Chapter 39.

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Alexa's POV
It's been three months since I started college. They all call and text but I haven't replied. It's been three months since Ash and I talked and it's killing me. I tried to call a few times but in the end I never have the courage. We have a two week break and today is my last day. I booked a flight home instead having to take the bus. I was planning on surprising everyone except for Ali and Ash seeing as they're in Orlando and Washington. My flight leaves in an hour so I'm in the airport waiting for my flight to be called. After a few more minutes it does. It was only an hour flight so for that I'm grateful. I go through baggage claim and call a taxi. After a few moments he picks me up and drives me home. Mom's car is there. I pulled out my phone and decided to call her.
Me- hey mom.
Mom- don't hi me. Why haven't you replied for the last three months? Where have you been?
Me- okay can I explain?
Mom-you're going to do more than explain young lady.
Me- so can I take you and mum out to dinner tonight?
Mom- what?
Me- mom?
Mom- yeah?
Me- come outside
Mom- Alexa if you're outside-
She came outside and hung up. She ran towards me and picked me up and spun me around. I hugged her back. We heard a shriek and I turned just in time because mum jumped at me.
"I'm so sorry I didn't call. It's just I don't know. I just feel lost."
"Hey you're here now and that's all that matters."
"So dinner tonight? Where do you wanna go?"
"No where. We're going to stay in and order take out and watch movies. Did you tell Brian and Carli you're here?"
"No I wanted to surprise them actually. Can you help?"
"Am yes. Cmon." We got in the car and drove to Momma's. Mum walked in first and then mom and I. I heard them talking and then mum called us in.
"Hope can you bring it in please?"
We walked in and momma jumped off the chair and ran at me.
"Hey momma."
"Oh my god Lex. What are you doing here? How've you been? Why haven't you called?"
"I'm sorry." I went over and hugged dad too. There was a knock on the door and mom went to get it. She screamed and mum and momma ran out. They came back a few moments later looking down.
"What's wrong?"
"There's something we need to show you." Mom said with a smile. She pulled me out to the front door and I looked at her confused.
"That's no way to treat your favourite aunt now is it Alexandra?" I looked over and saw Ali, Tobin, Ash and Alex standing there leaning against the car. I ran to them and hugged them all except Ash. I was so happy they were here.
"What are you guys doing here?"
"Well first of all thank you for not telling us you were home and for it returning our calls and second we're throwing your mothers hen parties this weekend. So surprise Hope and Kelley."
I laughed and walked over to them. Mum was excited and mom, well let's say she's just hiding her emotions. Everyone one walked inside except for Ash. She stayed leaning against the car. I walked over and stood next to her. She had her eyes closed. Well it's now or never.
"Can we talk?"
"Am sure."
"I'm sorry."
"No it was my fault. I shouldn't of left it go on this long. I'm really sorry." I hugged her and my eyes filled with tears. "Hey. Hey. Hey what's wrong Lex?"
"I've got you back. I'm happy." She kissed my head and wrapped her arms around me tighter. "Cmon before mom starts the movie without us."
We walked into the living room and everyone turned and looked at us.
"Sorry Ali but I got my cuddle buddy back." Mom stood up and came over and hugged us. I sat in between mom and mum. Mum was practically on mom and I was practically on mum but we were comfortable all the same. Everyone was sleep. I wasn't tired. I slowly got out of mums grip and walked into the kitchen. I made a cup of coffee and grabbed a blanket and went outside. It was around 11 at night and the stars were out. I carefully wrapped the blanket around me so I wouldn't spill the coffee. I wrapped both hands around the cup for warmth and closed my eyes. It was so peaceful.
"Penny for your thoughts?" I opened my eyes and saw Ash leaning against the doorframe. I put my mug down and lifted up the blanket. I patted on the spot and she walked over. She wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I snuggled into her side.
"It's all jumbled up in their." I said gesturing to my head. Ash laughed.
"I can see. Your hair is a mess."
"Hey." I hit her arm and she laughed even more.
"I missed this. I missed us."
"I missed us too Ash. I really have."
"I have to tell you something Lex." I turned to look at her. I sat up so I could face her properly.
"What's up?"
"I'm thinking about proposing to Ali."
"OMG really? OMG."
"Yeah. I need an idea though. Yours was an amazing idea for your mothers so I need a few ideas."
"Well you've come to the right place. Let me go grab a note pad and pen. I'll be back." I ran inside and up to my room. I grabbed my note book and a few different coloured pens from my desk. I turn to leave but mom is standing in the doorway.
"Jesus Mom don't scare me like that."
"Sorry Lex."
"What's up?"
"You're staying at Cars tonight."
"Okay. Everything alright?"
"Yeah Ash and Ali are planning the hen parties. And Car wants to spend some time with you."
"Okay. I'll pack a bag so." I turned back and started packing.
"Hey lex?"
"Kel and I want to you about the wedding and stuff like that."
"Alright. So dinner?" I turned to face her. She wasn't looking at me.
"Yeah I'll make reservations for tomorrow night so."
"Everything alright?"
"Yeah. Fine. Just missed you that's all." She looked up and gave me a fake smile.
"Lex it's nothing I promise."
"Mom it's obviously something if it's bugging you. Do you want to talk about it?"
"Hey Lex I've an idea. Oh hey Hope." Ash said coming into the room. "Am I intruding something?"
"No Ash I was just leaving."
Mom said walking out. She looked back at me before walking out. She shut the door and I looked back at Ash.
"Going somewhere?"
"Am yes Momma's for the night. Am Ash can we do this tomorrow? We can plan it all day."
"Yeah sure kid. Everything okay?"
"Yeah. I just gotta do something." I ran out of the room with my bag for Momma's. I caught up with Mom at the bottom of the stairs.
"Think you could get away like that, huh?"
"Lex..." I turned and saw mum standing there with momma by her side.
"So you two know as well?" I looked back at mom. "So much for coming home right. If you want me I'll be in college." I ran up to my room and grabbed my suitcase. I collected everything up and packed them. I grabbed a box from my wardrobe and pull all my photos in there. I walked back down the stairs and out the door. I didn't bother saying anything to any of them. I walked into town and got a bus to the airport. I pulled out my phone and called the only person I knew that would be there for me.
"Are you at home?"
"Yeah Lex. What's wrong?"
"I need you. I'm taking the night flight out. I should arrive around midnight tonight. Can you pick me up?"
"Sure but what about school?"
"I've a two week break."
"Alright I'll see you in a few hours. Stay safe Lex."
"Thanks. Can you not tell anyone I'm coming though? I'm not in the mood for them showing up."
"Am sure. I'm in enough trouble with them as it is."
"Thanks Tobs. See you later."
"See ya Lex."
She hung up and I went to the counter to buy a ticket to Portland. There was one leaving in five minutes so I had to run. I sprinted my way towards the gate just as they were boarding.
"You're lucky." An old lady said to me.
"I know. God that was a long run." I laughed and handed them my passport and ticket. The plane took off minutes later and I was on my way. The flight was just over 4 and a half hours and boy was it long. As I predicted it was midnight when we landed and Tobin had text saying she was waiting for me at baggage claim with someone. I quickly realised who it was. Lauren Holiday. I haven't seen her in years. Tobin saw me and came running to me. I dropped my bags and ran to her. I jumped in her arms and she swung me around.
"I missed you so much Toby. Thank you so much for letting me come."
"You're always welcomed Lex. Now I called Cheney because you sounded upset so she came right away." I smiled and walked over to Lauren.
"Hey Laur."
"Lex. How are you?"
"I don't know really. Just needed to clear my head."
"And fly half way across the country? Now I understand you're upset and all but your mothers are going to be worried sick about you. So you're going to call them tomorrow okay?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Come here kid. I missed you."
"I missed you too." I hugged her. Tobin walked over with my bags and I took them from her and headed to her car.
"Jesus Lex. Are you moving in or something?"
"Not exactly. I'm sending them back to my dorm. My roommate said she'd put them into the room for me. It's just the rest of my stuff from the house seeing as I won't be back there for a while."
"Want to explain now as to why you called so?"
"Well I surprised them by coming home seeing as I haven't called any of them back for three months. Sorry by the way. And then I made up with Ash and everything was fine. And then mom told me I was staying at Carli's tonight so I went to pack and mom was upset about something and I wanted to find out to see if I could help but Ash came into my room and mom left. I ran out after mom and caught up to her at the end of the stairs and looked at her. I was just about to ask her what was wrong but Mum and Carli walked out with sympathetic looks on their faces so I knew they knew. And I got annoyed because they tell me nothing anymore and I hate being left in the dark." Lauren and Tobin exchanged glances and looked down. "Ye know too. Great I might as well leave now so."
"You're not going anywhere. It's midnight and I'm excited you're here. I'm not going to tell you what's wrong though so don't bother pushing but you have to call your mother now or Carli seeing as she probably won't freak out as much." I chuckled and we drove back to her apartment. I let Lauren have the guest room so I room the couch. When we were all settled they went to bed and I called Momma.
MommaC- hello? Lex?
Me- hi momma.
MommaC- oh thank god you're okay. Where are you? Are you safe?
Me- I'm fine. I'm with a friend.
MommaC- where?
Me- am Portland.
Me- sorry momma.
MommaC- Lex you had us so worried. And now to top it all off you're half way across the country with someone we probably don't know.
Tobin and Lauren came into the living room probably because they heard momma shouting. I put her on speaker and Lauren spoke up.
Lauren- she's fine Car. She's with me and Toby. I'll have her back in a few days.
MommaC- oh thank god she's with you two. There's no need Hope and Ashlyn are already after booking a flight over right now.
Me- why? I'm fine.
MommaC- because you had them worried sick Lex. You know better than to run off like that. What if you got kidnapped? Or worse. Killed?
Me- but I didn't did I? I'm talking to you aren't I? I can take care of myself. I'm not a kid anymore.
MommaC- Lex calm down.
Me- I won't calm down. I'm old enough to make my own decisions and live my own life. I've done it for for nearly four months now and I'm still alive. I don't need your input. Tell Hope and Ashlyn to stay there and not to come. I'm leaving tomorrow anyway to go back to college.
MommaC- Lex...
Me- No I'm sick of everyone thinking I'm not old enough to take care of myself. If you want me I'll be at college. Far away for all of you.
I hung up and put my head in my hands and sighed.
"Lex you know that was mean."
"I know."
"You're going to have to apologise you know."
"Yeah but not now. I just need a break from them all. Thanks for letting me stay Toby."
"It's my pleasure." I hugged her and she went into her room. Lauren was still here looking at me.
"I know. I know. I know. It wasn't my brightest idea going off at her like that. It was rude and disrespectful and I really hurt her feelings. I'll apologise when I get back to campus tomorrow."
"Good. Now first, tomorrow Alex is coming here and flying to college with you. Don't argue it's already settled and she's on her way. And second, next time you have a problem call me. I know we don't see each other a lot anymore but I'm always here Lex. Always."
"I know. Thanks Laur."
"Well I'm heading to bed and I think you should too. It's a long day ahead of you tomorrow."
"Night." She walked over and kissed my head and went into her room. I picked up my phone and lay back on the couch. I opened it and saw a rather mad message from mum.
From Mum;
Alexandra Elizabeth Solo you better be home by the end of the week and apologise. It was very disrespectful of you to walk out like that and not tell us where you were going. Your mother was worried sick about you.
To Mum;
I'm not coming back. I'm sorry. I really am. I'm sorry Hope took me back. I'm sorry I left her get so close to me. I'm sorry I left my guard down to everyone. I'm sorry I am not the perfect child you wanted. I had massive news I wanted to tell you all. I got picked to train with the u20 national team in two weeks and I was so happy. Happy I'd get to play the sport I love representing my country. Taking after my mother's. But I'm sorry that I'm not enough to told anything anymore. I get you're mad. Hell, I would be too but I would never, EVER, not tell my daughter something big. I'm not coming back because why be apart of a family where you don't exist? See you around Kelley.
I hit send and left out a shaky breath. I went online and booked a bus ticket back to campus. It was only a few hours but it would help clear my mind. It would leave in 3 hours. I looked at the clock and it said 2:48am. I walked into the kitchen and wrote Tobin a note for the morning.
Toby & Cheney,
Thank you so much for letting me stay. I'm sorry I'm not here when y'all wake but I had to go. I need to get away from the world for a while. I promise to be in touch. You'll always be my family and I love you. I guess this is goodbye. See you around girlies.
Alexa xx
I stuck it on the coffee maker. My phone was vibrating like crazy in my pocket but ignored it. I picked up all my bags and quietly walked out of Tobin's apartment. The bus station wasn't far which I'm grateful for because my bags were heavy. When I arrived I had and hour and a half to spare before the bus arrived. I took out my phone and saw all the missed calls and messages from everyone. I sighed and turned off my phone so I wouldn't be disturbed. I got some coffee and snacks for the drive. The bus arrived and I was off on my journey. As we pulled out I saw Tobin standing there looking frantically around. She saw me and I waved. She frowned and pulled out her phone. I took out mine and turned it on. Tobin was calling.
Tobin- Lex don't leave please
Me-I'm sorry. I can't be here. I have to.
Tobin- Lex we can through this together.
Me- Toby it's not that simple
Tobin- Lex you can't run from your problems.
Me- I'm not. I resolved them and apologised so now I'm leaving. It's for the better.
Tobin- Lex it's absolutely not for the better. Who am I going to hang out with now at Hope's when you're not there? Who's going to beat me 1v1? Who's going to nutmeg people more than I do? Lex I need you.
Me- I'm only ever a call away Tobs. But it's my time to leave. See you on the pitch Toby. I love you.
Tobin- Lex...
I hung up and closed my phone. I wiped the tears from my eyes. I opened up the box with all my photos and looked at them. I smiled looking at them and thinking back on all the memories. My favourites are the ones where I didn't know the picture was being taken and I was being myself. Most of them are with Tobs and Alex laughing.  I fell asleep after looking through all the photos and when I woke I was at my stop. I picked everything up and walked off the bus. I walked to my dorm and stopped outside the door. I knocked and seconds later Mal appeared. She squealed and pulled me into a hug. She helped with all my boxes.
"Why are you back so early? It's only been what? 3 days?" She asked. I explained everything and by the end I was in tears.
"Ah Lex. I'm so sorry. I'm here if you want to talk."
"Thanks. I'm going to go clear my head. I'll be back soon. Want to get take out and watch movies tonight?"
"Hell yes. See you soon." I grabbed my soccer bag and keys and walked to the pitch.

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