Chapter 11.

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Hope's POV

I wasn't drinking tonight because I had training in the morning with Ash. There was only a handful of us sober. Tobin, Carli, Alex, Ash and I. Mal and Moe were too young too drink so they sat with us on their phones and talking to each other. We would ask them if they wanted food or drinks every once and a while. You'd swear they were children. Speaking of children I actually haven't seen Kelley all night. I couldn't see her anywhere so I went and checked the bathroom. She wasn't in there so I went up to the bartender and asked if they had a roof. He said up the stairs and straight down the hall. I thanked him and went up to the roof. It was huge. You could see all the city lights like from our balcony. It was such a beautiful sight. I hear shuffling to the side so I followed it. There she was leaning against the rail and arms stretched out wide. Her hair was blowing in the slight breeze. She was like something out of a movie and she is mine. I walked up behind her and hugged her from behind.

"Hey beautiful."
"Why you here all alone?"
"Just needed some air."
"Oh do you want me to leave."
"No Hopey. Just hold me."

I kissed her cheek and held her tight. We stood there looking out at the city for an hour. I got a text from Ash saying we were leaving. We walked down to the them and helped them load all the drunk ladies onto the bus. It took us a while and we were wrecked. The thought of having to that again at the hotel is already tiring me. Kel and I walked to the back of the bus and Carli was already there. Kel wanted to talk to Ash about something so she sat next to her. She jumped in next to her and I couldn't help but laugh. Ash looked at me confused and I just nodded my head. I sat down on my seat and I looked out the window at the city as we were moving.

Kelley's POV

I wanted to talk to Ash about Hope. I don't really know anything about her life outside soccer. Whereas Ash knows everything. I jumped into the seat next to her and she looked at me confused. She looked up at Hope but she just laughed. 

"Am hey Kel."
"Hey Ash. There's something I wanted to ask you. About Hope."
"Okay shoot."
"Why is she closed off about her past?"
"Am Kel she's been through a lot. Her mom was an alcoholic and her stepfather wasn't any better. The only reason she's closed off is because she's afraid if she'll tell anyone they'd get up and leave like them. The only reason I know is because I walked in on one of her meltdowns a few years back. She will open up to you so just get her time."
"Wow okay, thanks." I got up to leave but she grabbed my arm.
"Kel she loves you. Don't leave her."
"Wasn't planning on it Ash. Not now. Not ever." 

I hugged her and walked back to Hope. I sat down next to her but she didn't notice me so I grabbed her hand. She looked at me and smiled. I kissed her and rested my head on her shoulder. We stayed like that for the rest of the ride back to the hotel. About 10 minutes later we arrived into the hotel. All of us sober ones helped put everyone into their respective rooms for the night and put some water and advil beside each bedside for them. We were finished around 2 am and went down to the lobby to check names off the list to make sure we had everyone. I was heading up to my room and was looking for Hope. She was talking to Ashlyn so I left her be. I said goodnight to everyone and headed up to the room. I was in the elevator when I heard a shout.

"Hold the door. Thanks."
"No bother. I thought you were talking to Ash?"
"I was but I'd much rather go to bed with you."
"Hope you don't have to."
"I know but I want to. I know you know you know. She told me."
"I won't leave you Hope. Not now. Not ever. I'm always going to be here whether you like it or not. I ain't going anywhere anytime soon. You're stuck with me."

 She didn't say anything but laughed. I was confused as to why. She turned to face me. I noticed the tears forming in her eyes. I cupped her cheeks in my hands and brushed them away with my thumbs.

"I'm always here Hope. You can tell me anything and I'll do the same. I'm not going to leave because of your past. If anything it makes me love you even more. Because I do. I do love you. More than you could possibly know Hope."
"I love you."
"I know. And I love you too."

The door dinged and we were on our floor. We walked down the hall hand in hand to our room. I got the key and opened the door for us. I locked it and got ready for bed. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I walked out a little confused because I couldn't see Hope but the balcony door was open so she must be out there. And she was. She was in shorts and a tank with her legs pulled into her chest. She was crying. She was shaking a little while crying. I was lost. I didn't know what to do. I called the one person I knew that would.

Ashlyn's POV

I was getting ready for bed when the phone rang. It was Kelley. A little confused I answered.

"Hey Kel, what's up?"
"I need you. Well, Hope needs you. I don't know what to do. She's crying but I know she won't talk to me but she will for you. Can you come down?"
"Yes. Open the door. I'm on my way now Kel just go hug her. That's all she needs okay. I have to go to tell Al where I'm going and then I'll be down. Okay?"
"Okay. Hurry Ash please."
"I will. Hang in there."

I walked out the bathroom and Al was already in bed. I explained to her what was going on and she wanted to come up with me to get Kelley and talk to her. We walked out of the room and turned off all the lights because we won't be sleeping in there tonight. We walked down to their room and the door was slightly open for us. The door for the balcony was open. I walked over and outside to find Hope crying with her legs up into her chest. Kelley was sitting on the other side of the chair just looking at her scared. She doesn't realize how broken Hope really is but I know she won't run. She won't leave her. She loves her. I walked over to Kel and pulled her into a hug. I hugged her tight afraid that if I let go she'll fall. Ali took over for me and let her into the room to talk. I kissed Kelley's head and watched them walk into the room. I walked over to Hope and picked her up and sat down with her on my lap. I held her tight into me.

"Shh. It's okay. I'm her now. Just let it all out. I've got you." I whispered. 
"Ash... I'm... broken... how.. am I... going... to love... her if I... don't even open up to her." She said between sobs.
"She knows Hope. I told her everything. All of it. She loves you Hope but you got to tell her yourself for it to be real. You love her. You can see it. She can see it. I can see it. Everyone can. And no one will leave you. EVER. Believe it or not we're all in it for the long hall.Each and everyone of us on this team."
"Thanks Ash. I really scared her didn't I?"
"More than you know Hope. Ali's in there trying to calm her down. We should talk to her. Together?"

She got up off my lap and held her hand out for me. I took it and pulled her in for a hug. We parted and headed back into the room. Ali was holding Kelley and the bed rocking her back and forth trying to console her. She caught my eyes and shook her head. I looked at Hope and she was heartbroken. She walked over to Ali's side and just fell to the ground. I walked over and sat down next to her. This was going to be a long night of talking and crying. 

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