chuckle.
"I love you Hopey."
"I love you too." I kissed her cheek and went back to watch the tv. Lex came down a few minutes later dressed in an oversized jumper that was mine and some shorts. Her hair was in a bun and wet fro the shower.
"Have a seat." I gestured towards the free chair that was facing all of us. She walked over and sat down.
"Okay we're going to talk and no one is to walk out or storm off or anything. Okay?" Everyone nodded. "Okay Lex explain why you never told us. Why did you keep it from me for so long?"  Lex explained her story and by the end tears were on all of our cheeks. I stood up and everyone looked at me. I walked over to Lex and bent down in front of her. I took her hands in mine and she looked at me.
"Lex we're here no matter what. We'll always be here be it day or night. We love you. I love you." She nodded and I pulled her into a hug. I felt my shoulder get wet and I knew she was crying so I pulled her closer to me. I rubbed her back and after a few minutes she calmed down.
"Much. Thank you. For everything." I nodded and gave her one last kiss before standing up and walking over to Kelley.
"So. You two are engaged." Lex said trying to start a conversation.
"Yeah. I guess we are." Kelley said looking up at me. I kissed her lips and smiled. I rest my forehead against hers.

Alexa's POV
Mom and mum looked so happy and I couldn't be happier. I looked over at Ash and Ali and they're both staring at me. I looked at the ground quickly once I made eye contact with them. I started playing with my fingers. I saw someone kneel down in front of me and take my hands in theirs. I looked up and saw Ali. I gave her a small smile and hugged her.
"Thank you for telling her. I wouldn't of had the guts too."
"Lex it's nothing to be scared of. We're going to try and help as much as we can and we're going to get through this together. As a family."  I hugged her one last time and she walked back over to Ash. I looked over at Momma and dad to see them asleep on the couch. I got up and ran up to my room to get a blanket. I grabbed it and ran back downstairs. I wrapped it around them and smiled at the sight of them.
"I'm going to head to the field for a while. Does anyone want to come?" I asked looking at all of them.
"Yeah sure, why not kid. Let's get you ready for college." Ash said standing up. I smiled and ran upstairs to get my gear. I changed and put on my trainers and carried my phone, speaker, water and cleats in the backpack. I ran back downstairs to see everyone changed and waiting for me. Mom had wrote a note to Momma and dad explaining where we went and that they were more than welcome to come meet us there because we won't be back for hours. We got into one car and drove over to the field. Mum and Ash were in the front and mom and Ali were on either side of me in the back.
"Am I coming to Ireland with you?"
"I mean if you want to then you are more than welcomed too. You might change your mind and want to stay here with Carli and B. Jill has a space for you anyway if you do come."
"I'm going to come. I miss seeing all the girls together doing what they love." She laughed and kissed my head. We arrived at the field and piled out of the car. I went in and got all the balls in the locker room and changed into my cleats. I connected my phone to the speaker and blared out music. I picked up a ball and started juggling while waiting for the other girls to be ready.
"Come on ladies. I know you're old and all but you really need to try be a little faster." I got a little laughs in response and a glare from mom. I smirked back at her and she got up and ran towards me. I dodged and made my way towards Ash for protection. She laughed and held me down while Mom tickled me. I laughed and laughed until my side hurts so bad we had to stop. We got up and did a few passing and shooting drills and then PK's and knockout with everyone. It was mum and I left in the final. Next score wins.

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