Chapter 34.

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Carli's POV
Today the girls are leaving for Ireland. I'm a little bummed I can't go but more than Lex is going. How am I going to be able not seeing her for two weeks? I'm going to miss her. I was driving them the five of them to the airport for their flight. I drove to Hope's and walked in. They were all in the kitchen talking and drinking coffee.
"Hello ladies." I walked over to Lex and kissed her cheek. "Hey baby girl."
"Hi Momma." She giggled and my smile grew bigger.
"Hey Car. How's the pregnancy going?" Hope asked.
"Alright but I've been sick a lot lately and it's not just morning sickness anymore."
"I'm sure everything's fine. Alrighty so ladies, and Lex, are we ready?"
"Hell yes!" Ash jumped out of her chair and ran towards the door. We all laughed and followed her out to the car. They loaded all their suitcases into the car and we took off towards the airport. Hope was driving because she wanted to. She turned up the radio and we all sang along to the songs at the top of our lungs. It was great crack. We arrived at the airport and I helped them with their bags and walked with them past security and waited with them for their plane because Jill knew the security guards. We talked with the rest of the girls for about an hour and then their plans was called. I turned to Lex and saw her walking over to me.
"I guess this is goodbye."
"Momma is only two weeks. I'll call and FaceTime or Skype everyday so you can see that I'm still alive. I'll text and whatever else. I'll see you in 15 days."
"15 days too long. I love you Lex. Be good for your mothers please."
"I will Momma. Tell Dad I'll see him soon and not to miss me too much. I love you too." I kissed her head and gave her a tight hug. Hope walked over and hugged me too and said goodbye. I waved goodbye to the rest of them and started walking away. I felt someone hug me from behind and turned to see Lex. She smiled and kissed my cheek and ran back. I tried hard to hold back the tears as I waved goodbye. As soon as she disappeared my phone buzzed. I pulled it out and unlocked it and saw a message in the team group.
Becky; it's not the same without you Car.
Hope; yeah we'll miss you.
Lex<3; who's going to mind Kling and Pinoe now?
Kling; HEY! Hope your child is being disrespectful.
Pinoe; Shup Kling. You don't need to shout out what your texting. People are looking at you like you're a psychopath.
Moe; hahahah Kling just got owned by a little girl hahahahah
Kling; Carli why do you gotta leave me alone with these people. I need you.
Me; I love you too Kling. Moe and Pinoe leave Kling alone. I'll see you guys soon. Love y'all.
I turned off my phone as I got to the car. I got in and drove back to the house. I walked in and went to the kitchen and made some tea. Brian came down and kissed my head and went to the fridge. I took a sip of tea and read the paper. My stomach was killing me so I got up and went to the cupboard to the some medicine. My legs got weak and I lost my balance. I kept myself up by my arms against the counter.
"Brian I need you to come here for a minute."
"Sure what's wrong?"
"I need you to take me to the hospital."
"What? Why? What's happening?"
"I don't know but just please take me."
"Alright cmon so." He picked me up bridal style and carried me out to the car. He put my in the back seat laying on my back and ran around to the driver side. He sped towards the hospital and I felt my eyes getting heavier.
"Brian hurry please.."
"Carli I need you to stay with me please. Stay awake."
We pulled up to the hospital and Brian carried me in.
"Please someone help!" Brian shouted. Everything was in slow motion. Doctors appeared out of nowhere and took me from him. My eyes eventually stayed shut and everything just blacked out.

Brian's POV
I waited for news on Carli for the last 4 hours. There still was no doctor here. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and saw it was Lex calling. I answered it the best I could without breaking down.
"Hey baby girl. How was the flight?"
"Hi dad. Long. Is momma around?"
"Actually Lex are your mothers around?"
"Am yes mom is here next to me. Why? What's wrong with momma?"
"Lex I need you to put your mom on the phone please." I heard mumbling on the other line and seconds later Hope was on the phone.
"What's up B?"
"Carli's in the hospital. I don't know what's after happening."
"Woah Brian. Has anyone come out to speak with you yet?"
"No. No one yet. Hope what if she's not okay? Or the baby?"
"Hey, hey , hey Brian don't think like that. Kelley is just after going to talk to Jill so we can fly back. We should be there for tomorrow evening. Just hang in there until we get back and call if you get any updates."
"Thanks Hope."
"No bother. I'll leave you go. Stay strong and I'll see you soon." She hung up and I was left alone again. It was now 3 am and I've been here since 11pm waiting. Waiting for news on my fiancé and my kid. Finally a doctor comes out and walks over to me.
"Are you family of Ms. Lloyd?"
"Yes her fiancé. What's wrong?"
"She's well and breathing. She's sleeping at the moment. We don't know what happened but she was internally bleeding from the womb. We don't know how but it's all fixed now."
"And what about the baby?"
"I'm sorry but we couldn't save your baby."
"Oh my god. Okay am thank you. When can I see Carli?"
"Now if you'd like. I'll show you."
"Thank you."
I followed him to Carli's room. She was in the bed looking so fragile with all this machines connected and coming out of her. My heart broke at the sight. I thanked the doctor and walked over to the chair at the side of her bed. I took her hand in mine and kissed it.
"Hey baby. If you can hear me me I need you to listen. They did all they could to save you. They did a remarkable job to stop you from bleeding to death and I'll be eternally grateful for them. But. Here's the worst part. You lost the baby in the process. I know this is going to be so hard to get over but we're going to get through this. There's still other options like adoption.
We're going to be strong. We have a family to support us if we break. We have a beautiful daughter who's going to be here for us and get us through the day." I cried myself to sleep. I was awoken by someone shaking me. I looked up and saw Lex there was tears streaming down her face. I immediately stood up and pulled her into a hug. I kissed her head and held her tight. I felt her crying and I left tears fall too. She buried her head in my chest and I buried mine in her shoulder. I picked up my head and saw Hope and Kelley standing by the door crying too. They walked over and pulled us into one big family hug.

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