Chapter 4.

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Hope's POV
"I think I might be in love with you." Kelley said.
I just looked at her for a few seconds and then let go of her as she stood up. She went to the edge and looked at the city and started to cry again.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't of told you that." She said not facing me. I got up and put my arms around her waist and she tensed but I kissed the back of her neck and she relaxed.
"I think I might be falling in love with you too." I mumbled into her neck. I tightened my grip around her waist and kiss her cheek.

Kelley's POV
When she said she's in love with me too I put my hands on her arms around my waist. Her grip tightened and I felt safe and loved. We stayed like that for about ten minutes in comfortable silence holding each other. I turned around to look at her and kissed her lips. They were so soft. It was a short but passionate kiss.

Hope's POV
I kissed Kelley back after she connected our lips. FIREWORKS. That's all I saw. I held her hand and we went back down to dinner. Everyone was still there waiting for us. I stopped outside the door before I opened it.
"Hey Kel. I love you." I said to her.
"I love you too Hopey." She said and kissed me. We walked into the room and it went silent. Kelley's eyes were still puffy red from crying and everyone was staring. I squeezed her hand and looked at her and smiled. She looked back and smiled. She went over to Alex and hugged her. I couldn't help but smile. Carli was staring at me and I told her I'll explain everything later as Jill stood up.
"Alright ladies ye know the drill. Lights out at 11 and everyone back in their own rooms by then. That's it for now. Breakfast at 10 and then light training at 1 for about an hour. Ye are dismissed." She said and walked out. I pulled out my phone and texted Kelley.
To Squirrel;
Want to invite everyone up to the room and tell them or whatever?
From Squirrel;
Yeah sure. Want to do the honours or should I? ;)
To Squirrel;
I'll do it. Meet in 15 in our room?
From Squirrel;
Yeah x
I opened the team group message to tell them.
Me; Meet in my room in 15?
Alex; is everything okay?
Ash; ohh yay party
Pinoe; Syd is missing out
Sydthekid; sorry family emergency but I'll there in the morning so fill me in
Ali; Ashlyn Michelle Harris if you cause any trouble over I swear to god
Pinoe; haha Ash
Ali; don't say much Pinoe I have Sera on speed dial
Pinoe; sorry
Carli; we'll be there now shut up kids
Me; thanks Car
About 10 minutes later Kelley and I laying on her bed. She's sitting in my lap and her is rested against my neck. I hold her tight.
"Hey Hopey?" She asks quietly.
"Yeah Kel."
"Are you sure you want to do this?" I pick her up off my lap to make sure she facing me.
"I'm sure but we promised we wouldn't go public until we were both ready okay?" I look at her.
"Okay." She says and kisses my cheek. There's a knock on the door and I kiss her forehead before answering it. All the team is there. I step out of the way and let them all in. Ash is the last one but stays out in the hall. She looks at me and I go to tell Kelley I'll be back in a second. I walk out to the hall to Ash. She knows me like the back of her hand and knows when something is up. I sigh because I know I ain't getting out of the situation any time soon so I just tell her. She hugs me after I tell her. She knew I needed it so we just stand there hugging for a minute. Then we head back in.

Kelley's POV
Hope's been gone for the last 10 minutes and I'm getting worried. I was just about to get up when she walks through the door with Ashlyn behind her. Ash comes over and kisses the top of head and smiles and walks back over to Ali who's on Hope's bed. I look at Hope and she smiles so I stand up next to her.
"Okay so you guys are probably wondering why I called you all here," Hope started, "but before you guys start asking questions there's something I have to tell you." I look at Hope and she puts her arm around my shoulder and whispers in my ear.
"Are you ready?" She says. I nod and she carries on talking.
"Kelley and I have an announcement to make." She's looks at me with a smile and nods. It's my turn to speak.
"Hope and I are dating." I say and I look at Ashlyn who's standing up walking over to us. She hugs me and tells me everything is going to be okay. Ali soon follows and does the same. Everyone is just sitting there shocked. It scares me so I run out of the room.

Ashlyn's POV
"You guys what the fuck. You should be ashamed of yourselves. It took everything Kelley had to say that and ye did nothing but stare at her." I say and Alex gets up and runs out of the room with tears in her following Kelley I assume. I look over at Ali and she just gives me a sad smile. I walk over to Hope, who's sitting on the bed with her hands in her head.
"We're sorry Hope. We didn't mean it like that. We're really happy for you guys. Go after her and tell come back so we can apologise." Christie said. Hope obeys and tells us to come with her to help find Kelley.

Alex's POV
I ran out of the room crying after what Ashlyn said. I should've been supportive of Kelley. I'm running after her. She's a couple of feet ahead of me. She runs out the hotel to the park that's across the way. I text Hope to let her know.
To Hope;
I have Kelley. We're at the park across from the hotel. Will you call Ali and tell her meet us down here so she can talk to her. I promise to have Ali bring her back before lights out so don't worry. Just give her some space.
From Hope;
Okay thanks Alex. Ali's on her way down with Christie now. She wanted to check up on her.
I turn off my phone and sit next to Kelley. She doesn't look at me. She just looks out at the water. She breaks the silence a couple of seconds after.
"You could of said something."
She choked out.
"I know and I'm sorry. I just didn't know what to say." I said looking at her. I hear footsteps behind me and I see Ali and Christie walk over. They sit down next to Kelley.
"Hey there little one. How you holding up?" Christie says like a mother.
"I don't know anymore. I thought everyone would've been supportive of us but they weren't. They just stared at me like I was a ghost." Kelley's says while crying. Christie holds her and rubs her back to calm her down. She does after a few minutes. Christie and I get up to leave. She pulls Ali aside and tells her to be back before lights out.

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