Chapter 45.

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Hope's POV
I woke up with Lex still in my arms. I smiled and kissed her head and slowly got out of her grip. I heard the door open and I looked up and saw Ash.
"Hey how is she?"
"Good I think. She's in so much pain but trying to hide it."
"I'm sorry Hope. I'm sorry I didn't get there sooner."
"Hey if it wasn't for you then she wouldn't be here. I don't think I could've ever repay you for this Ash. I should have listened to you and not let her go with him ever." She walked over and pulled me into a hug.
"Go and get some rest. I'll stay here for the night."
"Are you sure? What's about Ali and Em?"
"They're at yours sleeping with Kelley."
"Okay. Call me if you need anything." I got up and left the room I stopped before closing the door. I watch Ash walk over to Lex and take her hand and say something really quietly. She was crying and I felt really bad for her but I gave her space and left for home.

Ashlyn's POV
I cried just looking at her sleeping. She could have died. I saw her move and grunt. I quickly wiped my eyes.
"What's wrong?" She asked worryingly.
"Ash don't lie."
"You could have died Lex. You could have been seriously injured."
"You were there to save me Ash. I'm alive and well."
"Are you really?"
"Ash I'm scared. Like really scared." I got up and sat next to her. She started crying and I did too.
"I'm here. I'll always be here."
"Thank you for everything. I don't know what could have happened if you didn't show up. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you."
"You're here now and that's all that matters." I wiped her tears and left out a chuckle. I couldn't help but smile and wipe my own tears.
"So seeing as you're here, do want to discuss proposal ideas?"
"Sure why not." She smiled and started blabbing on about her ideas. I couldn't help but smile and watch her continue to fascinate herself. She went on for nearly twenty minutes straight rambling on about her ideas. I was truly astonished by her. When she would think of a knew idea her face would light up and ramble about it before getting another one. I looked at her and listened intensely.
"Wow you really have a lot of ideas."
"What can I say. I'm the master at proposals." We laughed at that comment. There was a knock on the door and I got up to get it. Brian was standing there.
"Hey Brian what's up?"
"I was wondering if I could talk to her for a while. You can go back to Ali and them. I'll call if she wants you to stay the night."
"Lex?" I looked back to her and she nodded. Her smile was gone and I was worried. I walked over to her and kissed her head. "Nobody is going to hurt you. Brian will protect you. I know you're scared but he loves you." I whispered in her ear. She nodded and gave me a small smile. I walked over to Brian.
"She's uncomfortable around you. Just take things slow and she'll open up. Call if you have any problems." I whispered and he nodded. I walked out and closed the door behind me.

Alexa's POV
It was just me and dad in the room and the tension was thick. I was terrified he would hurt me but I was paranoid. I looked over at him and saw he was watching me. He looked sad and hurt.
"Hi." I barely whispered out.
"Hiya. How are you feeling?"
"Like crap. I'm sore."
"I'm so sorry."
"Why? It wasn't your fault."
"I wasn't there when you needed me the most. I'm not leaving you leave my sight once you leave this place. I'll keep you safe and protect you."
"Thanks." I smiled shyly and looked away from him. I felt him take my hand and I pulled away with fright.
"Sorry I didn't mean to frighten you." I didn't reply just sat back on my bed.
"Yes sweetie?"
"Will you stay?"
"I'm not leaving your side Lex."
"I love you."
"I love you too." I smiled and turned to look at him. He was smiling too. There was a knock on the door and momma walked in. Her face looked tired and she looked older. Her eyes were red and swollen. I looked towards dad and gave him a look.
"I'm going to grab a bite to eat. Do you need anything?" I shook my head no and so did momma. She was looking at me like she sees a ghost. I gave dad a small smile and he walked out. I looked at Momma and she was still looking at me.
"Stop staring at me like that. It's so uncomfortable." I said a bit harshly than I intended. She looked away and stood awkwardly by the door. "Why are you here?"
"To check up on you. Can I not do that?" She snaps. I was taken back by that and my hands became all sweaty. "Lex I'm sorry didn't mean that. "
"Can you get the doctor please?" She gave me a worried look and ran out of the room and seconds later she appeared with Dr.Murphy. He looked at me and pressed all the buttons on my machines.
"Alright Alexa keep your eyes open okay sweetheart. You having another panic attack and if you close your eyes I'll have to put you into a medical induced coma because you might puncture your lung again." I gave him a slight nod but then more doctors filled into the room. I looked at Momma and dad had come back and he was on the phone. My breathing increased rapidly and I looked at the doctor and then back at Momma. She walked over to me and took my hand in hers. Her eyes were full of tears and she ran her fingers through my hair. I looked around the room of doctors and my eyes were opened wide. He was standing at the door looking at me. I closed my eyes.
"No no no Alexa keep them open sweetheart. You're going to be okay." I could barely hear him but then I heard him curse. "Shite! Everyone out now. We're losing her." That was the last thing I remembered before everything went black. After a while my hearing came back and I could hear things more clearly. I heard people whispering. I recognised the voices. Christie and Momma. I slowly opened my eyes and saw them standing at the end of the bed talking. They didn't notice I was awake but the person next to me did. I felt their small hands in each of my hands. I slowly moved my head and saw Emily on one side and Reese and Rylie on the other. I let go of their hands and they all climbed onto my bed and I engulfed them into a big hug. They were giggling.
"Girls get off her. You'll hurt her." I heard Christie say.
"Always so protective aren't you Chris." I replied once she could see my face. I smiled and her facial expression looked shocked. My smile faded when she told the girls to go outside with momma.
"What?" I asked her.
"Lex do you know how long you were gone?"
"No. How long?"
"Three months Lex." She walked over next to me and took my hand. I looked at her in shock. I didn't say anything so she carried on. "You were put into a coma because of your panic attack. Everything went down hill from there. Your lungs punctured again but are now fully healed." I nodded not knowing how to take this all in.
"Mom?" Was all I managed to say.
"She's outside. She should be her-" Before she could say anything mom and mum burst through the door. I looked at them in shock. They looked so different. Older. Tired. Like momma. Christie got up and left. They stayed by the door and looked at me. They didn't say anything. Just stared. Mum walked over step by step and stopped by the side of my bed. She poked me and I smiled.
"Haven't change I see?" I said causing her to frown. "What?"
"Three months."
"I know."
"Why? Why make us suffer like that? I really thought you were gone."
"It's not my fault mum. It's not like I wanted to be here. It's not my fault he assaulted me and I ended up here." I shook by head and brought my hands up to my face and wiped my tears. Mum ran out of the room crying leaving me alone with mom.
"Why aren't you saying anything?"
"I'm just lost for words."
"You thought I was dead too?"
"We all did. You were stone cold and lifeless for three months in front of us."
"Hey it's not like we chose to be here."
"Then why are you? If you didn't think I would make it why did you stay?"
"Because I wouldn't let them leave." I took my eyes off mom and saw someone I wasn't expecting to see.
"Hi Alexa."
"Hope may I speak to her alone?" Mom just shrugged and walked out of the room. I looked at Alyssa as she sat down at the end of my bed with a smile.
"Why? Why make them?"
"Because I went through the exact same thing with my best friend. No one thought she would wake up but I stayed by her side for six months when no one else was. The day she woke up she was surprised I stayed by her the entire time even when her family didn't. They didn't believe she would make it but they didn't give up hope. The same with all of us. Everyone just assumed you were gone but I gave them hope. Hope you would wake up soon. No one has left this town in three months because we were all waiting for you. We were always waiting for you."
"But mom? She gave up."
"She's just surprised. Give her time. You were practically dead for three months Lex. She'll be okay." I gave a smile and hugged her.
"Thank you. For not giving up hope." She nodded and walked out. "Alyssa?"
"Ya Lex?"
"Are Tobin and Cheney here?"
"Yes Lex. They're all here. I'll send them in."
"Thank you." She left. I was in silence. I looked out the window and saw how dark it was. There was a knock on the door and it startled me.
"Come in." They walked in with smiles on their faces but I knew they were fake. "Okay don't do that. Don't be fake around me please." Their smiles faded into frowns. They gave me sympathetic looks. Cheney took my hand in hers. I looked at her.
"Do you all look tired?" I looked between the two of them. They smirked and nodded.
"It's been a tough few months kid."
"I'm sorry I put you through that. You all shouldn't of stayed this long."
"We need to know you were okay and alive. We have Alyssa to thank for staying. I'm glad we did though." Tobin said looking from me to the floor.
"Is everyone out there?"
"They never left. Everyone took shifts in groups staying in the room every day and night waiting."
"Bring them in."
"Are you ready?"
"No but I need you all to go home to your families and stop worrying about me. You have to take care of yourselves."
"Lex we'll always worry." Cheney said looking at me sincerely. Tobin got up and walked out of the room. I looked at Cheney all the time and looked over her face. She looked so tired.
"I'm sorry I put you through that. I really am."
"You're awake. That's all that matters to me right now."
"Go home Laur. You and I both know you need too. I'll be okay. I'll come visit in a few weeks when everything is somewhat normal again." She nodded and stood up. I hugged her tight and she let go and walked out as everyone sled was walking in. No one was smiling but frowning.
"Alright ladies listen and listen closely because this is important. Y'all are wrecked and don't deny because I see it all of your faces. Go home and rest. I really appreciate y'all being here for my family and for not giving up hope thanks to Alyssa." I gave her a smile and carried on talking. "Go home to your families. I know you and you know that y'all need it. I love you all for being here and I don't think I'll ever repay you." They all smiled slightly. One by one they hugged and left. All that was left were the usual six and Emily. Emily ran onto my bed and giggled. Oh how I missed that sound. She sat next to me.
"So how is Mr. Tickles and everyone else?"
"Sad. They miss you Lexi. I missed you too the most though. I'm just happy you're here."
"I'm sorry Emily. I broke my promise but I'm here now. I'm not leaving." She nodded and cuddled into my side. I giggled and she did too when I tickled her. I looked over at the adults and saw their faces light up when they heard us giggling.
"How long?"
"Until what?" Dad asked.
"One of you lose your cool?" Right after I said that Mom gave me a glare. I knew I was in for it. "Hey Emily. Will you go play on your mommies phone outside the door please?" She nodded and Ali gave her phone and brought her outside. She came back in moments later shitting the door.
"Go ahead. I know one of you are going to lose it." I said looking between each of them.
"How could you? How could you just do that to us for three months? You could have died and you never said goodbye." I was surprised when I saw it was Ash who said that. She was crying and Ali tried to calm her down but she just walked over to the other side of the room. I tried to side up even though I was in so much pain I knew it would be better if I sat up straight. I felt something pop but thought nothing of it. I looked over at Ash and saw how vulnerable she looked.
"I'm sorry but it wasn't my fault. I got scared and saw him just staring at me. I was already in the middle of an attack because momma snapped. You think I chose to be here. Well new flash I didn't. I would much rather be living my life instead of being in here. I didn't know what was happening. I'm so scared. You don't understand how scared I am. I'm terrified that when I leave that he'll find me and hurt me again. I can't live like that." I shouted back at them with tears streaming down my face. I looked at Momma and she was crying. They all were. The doctor walked in.
"Ah Alexa nice to see you're awake. I'm just going to take out all of your stitches and then your should be good to go. You made a full recovery in the come." I smiled at him and he walked towards me. I took out all of my stitches and handed me some new clothes. I got off the bed and walked into the bathroom to change. When I came out mom was signing forms to let me out. Everyone walked out ahead of me to the lobby. I stayed behind and talked a little long with Dr. Murphy.
"Take care of yourself Alexa. Don't shut them out. They're only trying to help. If you ever feel down just come back here and I'll try help."
"Thank you so much. I don't think I'll ever be able to repay you."
"It's my job. Stay safe Alexa."
"You too." I hugged him and walked out to the lobby. They all turned and faced me. Emily ran towards me and I picked her up and spun her around. I smothered her face in kisses and she giggled. Put her on my back and walked out of the hospital. They all followed and showed me to the cars. I put Emily in Ash's car. I looked up at the hospital and sighed. I was thankful to be leaving. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see Ali. I hugged her and she hugged me back tight.
"Who do you want to go back with? We're all heading back to the house."
"I think I'll walk. Just to clear my head."
"Lex I don't think that's a good idea."
"Please Al."
"Alright only if someone goes with you." I sighed knowing I wouldn't get out of this. Ali ended up coming with me and we took the long way. It took us 45 minutes to walk. It was silent the whole way. When we arrived back at the house I went up to my room and changed my clothes into shorts and a tank top. I look in the mirror and saw my toned stomach full of scars. I sigh and throw on my top and grab my phone and headphones and walked down the stairs. The living room door was closed but I could hear them talking. I didn't want to eavesdrop so I put on my headphones and walked out the back. I sat on the deck chairs and looked out at the garden. I was frozen in my place. Not moving. Not blinking. Just barely breathing. After a while I come back to my sense and feel a blanket around me. I didn't even notice someone came out. The sun was just setting and it was only 5pm. I looked at my phone and saw it was December 23rd. I was confused. I walked back into the house and saw mom sitting at the counter with her head in her hands. Mum was sitting at the table staring into space. I closed the door behind me and none of them moved. I put on the kettle and made myself a cup of tea. I made one for mum and mom too. I walked over with mum's one and set it down in front of her. She didn't move. I kissed her cheek and walked away. I looked back at her and saw she was drinking. I smiled and grabbed mom's. I set it a couple of inches away from her. I studied her for a moment but then moved one of her hands. She jerked and sat up straight. I smiled and kissed her cheek handing her the tea. I heard mum chuckling from behind us and mom turned and gave her a glare. I laughed and we drank the rest of our tea in silence. They were both staring at me. They didn't really say anything since I woke up.
"Okay I get it. It's weird seeing as I was practically lifeless yesterday but I'm here and alive. If you want t say something say it instead of staring please because you are freaking me out just starting at me like I'm a ghost." I said looking at the both of them. None of them said anything. I sighed and put my cup into the dishwasher. I walked over to them.
"Are you finished?" They both nodded. I rolled my eyes and took their cups and out then into the dishwasher. I walked out of the room and up to mine. I pulled out my phone and looked through all the missed calls and messages from everyone. I smiled at most of them telling me I was going to be okay. I saw one from Mallory and opened it.
From Mallory;
Hey. I'm sorry I didn't call or anything like that after you left. I was just surprised. And then I heard about your incident. I'm so sorry Lex I really am. I hope you're okay. Call me as soon as you wake please. I'm dying to hear that voice of yours.
I smiled at the message and decided to call her.
Mal- Lex? Is that you?
Me- hey Mal pal. How've you been?
Mal- I've been good. What about you? How are you?
Me- I've had my better days. So how's life going? I haven't seen you in ages!
Mal- too long Lex. I miss you like crazy. College is good just I miss my dorm buddy. I got called up for the World Cup and I was so excited. We're actually right in the middle of it now. I have the semifinals in two days.
Me- Oh congrats. I'm so happy for you. Good luck if I don't hear from you.
Mal- Lex I need to tell you something important.
Me- what's wrong Mal?
Mal- it's just... I am... well..... I like you. Like like like you. I've liked you from the first day we met and I didn't know how to tell you. I guess when I found out the news about you I was heartbroken. I wanted to go visit but I didn't want to intrude. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. You probably won't talk to me after this. Let alone be my friend but I just wanted you to know.
Me- Mal?
Mal- yeah?
Me- I like you too.
Mal- you do?
Me- yes I do. I miss you. When will I see you again?
Mal- I'll come visit once when finish. I promise. Listen I have to go but I'll call you tomorrow.
Me- I'll be waiting. Bye Mal.
Mal- bye Lexi.
I smiled and hung up. I walked back downstairs and saw that they were still sitting there. I sighed and pulled out my phone again. I called dad.
Dad- hey Lex. Everything alright?
Me- am yeah but I was wondering are you at home?
Dad- yeah. I am. Why?
Me- can I come over? I just don't want to be here anymore.
Dad- alright sweetie I'm on my way now. I'll be there in ten.
Me- thanks dad.
I hung up and ran back upstairs and packed a bag. After ten minutes there was a knock on the door and I ran back downstairs. Mom and mum didn't even move. I sighed and walked towards the door. I opened it and screamed. I slammed it shut and ran back into the kitchen. I slumped down and brought my knees to my chest and cried. Mum came over and mom walked out. I could see him standing there. Mum kissed my head and walked out. Dad must have arrived because momma runs in and sits next to me. After a few minutes there's sirens. I cried harder and Momma tightened her grip around me. Police surround the house and take him. One of the officers came in and wanted to talk to me.
"Hi Alexa. I'm Officer Dawkins. I just need to ask you a few questions if that's okay with you?" I nodded and he proceeded. Once he was finished he left and I was alone again. I didn't move because I felt I was frozen. Mom came in and sat in front of me taking my hands in hers. Slowly she stood up and I followed. She pulled me into a hug and I just cried. She held me tight and rubbed my back. "He's gone now Lex. He'll never hurt you again." She whispered into my ear. I soon calmed down and she let go. She wiped my tears with her thumb and led me into the living room. Dad, momma and mum were all sitting there. Dad immediately stood up and checked my body. I smiled and he gave me a confused look.
"Why are you smiling?"
"Because you care."
"I'll always care Lex. Always." He pulled me into a hug and held me tight. He let go and I walked over to momma. She didn't look at me. She kept her head down. I kissed her forehead and hugged her. I felt her shudder against me. I tightened my grip around her and left her cry. She pulled away after a few moments and I wiped her tears away. I gave her a small smile and kissed her cheek. I looked back at mom and she smiled. I walked over to mum. I sat next to her and turned to face her. She was playing with her hands so I took them in mine. She turned away from me and started crying. My heart broke for her. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her into me. She had her head against my chest and cried. I ran my fingers through her hair until she calmed down. She put her head in my lap and looked up at me. I gave her a small smile and kept running my hand through her hair. Mom left the room and walked out of the house. I frowned and looked down at mum. She was the same. We stayed like that all the time mom was gone. She returned moments later and Ash came running into the house.
"Where is she?" Was all I heard before she came running through the door. Mum got off me and I stood up. I walked over to Ash and looked at her. She stood there looking all over my body to see if I had any injuries. When she met my eyes I gave shook my head slightly and felt the tears fill my eyes. She pulled me into a tight hug and held me. We stayed like that for a good few minutes before the door slammed shut. I pulled away from Ash and saw Christie standing there. I ran to her and hugged her.
"Are you okay? I came as quick as I heard." I nodded against her. She rubbed her hand up and down my back and held me tight. Eventually I let go and went and sat next to Ash. I put my head against her shoulder and she wrapped her arm around me. They were all talking but I couldn't hear them. I slowly fell into a deep sleep.

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