Chapter 18.

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Kelley's POV
I notice Lex tense when she sees the paparazzi everywhere. I took her hand in mine and squeeze it tight. She looks at me and smiles. I kiss her temple and look up at Hope who has a sad smile on her face. I nodded my head to her and she got out of the car along with Carli and Ash. I turned to look at Lex.
"Alright here's the plan kid. I'm going to walk by your side and Hope on the other to cover you as much as possible. Now as hard as it's going to be I really need you to push your way through okay?"
"Okay Kel."
"Alrighty then lets go." Hope came around and opened my door. I hop out and stick my hand out for Lex. She takes it and jumps out into the ground. She closes the door behind her and grabs Hope's hand. I walk in with Carli because Ash wanted to make sure no one would hurt Lex so she stuck by her. There was flashes everywhere and people asking for interviews and pictures. We walked in to the restaurant and the security had to escort us to the back. I looked back at Hope and Ash and see Lex was shaking. I walked back to them and took Lex from their protection and into the bathroom. She was shaking like she does when she gets scared. I stand in front of her and take her hands in mine.
"Alright sweetie I need you to match my breathing okay? In through the nose and out through the mouth. Alright good sweetie." After a few minutes she was back to normal. We walked out to the girls and sat down. I sat next to Hope and Lex sat in between Car and Ash. They was laughing at something on Ashlyn's phone. I look over at Hope who has the biggest grin on her face looking at how happy Lex was. I took her hand and intertwined our fingers under the table. She looked at me and smiled.

Carli's POV
Lex was shaking really bad after coming in. I felt so sorry for her. When she came back with Kelley she looked sad. I looked at Ash and she saw it too. I got up and Lex in the middle of us. Ash took out her phone and showed us a hilarious video. Lex and I were laughing so hard our sides hurt. The waiters came and took our orders. While we were waiting we made jokes and light conversation. We got to know Lex a lot better while eating dinner. Hope was looking at her all the time smiling. I have never seen her so in love with just one person. We payed our meal and got ready to leave. I noticed Lex was beginning to shake again so I called Hope over.
"Can I get the security guard to bring the car sound? I don't want to put Lex through that again."
"Actually I already thought of that when I came in. After we payed he went out. He's waiting our back with the car."
"Okay thanks."
"Thank you Car. For looking out for her like that."
"Hey she's one of us now." I walked back over to Lex. She smiled when she saw me. I stuck out my hand for her and helped her up. I put my arm around her shoulder and we walked out to the car. The drive back was quite. Lex sitting on Kelley's lap with her head in the crook of her neck. Kel was rubbing her thigh and soon enough she fell asleep. It was around 11 pm by the time we got back to the house. Hope carried Lex to her bed and came back down. We all changed out of our clothes and into our pyjamas. We stayed up watching tv for a while until calling it a night.

Hope's POV
Kel and I went up to bed. Lex was already in there so we went on either side of her. She snuggled close into my body once I was under the covers. I wrapped my arm around her waist and kissed her head.
"Goodnight beautiful. I hope you enjoyed it here." I whispered in her ear. I slowly drifted off the sleep with the thought of my family being full again. I woke up in the middle of the night and checked the clock. 4:37 am. Kelley was still asleep but Lex wasn't there. I walked out of the room and down the stairs. The living room light was on and I walked in. Lex was standing in front of the fire looking at the photos on the mantelpiece. She had her back turned to me so I walked up behind her and put my arms around her waist and my head on hers. She giggled when she realised it was me.
"Why you up munchkin?"
"I couldn't sleep. Sorry if I woke you up mom."
"No you didn't wake me up. I was just cold I didn't have my cuddle buddy there."
"Oh so you my cuddles."
"Oh they're the best. Just don't tell Kelley. It'll be our secret."
"Of course mom. Mom? Can I ask you something?"
"Sure what's up?"
"What's going to happen when you have to go back to training? Where will I go?"
"Well I was hoping I could bring you with me. We'll be gone for weeks at a time travelling with the national team."
"Oh okay but what about school and soccer?"
"Well there's only 2 weeks left of school until summer so you're not going back until next semester. As for soccer we have until next season to find a new team in Houston. Is that okay?"
"Perfect thanks mom."
"You're welcome. Now come on there's something I want to show you. Go grab your hoodie and socks." I did what I was told and went upstairs to get them. I came back down to find mom in the kitchen with two cups of tea ready and a blanket. I picked up the blanket and followed her out onto the decking. There was a couch there so I went and sat down and mom sat down next to me carefully not to spill the tea. I took my cup and wrapped my hands around it for heat. I took a sip and snuggled into mom's side.
"So this is something nobody knows I like to do. It's sort of something I do when I have a lot on my mind so I'm going to share it with you okay? Now you have I promise you won't tell anyone."
"I won't mom."
"Okay. It should be happening in a minute or two so just sit back and watch out on the horizon." I took a sip of my tea and put it down on the coffee table next to mom's. I sat back in next to mom's side and looked out on the water. After a few minutes of sitting in silence something amazing happened. The sun was rising and it was beautiful. I felt mom's head on mine and i knew she was asleep. I watched it for another bit until I fell asleep. I was wrapped in mom's arms and I felt safe. I felt loved. She is the only person that has made me feel that way.

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