Chapter 36.

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Carli's POV
Once the movie was finished I looked at Lex and saw she was sound asleep. Hope got up and walked towards us. She was about to pick her up but I stopped her.
"Can she stay? I need her."
"Of course. We're all heading to bed now. If you need anything just call. Goodnight Car."
"Thanks. Night."
Everyone got up and went to bed. I kept running my fingers through Lex's hair as she slept. Today's events kept running through my thoughts. I was so lucky to have Lex. I kissed her head and wrapped my arms around her tightly.
"I wanted to thank you Lex. I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for you. You're the reason for everything good that has happen today and I couldn't be more grateful. I love you so much and I can't wait to see the woman you turn into. I'm going to miss you though. I can't imagine not seeing you everyday when you leave." I sighed and gave her one last kiss. My eyes felt heavier and soon I was asleep.

Ashlyn's POV
I went up to the room with Ali. I got into bed and Ali sat next to me. She had her back to me but I knew she was awake.
"How are we going to get through this Ash?"
"Each other." She turned to face me and I could see she was hurt.
"We couldn't do that today. If it wasn't for the poor child we wouldn't even be talking."
"I know. I'm sorry Ali. I really am. I was just caught off guard when you said you found a child you wanted to adopt. I'm sure she's amazing and I can't wait to meet our daughter."
"Oh my god. Are you serious?"
"Yes. I'm serious. I shouldn't of blew up like that. And I'm sorry."
"It's okay. I love you."
"I love you too." She leaned over and kissed me. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close. She snuggled into my side and I kissed her head. After a few minutes she was sound asleep in my arms. I fell asleep soon after but woke up around 3am. I got up slowly from Ali's grip and went downstairs. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and sat on a stool.
"Penny for your thoughts?" I heard a small voice behind me. I turned and saw Lex making her way to the fridge.
"I messed up bad with Ali. She forgave me but I still feel bad. I messed up with you too just walking away. I'm sorry."
"It's grand. As long as you and Ali are okay."
"Jason's back in town."
"I know I'm meeting him tomorrow. He's taking me to lunch."
"I don't think you should go."
"Ash I can protect myself. I'm not a child anymore."
"I know but I just don't trust him."
"Ash you're not my mother." I was taken back by her words and she was too. She immediately looked down.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean it."
"I know I'm not your mother but I still care for you like you are my daughter."
"Excuse me."
"Lex don't do that." She left the kitchen. I went to follow her but I saw Ali already comforting her in the living room. I walked back to the bedroom and got into bed. Ali joined me after a while.
"She didn't mean it Ash."
"I know." She kissed my cheek and snuggled into me again. I fell asleep with her in my arms.

Alexa's POV
I couldn't sleep after my talk with Ash so I watched Netflix. It was 5 and the sun was starting to rise. I decided to go to my spot and watch it. I left mom a note.
Gone out for a while. Be back for breakfast. Call me if you need anything.
Lex x
I walked to my spot and sat on the tire swing. I watched the sun rise and it was so peaceful. I thought of everything that has happened in the last 48 hours. Momma. Ash and Ali. Me and Ash's conversation. So much for thinking I'd leave here in a few days with a happy family. I sighed and stood up. I walked home and walked inside. Mom was making breakfast and everyone was either in the kitchen or the living room. I walked over and sat on the counter next to mom.
"Hey where did you go?"
"Just had to clear my head."
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah. Everything's fine." She walked over and kissed my cheek.
"Good. Can you set the table and call everyone? Everything's ready." I hopped off the counter and grabbed all the plates and coasters. I set enough for everyone. I walked into the living room.
"Breakfast is served ladies." They all laughed. I held the door open for them. Abby was last out. I jumped on her back and she stumbled but kept her balance and carried my into the kitchen.
"Jesus Lex. I love you and all but I'm getting old." I laughed and got off her back and kissed her cheek. She sat with Christie and the girls. There was one seat free next to Ash. My eyes shot open and I walked over to mum. I tapped her shoulder and she turned to face me. I bent down so I could whisper in her ear.
"Can you sit next to Ash please? I'll explain everything later. I promise."
"Yeah sure Lex." She got up and kissed my cheek. I sat in her chair and Momma and mom were next to me. They gave me a questioning look and I gave them my best effort of a smile. We ate and made little conversation.
"I'll clean up. Go relax." I said once everyone was finished. They all got up and walked into the living except Ash. I collected all the plates except hers. I put them all in the dishwasher and went back for Ash's.
"Are you finished?"
"Um yeah. Here."
"Thanks." I took it from her and put it in the dishwasher. I grabbed my headphones and put them in. I turned on my music at full blast. I grabbed a cloth and went to clean the table. Ash was still sitting there so I worked around her. I grabbed the brush and started sweeping but she got in my way and I was fed up.
"Okay are you going to sit there all day? Because I've got somewhere to be."
"If it means keeping you from going then by all means."
"You can't be serious Ash. God I thought you were different." I shouted at her. Mum came through the door with a concerned look. I just looked at her and shrugged.
"I'm done with her. I'm going out. I'll be home soon." I said. I brushed past her and towards the front door. I walked out and shut the door behind me. I heard it open and footsteps following me. Seconds later someone grabbed my arm. I turned and saw mom.
"What was that about?"
"You can ask her. I'll be back soon."
"Please be safe. And tell Jason I want you home by 6."
"How did you know?"
"He text. Please be careful. I love you."
"I love you too." She walked back inside and I pulled out my phone. I called Jason and he answered on the first ring.
J- hey lex what's up?
M- can you collect me?
J-yeah I'm on my way. See you in ten.
And with that he hung up. I sat on the curb and waited for him. Surly enough he was here in ten minutes. He got out of the car and pulled me into a hug. He opened the door for me and closed it. He ran to his side and sat in.
"So where too?"
"Neverland it is then."
We laughed all the way to his hotel. We hung out in his room for a while and then decided to go to the arcade. We played air hockey and I won. We went for lunch and talked so more.
"So what do you do for a living?"
"Am I'm a hockey player."
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah. I play for the BlackHawks."
"Oh my god that's so cool. Wow. How come I have never heard of you?"
"Because I don't use Shanahan as my last name."
"What do you use then?"
"Weston. It was my mother's maiden name. She passed away the year before I became pro. So what better way to honour her then to use Weston."
"Oh I'm sorry but that's really sweet of you."
"So what's wrong?"
"Nothing why?"
"I've been talking to your mother. Tell me."
"Ash is being unreasonable and I sick of it."
"Lex she's only trying to protect you."
"But I can protect myself. I'm leaving for college in a few days."
"Yes but Lex you're only 16."
"So. I'm a smart child. I worked my ass off to get to where I am today."
"Lex give her a chance. Cmon and I'll take you home before your mother kills both of us." I chuckled and he pain for our meal. We drove back to the house with five minutes to spare. Jason ran over to my side of the car and opened my door and helped me out.
"Thanks for today. I really needed it."
"No bother Lex. Call me if you need anything and I'll see you soon. Maybe at one of my games?"
"Yes. I'm obviously going to go now. See you around Jas."
"See ya Lex." He hugged me and drove off. I pulled out my phone.
To MommaC;
Are you still at my house?
From MommaC;
Yeah why?
To MommaC;
Come outside.
She didn't reply but after a few seconds the front door opened. She was standing there. I waved at her and came over to me.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't want to go back inside. Can I stay at yours tonight?"
"Yeah sure but go ask your mothers first."
"Aight." She wrapped an arm around my shoulder and we walked in. Ash came out and tried to talk to me but I brushed past her and went to talk to mom and mum.
"Go apologise."
"But mum."
"No I don't care if you aren't talking to her but that was rude and you know it. We didn't raise you like this."
"Ugh fine." I walked over to Ash.
"I'm sorry I did that."
"It's fine." I walked away and gave mum a glare.
"Okay now that wasn't so hard now was it not."
"Oh go away. I'm staying at Carli's tonight."
"Ask your mom." I groaned and walked over to mom. She was reading a book.
"Can I stay at Carli's tonight?"
"Did you make up with Ashlyn?"
"Then no."
"But mom."
"No buts. You two better figure it out." I groaned and stormed up to my room and slammed the door shut. I climbed out onto the roof and look out at the town. There was a slight breeze against my body and it felt refreshing.
"Mind if I join?" I turned and saw Ali.
"Yeah." She made her way over and sat next to me. She looked at me and gave me a small smile. I turned and looked back out at the town.
"She doesn't know how to fix this."
"Maybe it wasn't meant to be fixed."
"Lex don't say that. You know you love her and she loves you. Ye are as stubborn as each other."
"Ali I can't deal with her at the moment."
"You're going to have to talk to her at some point."
"I know but the time isn't now." She sighed and I looked at her. I could tell this was bothering her but I didn't know how to fix it. We sat for a while longer before she got up and went back inside. I stayed out for a while longer. My eyes began to water from the cold air I thought but it turns out I was crying. I brought my knees into my chest and cried. I guess someone was in my room because one moment I'm alone and the next someone has their arms around me. I knew from the smell it was mom. I cried even harder against her as she tried to calm me down but nothing worked. She somehow managed to get me back inside and into her room. Mum was already in there waiting. Mom carried me over to her and the two of them wrapped me in a hug trying to calm me down.
"I need to go. I want to get out of here. Please just let me go somewhere from here." I said between cries. Mom got up and walked out of the room. Mum kept kissing my temple telling me it was going to be okay. Mom returned minutes later wit momma by her side and my gear bag. I got up off the bed and ran into Momma's arms. We walked downstairs to her car. I hugged mom and mum goodbye and waved to Ali because she was standing at the door. I looked up to the guest room and saw Ash looking down at us. I looked at her for a moment and then got into the car. Momma drove us back to her house and dad was home. I stopped crying once I left home. I walked in with momma by my side. Dad greeted us at the door and pulled me into a hug. We sat together in the living room watching a movie with me in the middle of them. I fell asleep because I was exhausted from all the crying. I felt someone pick me up and I opened my eyes a bit and saw sad. He kissed my cheek and layed me down the bed. Momma got in next to me and wrapped me in a hug. I snuggled into her side and had my head against her chest.
"Goodnight baby girl."
"Night momma."

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