Chapter 25.

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Carli's POV
I had so much fun with Lex this morning that after we dropped her off I was missing her. I went to shower while Brian made breakfast. When I finished we sat and ate while watching ESPN. He got up and put the dirty dishes into the kitchen. He came back and was about to sit when there was a knock on the door.
"Wonder who that could be?" He said walking. I heard him opened the door but didn't say anything. I was about to get up but I heard the door close and he back in carrying a crying Lex. I was immediately worried as to why she was crying but I would ask her later. Brian came over and sat down next to me and Lex cried into his shoulder. I looked at him and he was heartbroken to see her like this. I felt so sorry for him. His little girl was crying and he didn't know why and who to kill. After Lex calmed down she sat up to hug me. I hugged her back tight and kissed her cheek. I gave her a small smile after she pulled away and sat back into Brian. She fell asleep on his chest and he smiled. He kissed her forehead and carried her into the bedroom. I followed and opened the door and pulled off the covers. He set her down and I covered her again with the covers. I sat down on the bed running my fingers to her hair. She was frowning and her cheeks were stained with tears. Brian got up and left the room and I stayed a minute longer just to make sure she wouldn't wake. I kissed her forehead.
"I love you Lex. More than you could possibly know. I don't know what happened to make you so upset but I'm so happy you came to me your dad for comfort. I'd much rather have you here than to find out you ran away. You can talk to me whenever you need to and I'll always be here. Both your dad and I. I love you Lex." I gave her one last kiss and walks out of the room closing the door quietly behind me. I walked into the living room and Brian was sitting on the chair with his head in his hands. I walked over and sat next to him and put my head on his shoulder and rubbed his back.
"She's going to be okay. She's strong and she'll get through whatever is going on in that head of hers."
"Car what if she's hurt or something like that. I can't stand to see her like that. I feel useless not being able to help her."
"Brian she's not okay. She hasn't been for a while. You and I both saw that the day the way she shut everyone out and scared herself so much. I don't want it to happen again so we need to be there for her. I'm going to Hope's too see what's happening and I'll be back soon okay? Call me if she wakes up and I'll be right over."
"Okay. I'll love you. Be safe."
"I love you too." I got up and kissed his head. I picked the keys off the coffee table and walked out to the car. I drove to Hope's in record time and burst through the door. All the girls were gone shopping for the day because they text to see if I wanted to go but now I'm glad I didn't. Ash, Ali, Kel and Hope were sitting in the living room glaring at Hope. I immediately knew she must be the cause of my little girl crying.
"Carli let me explain."
"Oh you're going to do more than explain as to why I have a crying child at home not telling me as to why she's falling apart." She explained everything and I got so angry that Ash had to hold my arm so I wouldn't pounce on Hope.
"And then I called her by her full name but instead of Solo I said Brian."
"I'm sorry you did what!"
"I called her a Brian."
"You son of a bitch. No wonder the child tried committing suicide. You make her feel like she's worthless to you Hope. Oh my god." I ran out the door and sped home. I ran into the house and straight to Lex's room. She wasn't in the bed and I panicked. I ran to the bathroom and it was locked.
"Lex open the door please."
"I'm sorry Carli. Please don't be mad."
"Lex I'm not mad. I just need you to open the door okay love?"
"I can't. I want to be okay and the pain to be gone and I'm nearly there."
"Lex love listen to me okay. I love you so much and so does Brian. We get if you don't want to go back there ever again so you're welcomed here. Ashlyn and Ali love you so much and they'd be lost without you Lex. Just like Brian and I. Kelley is going to be absolutely heartbroken losing her baby. And Hope will too. Lex she loves you but doesn't know how to show it. She really loves you."
"Carli I'm scared."
"I know baby and that's why I'm here with Brian. We're here to help. Just unlock the door." She unlocked it and I opened it. She was bleeding heavily from her arm and I screamed.
"BRIAN START THE CAR QUICK!" He ran in here and back out. I walked Lex out but she lost her balance and fell. She was unconscious. I picked her up and sat in the backseat with her. Brian sped towards the hospital as I cried whispering to Lex.
"I need you here with me baby. I need you alive Lex. I need you to breath. I need you to be happy again. I need you more than you know. I love you so much Lex. I need you to push past your demons and live."
I was crying hard at this stage. We pulled up and I ran into the hall with Lex in my arms. I was screaming help and seconds later doctors appeared taking Lex from me. Brian came in and held me as I broke down. I fell into him and he held me while crying himself. I pulled out my phone and called Ashlyn. She answered on the first ring.
A- hey Car.
Me- Lex...
A- Carli! What happened?
Me- she tried killing herself.
Me- Ash I need you here immediately please I can't do this alone. Tell the rest please.
A- Stay still we're on our way.
She hung up and I walked over to sit next to Brian. 20 minutes later they all came running through the doors. I stood up and they all came running over to me. Ash pulled me into a hug and we broke down crying. I saw Kelley sitting on opposite sides of the room to Hoe. She was pale white and was shaking. I walked over and sat down next to her. I took her hand in mine and she looked at me with tears falling down her eyes.
"Is she going to be okay?"
"All we can do now is pray she'll do her part to live as the doctors do theirs."
"I don't know what I'm going to do without her."
"Same here. Same here. Where's Hope?"
"Standing outside."
"I should probably go talk to her. I'll be back okay." I got up and walked outside. Hope was sitting on the bench with her head in her hands crying. I walked over and pulled her into a hug.
"What have I done? I shouldn't of said those things and we wouldn't be here. God I'm such a fuck up."
"Yes you are which is why I need you back in there with everyone and to be strong for her. She needs you now more than ever Hope and you and I both know that."
"I don't deserve her but you. You do. You and Brian have been more of parents to her than I ever have. If she wants to leave the you can have her."
"Don't you dare say that. You cannot just put her up for option like that. Fuck it Hope I thought you would be different but I guess you're not. You're always running from your mistakes but now they came back and bit you fucking hard. If you want me I'll be in there waiting for news on YOUR daughter so I know that she is alive." I got up and stormed inside. As I got there a nurse came out and called for Lex's family members. Kelley,Ash,Ali,Brian and I all got up and walked towards her. She looked confused but didn't question us.
"We stopped the bleeding just in time. She's stable and awake so you can see her but she asked for a Carli Lloyd?"
"Yes that's me."
"She's expecting you. Room 10." I smiled because that's our number. I looked back at the lads and walked over to the room. I stopped at the door and saw her lying on her bed with her head turned facing the window. I took a deep breath and walked it. She turned her head to look at me. She gave me a sad smile and scooted over for me to sit down. I walked over and sat next to her. She snuggled into my side and sighed.
"I'm sorry Carli. I didn't think it was that far."
"Hey kid. It's fine. You're alive and that's all that matters."
"But I'm broken. I'm never going to be okay again."
"Yes you are. We're a family now and we're going to help you every step of the way."
"Is she here? Or did she not bother coming and run from her problems?"
"She was here but I lost it with her so I don't know if she stayed or not but everyone else is here. Want me to bring them all in?"
"Yeah better to see them sooner so they can go back home and not worry."
"Haha okay." I walked out and walked over to them. I gave them a nod and they all walked over to her room. I heard her laugh when Pinoe screamed. Everyone was in and they closed the door leaving me alone in the hall thinking. I was looking at the ground and when I looked up I saw Hope standing there with puffy eyes.
"Is she okay?"
"Why don't you see for yourself?" She took a deep breath and walked over to the door. I opened it and we walked in. Everyone looked at us and the smile on Lex's face disappeared. Everyone said goodbye because they all had flights to catch. Once they all left all that was left in the room was Kelley,Ash,Ali,Brian,Hope,Lex and I. I walked over and took her hand in mind and Ali was holder her other one. Kelley was sitting at the end of her bed looking at her with such sadness and sorry. Ash was standing by the window looking at Lex with a sad smile alongside Brian. Lex looked at me and I nodded to her. She then spoke up.
"Can I talk to Hope alone for a while please?" Everyone nodded and gave her a kiss and walked out. I gave her a sad smile and walked out of the room to leave them talk. I saw through the window that Hope walked over to the chair to sit down. I walked over and sat next to Brian and rubbed his knee as he stared at the door waiting to burst through there when he was needed. Ali was doing the same to Ash. Kelley sat in the corner of the room staring at the ground. I got up and walked over to her and sat down next to her. She looked up at me and I patted my leg. She jumped into my lap and she put her head in the crook of my neck.

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