Chapter 41.

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Alexa's POV
I pay the taxi driver and walk into my dorm. I set everything down and fell on the couch. I must of fallen asleep because next thing I know is I'm being awoken to banging on my door. I groaned and it stopped. I sat up and checked my phone 9am. The banging started again and I stood up. I walked over and opened the door. Mum was standing there and she looked wrecked. I opened the door and left her come in. I shut it behind her and helped her with her bag. I set it in the bedroom so it wouldn't take up room.
"Yes please." I poured her some coffee and took a massive gulp of it and I smiled. "Thanks I needed that."
"I know you did." She sat on the couch and I sat next to her. She set her mug on the coffee table and wrapped her arms around me. I was just about to move.
"Don't even think about moving away from me. You and I both know we need this more than ever." She said in a serious tone. I couldn't help but chuckled at that. I put my head against her shoulder and closed my eyes. I took and a deep breath.
"I'm sorry. For everything mum. I really am."
"I know Lex. I know. All that matters is that you're okay. I'm sorry for everything. I just need to know you're okay." I felt my hair get wet. I looked up at mum and wiped her tears away with my thumb. She hugged me and I hugged her back tight. I couldn't hold back my emotions anymore and I just let them all out. We both cried out eyes out. After a few moments we settled and laughed wiping our tears away.
"So how about breakfast?" I asked.
"I only brought sweats and oversized jumpers."
"That's all I own. Cmon and we'll get some pancakes and a movie."
"I always knew you were my child. Cmon." She chuckled and stood up. I grabbed my keys,purse and phone and ran after mum. We went to the cafe on campus and got breakfast. We talked waiting for our food.
"So when's the big day?"
"Three weeks."
"Wow. That's so soon."
"Lex you're going to be there right?"
"Yeah. I'd do anything for you. So what am I suppose to wear to my mother's wedding?"
"Am a dress the bridesmaids are wearing."
"Because you're my maid of honour."
"Wait. Seriously?"
"Yeah. I wouldn't want anyone else up there with me." I stood up and jumped over to her side of the booth and hugged her.
"Omg. Wow that's a big job."
"I know but I think you can handle it. After all you're a Solo."
"I love you mum."
"I love you too." I went back to my side of the booth and the waiter brought out our food. When we finished I paid and we walked back to my dorm. I'm happy I got today off after travelling. Mum set up a movie and sat on my bed. She's the One. Of course she would pick that. Half way through the movie my phone rang. I picked it up and saw it was mom calling. I muted it and mum paused the movie.
"You should answer it."
"Not now. I'm not ready." Mum's phone rang and it was mom. I chuckled and mum groaned. I was surprised that she muted it.
"You should answer it." I mimicked her while laughing. She shoved my arm and played the movie but quickly paused it when there was a know on the door. I groaned and got up. I walked out of the room towards the door. I opened it and gasped.
"This day couldn't get any worse."
"Who is it Lex?" Mum roared from the other room.
"Come and find out for yourself." She walked out and stopped dead in her tracks. She looked from Mom to me. She left out a deep sigh and walked towards us.
"I think it's best your mother and I talk first and then you. Go to the field and kick around for a while and I'll meet you down there okay Lex?" Mum said. I nodded and quickly ran into my room and grabbed my cleats and soccer ball. I walked out and brushed past mom. I walked to the field and saw one of the goals were occupied by people. I walked over to the other goal and worked on my PK's acing all of the in the two upper nineties. I ran to collect the ball and walked back to set it up on the 21 yard mark. I looked up at the goal and saw that Ash was standing in there. She was ready to save it. I stood in front of the ball.
"What are you doing here?"
"Thought you could use a goalie."
"I was perfectly fine without a goalie." I turned around and picked up the ball and walked towards the bench to change my cleats. Momma was sitting there on her phone.
"Are you following me now or something?" She looked up and stood up and walked towards me. "Leave me alone. I don't need you here." I brushed passed her and grabbed my stuff. I was just about to walk away when I heard Christies voice.
"ALEXANDRA ELIZABETH SOLO TURN AROUND AND COME HERE BEFORE I CALL FOR BACKUP." I turned and saw her standing next to Momma, Ash and Abby. I saw Mum making her way towards me with mom. Mum came over to me and wrapped me in a hug. "Mum I don't want to be here." I whispered in her ear.
"I know Lex but it's for the best. I didn't know they were all coming. Only Christie." She whispered back. I felt a hand on my back. I looked and saw Abby. Mum let go and walked over to Christie and left me with Abby. Abby put her hand on my shoulder and pulled me into a hug.
"I promise you Lex everything is going to be okay. Just tell them all how you're feeling and if it doesn't work then we'll try something different. Your mum and I will be by your side the entire time. And if your mother is giving us her death glare I'll take care of her." I nodded against her chest. She kissed the top of my head and led me over to the group. They had their backs to us. We walked around and saw Alex, Tobin and Lauren standing there. Alex looked over and saw us. She ran at me.
"Don't scare me like that again. I was so worried about you. When I got that call from Cheney I text everyone to see if called any of them. They're all so worried. All of them are on their way." I stepped back from her and she looked confused.
"They're all coming?"
"Yes Alexa. They're all so worried." I suddenly became all nervous. I was all sweaty and shaky. My breathing increased rapidly and I felt trapped. Everyone was staring at me slowly making their way towards me. I looked between all of them. I suddenly realised I was having a panic attack. My first in years.
"Lex. Take deep breaths baby girl. I know you can get through this." Mum was right in front of me. My hands were crunched into fist. She took them and put them around her neck.
"Relax Lex. No one is going to hurt you. Relax you hands. Follow my breathing." I followed her breathing and after a couple of minutes it was back to normal.
"Good girl." Mum kissed my temple and hugged me.
"Mum I really can't do this. I can't have them all come. They shouldn't have to."
"Hey hey hey. Lex we didn't tell them come. They're all coming on their own terms. They all care about you. We all do." Any came over and pointed behind me. I turned and saw the rest of the team standing there. I ran towards them.
"PINOE!" I jumped onto her and she fell. We laughed and I got off of her. I hugged everyone and said hello. Everyone was there except Kling and Moe.
"Hey where's our hugs?" I turned and saw them. I ran at them.
"I'm missed you guys so much."
"We missed you too Lex. Now we can prank Moe Moe."
"Hey we can not prank Moe Moe. Hey Lex."
"Hey Moe." We walked back over to the group. They were all laughing and talking but stopped when I walked over. Becky spoke first.
"Alright so what seems to be the problem that's breaking out little family?" Everyone's eyes were on me and I looked down. I saw feet come in front of me and I looked up. Christie was standing there.
"Alrighty ladies you all go get settled into your hotels and meet us back here in an hour. Is that okay?" She said and everyone nodded. Everyone all hugged me and left. All that was left was Ash, Ali, Momma, Mom, Christie and Abby. "I need you all to leave too except Abby. This is a job for us two only."
"Can I at least talk to my daughter?" Mom said but Ash took her arm.
"I think it's best we leave her be Hope. They will take care of her." Mom was staring at me and frowning. She looked between Christie and Abby and shrugged and left. I gave Ash a small smile and she returned it. I walked over to her and hugged her.
"Thank you."
"Please be okay. I miss you." I nodded to her and she walked away. I turned back to Abby and Christie and sighed. This was going to be a long hour.

Christie's POV
As Lex explained everything my heart broke for her. She's been through much in the last few months. I walked over to her and hugged her and rubbed her back as she cried.
"Everything's going to be alright."
"How can you be so sure?"
"I just do." She smiled. Abby walked over to us and hugged her too. She wiped Lex's tears away with her thumb. All the girls were making their way over to us. I smiled and looked at Lex. She looked up at me and I pointed to behind her. She turned and ran to Kelley. Kelley hugged her so tight and spun her around. She put her down but didn't stop hugging her. When she did Lex went and talked with Pinoe, Alex and Tobin. Carli and Hope were staring at her the entire time. I walked over to both of them.
"Come on, we're going on a walk." They both nodded and walked with me to the stands. They kept their eyes on Lex the entire time.
"Hope you have to talk to her. Explain everything. I know you know she's hurting on the inside. It takes her all she has in her to make you guys happy. Everything she does is for you guys. She's just tired of trying. Tired of trying to make her family happy. Tired of trying to make everything be normal. Tired of going back to a home where she feels like all she's doing in working. She needs a break. From all of her worries. Pull her out of college for a year. Let her live her life. I'll make her take a year of out."
"She won't talk to me let alone look at me."
"Then you gotta try harder."
"I am trying but I give up."
"Then you don't deserve Lex. You don't deserve to have a daughter if you give up."
"Christie I'm lost."
"I know. I'm taking her for a few months. I'll make her feel at home and you can come visit."
"You can't just take my daughter away from me like that Cap."
"I just did Solo. You get your life together and make her feel wanted then you can have her." I stood up and walked away. I walked back into the pitch to Lex.
"Lex I need a word."
"Sure. What's up?"
"You're leaving college for a year. You're coming to live with me."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive. The girls will be so happy to have their cousin around and play with them." She jumped up and down and hugged me.
"Wait what about mom and all them?"
"They're more than welcome to come visit as often as they like." She nodded and walked over to Ash and Ali.

Ashlyn's POV
Lex walked over to Ali and I. I looked at Ali and her face lit up. Lex stopped right in front of us and looked at the ground. Ali looked at me and I nodded at her. We both bent down and hugged Lex. Surprisingly enough she hugged us back.
"Don't let go. Not yet."
"Wasn't planning on it Lex."
We hugged her tighter and she eventually let go.
"There's something I need to tell you."
"Go ahead kid."
"I'm leaving. I'm not coming back to Houston."
"What dju mean?"
"I'm leaving college for a while. Christie said I'm coming to live with her for a few months. I don't know why but I'm not arguing. I could do with a break for a while. I'm leaving tomorrow. You are more than welcome to come and visit she said."
"Oh." I looked at Ali. She had no expression on her face. Lex looked up at her and then at me. "Wow. That's not something I wanted to hear today. Ash?"
"I'm really happy for you Lex but I'm really going to miss you. When we play Sky Blue you better be there to support us."
"We? I thought Ali was with the Spirit." She looked at Ali. She smiled and Lex jumped on her.
"I got traded."
"Oh my god. I'm so excited." Lex was jumping all over the place but then became very serious for a second.
"What's wrong kid?"
"How am I going to see you guys? You're going to be travelling a lot with the Pride and the National Team."
"We'll be there every week we don't have a game."
"I love you guys."
"We love you too." We hugged her one last time and she ran off. I looked back at Ali and she had her head down.
"What's wrong Al?"
"Nothing. I'm just going to miss that kid."
"I will too. At least we know she'll be safe and happy." We looked over and saw her laughing with Christie. "She's getting what she deserves. Something we couldn't provide for her."

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