Chapter 14.

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Hope's POV

I was just after getting comfy watching my movie. I was lying on the couch wrapped up in a blanket with a cup of tea. I was disturbed when there was a knock on the door. I groaned and got up. I walked over and opened the door. Tears came to my eyes when I saw Carli and Ash standing there. Carli ran in and hugged me and Ash soon followed. We stood there crying and hugging for what felt like ages. I went out and helped them with their bags. We set them in the hall and went into the living room.

"What are ye doing here? Ye have a massive game tomorrow and Ash you're starting!" I said eyeing the both of them.

"We had something, or somebody in this case, more important to attend to." Ash said.

"Yeah. They all understand why we're doing this Hope. Now we are only here for the weekend to help you and packed. We will be flying to Houston with you because that's where our next game is." Carli said taking my hand and Ash taking the other.

"How is she?" I asked avoiding eye contact with the both of them.

"She's coping. She's putting on a tough front but she's broken. She misses you." Ash said picking my chin up so I could face her.

"She gave me this." Carli said taking a letter out of her pocket. "Said to read it when you go to bed. Which you are going to do now. Ash and I will stay in the guest room. We'll see you in the morning."

"Thanks guys, good night." I said getting up and kissing both their cheeks. I headed up to my bedroom and hopped into bed. I turned on the bedside lamp and opened the letter.

Dear  Hope,
So if you're reading this then I know I can trust Carli with anything. Oh I saw a squirrel today on the balcony and I had a total freak out and was about to call you and explain everything while you laughed at how childish I was being but then it hit me that I couldn't. And then I thought that what if I wake up in the night one night and have a panic attack again. Who will be there to tell me shut up? ( I'm not going to lie, I was a little surprised you said that but then you looked at me and then realized what was happening. I saw the guilt in your eyes and I felt bad. ) Who will be there to hold me and tell me everything was going to be okay and I got you? Who will stay awake running their fingers through my hair to put me back to sleep? And hold me close until morning?  Because that's your job Hope. No one else's. It's you Hope. It's always been you. I've felt it for the last 3 years. I am so in love with you Hope Amelia Solo and I know you feel the same way. Don't think I don't see you watching me when I'm supposedly sleeping or when I'm running around at practice. I promised you I would never leave but you did. I'm still holding my promise even when you come back Hope. Nothing has changed I promise you that. When you are ready to come back, if you ever are,  just know that I will be waiting. I will always wait for you Hope because I think you're worth it. No, actually I know you're worth it. You are THE ONLY ONE FOR ME Hope. I hope you realize that you are loved Hope. I love you. Carli and Ash do. And so does this team. Come back to me Hope. I need you and you need me. We're soulmates. I believe it and I'm pretty sure you do too. Call me please. I'll be waiting for your call. And I'll see you in Houston in a few days. I love you Hope.

- Kelley x 

I had tears falling down my cheeks. I didn't realize Ash was standing at the door. She came over to my bed and hopped in. She held me and left me cry. I handed her the letter so she could read it. By the time she had finished she had tears in her eyes too.

"God Hope she really loves you."

"I know and I left like always. Ash I really need to see her."

"I know honey but you'll see her in 3 days. I already called her and told her to pick us up from the airport. Call her Hope. She needs to know you're okay."

"Thanks Ash."

She got up and left me alone in the room. I checked the clock. 1:48 am. She might be asleep but I called anyway. She answered on the first ring.

K- Hope? Is that you?
H- It's me Kel. Sorry if I woke you.
K- I wasn't asleep. I haven't been able too because I'm thinking of you.
H- Kel I'm okay. I just needed time. Ash and Car set me straight though. I got your letter.
K- And?
H- I'm coming home. To you, if you still want me too?
K- Hope of course I want you. I love you.
H- I love you too Kel. I met Alexa on the plane.
K- Alexa? As in Alexa my sister?
H- Yes. I'm going to her game tomorrow.
K- Hope you don't have too.
H- No I want too. I had an amazing conversation with her on the plane and she invited me. I'll send you on videos afterwards. Now Kel you need some rest for the game in a few hours. Call me after the game or before if you want too.
K- Thanks so much. I will. I love you Hopey goodnight.
H- Night my love.

I hang up and turn off my phone. I turned off the lamp too and got comfy. I started drifting off to sleep. I felt lonely with no Kelley beside me. I heard my door open and close. I heard footsteps and someone get into the bed next to me. I knew from her smell that it was Carli. She had her back to me so I put my arm around her waist and she scooted closer to me. She intertwined our fingers together. 

"Goodnight H"
"Night Car."

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