Chapter 46.

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Hope's POV
Lex has been asleep on Ash for quite some time. I stood up and walked over to them. Ash looked up at me and smiled. She slowly stood up and I sat down. Lex snuggled closer into me as I wrapped her in my arms. I ran my fingers through her hair and watched her sleep. She had a small smile on her face while she was sleeping.
"Is she going to be okay?" I said out loud to no one in particular. Someone put there hands on my knee and I looked over and saw Kel.
"She'll be okay. We're all here for her." I smiled and kissed her softly. She put her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around my free arm. I put my hand on the inside of her thigh and rubbed it slowly.
"So what's going to happen now with you two? Will you still get married?" I looked up at Ash. I felt Kel nod against my shoulder and I couldn't help but smile.
"When the time comes we will. First we need to take care of our daughter and then we'll plan the wedding." I looked down at Kel and smiled at her. I felt Lex stir and begin to wake up. "Hey baby girl. How you feeling?"
"I'm glad. It's around 2am now."
"Yeah sweetie?"
"Merry Christmas." I looked at her and then at Kel. She didn't have a clue either. I looked at Ash and she just laughed. I heard Lex giggle and I looked down at her. "It's December 24th mom." Kelley stood up and got her phone. Her mouth dropped and showed me it. It was actually Christmas Eve.
"Merry Christmas baby girl. I'm sorry I didn't know." She smiled and got up and walked out of the room. "What are we going to do? I completely forgot."
"Hey don't worry I have everything under control. We'll go shopping tomorrow for everyone and Ali will keep her distracted."
"Oh you're a lifesaver Ash."
"I need your help with something though."
"Sure what's up?"
"I want to propose to Ali tonight. Lex gave me a great idea but I need a hand pulling it off."
"Sure thing. We'll get everything sorted for you after we shop tomorrow."
"Thanks." I smiled and stood up.
"Are you staying the night or are you going back to the hotel to Al and Em?"
"I'll go back. What about you Chris?"
"I'll stay but I have to leave in an hour to head to the airport."
"I'll drive you on my way back to the hotel."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah it's no problem." We talked for another but before they got up to leave. Kel and I said goodbye and locked up. We walked, well I carried Kelley, up the stairs to our room. I tucked her in and kissed her head. I walked into Lex's and saw her sound asleep in bed. I walked over and kissed her head. I turned off the light and closed the door behind me. I got changed into my pyjamas and got into bed next to Kel. She snuggled close to me and I wrapped my arms around her.
"Merry Christmas beautiful."
"Merry Christmas Hopey." I kissed her head and soon enough we were both asleep.

Alexa's POV
I woke up about 6am. I wasn't tired anymore. I got up out of bed and got changed. I walked down to the kitchen and made a cup of coffee. I drank it and walked back upstairs. I made my soccer bag and took mom's keys and drove to the soccer zone. I waited a few minutes but the Jeff showed up and handed me the keys.
"Lock up after you Lex. Happy Christmas."
"I will. Thanks Jeff. Tell dad if you see him that I'll give him the keys later. Happy Christmas." He waved and drove off. I unlocked the door and shut it behind me. I locked it again just in case someone came in. I walked over to the counter and turned on the indoor field lights and the heating. I walked down the halls and stopped to look at the pictures. Most of them were of me, Dad, Momma, Mom and Mum because of all the time we spend here training together. My favourite has to be the one of all of us is when I was just after scoring a goal against Mom. I was running back into Mum's arms and Momma was running towards us. Mom has a big smile on her face in the background. We have the same picture on the mantle piece at home. I smiled and carried on walking down to the indoor field. I changed into my cleats and tied them. I saw all the cones set up already from training last night probably. I turn my phone off silence and put on music with my speakers. I run through all the drills in an hour. Mom still hasn't called so she mustn't be awake yet. I carry on training for another hour or two. I moved onto shots and ace them all. By the time I was finished I was dripping sweat. I looked at my phone and called mom.
Mom- where are you?
Me- the indoor field.
Mom- why didn't you tell me?
Me- you were asleep and I though you would've called.
Mom- Lex you just leave the house like that. Not since what happened.
Me- I know sorry. I'm just finished. I'll be here in twenty just have to lock up.
Mom- alright please stay safe.
Me- I will mom. I love you.
Mom- I love you too.
I hung up and changed back into my runners. I turned off all the lights and the heating and unlocked the door. I walked out and locked it again. I threw everything into the car and took my phone out. I connected it to the Bluetooth and started my drive home. My phone started ringing and Mal's face popped up on the screen. I smiled and answered it.
Me- ey Mal Pal. How are you?
Mal- I'm good what about you?
Me- grand. Happy Christmas by the way.
Mal- same to you. What are you up to for the day?
Me- well I'm just driving home from morning practice and then probably just chilling with my mothers. What about you? I pulled into the driveway but kept the car running so I could still talk to her.
Mal- well I'm actually visiting this friend. I haven't seen her in nearly a year and I miss her like crazy.
Me- oh really that's cool. Where are you?
Mal- Houston.
Me- wait, seriously?
Mal- yeah get out of the car idiot. I want to hug you. I hung up and turned off the car. I got out and locked it and I see her standing there. I screamed and ran to her. I dumped on her and she ended up falling. We both laughed and stayed like that.
"Hey beautiful."
"Why hello there gorgeous. How did you get here? Why didn't you tell me?"
"I wanted to surprise you. I really missed you."
"I missed you too." I hugged her one last time and stood up. I helped her up and lead her back inside. Mom was in the kitchen cooking breakfast and mum was sitting at the table drinking coffee. She looked up and saw me and Mal and smiled.
"Hey Mal. How's it going?"
"Good. Great actually now that I see Lex. What about you guys?"
"Everything's good."
She smiled and went back to her paper. I walked over and kissed her cheek. She smirked at me and I smiled. I sat down and Mal sat next to me. She took my hand in hers under the table and I couldn't help but blush. I looked down and she chuckled. I looked back up at mom and she was chuckling and so was mum. I felt my cheeks flush and I ran to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and couldn't help but smile. I didn't know someone could do that to me. I walked back out and stopped when I heard mom speaking.
"You have my blessing Mal. I know you're a good kid and an amazing friend to her. Just don't break her heart because the whole national team will be after you. Especially Ash. She's the most overprotective."
"I won't I promise. I really do love her so I'm not planning on hurting her anytime soon."
"Good." I walked in before she could say anything. Mum looked at me and laughed. I stuck my tongue out at her and sat next to Mal. She looked at me with her amazing smile and I blushed again. Jesus I'm whipped. She took my hand again but this time on the table and I looked at mom and she just smiled. I looked over at Mal and she was just smiling at me. We ate breakfast and talked with mom and mum. We all laughed and it felt like such a long time since I was this happy.
"We'll clean. You can go relax. Thanks for the breakfast mom."
"Yeah thanks Hope it was delicious." I smiled at Mal when she said that. Mom and mum got up and walked out into the living room. Mal and I grabbed all the plates and washed them. I washed and she dried and put away. After we were finished I wiped down the counter and felt arms wrap around my waist. It gave me butterflies. I slowly turned and faced her. I wrapped my arms around her neck and hers were still around my waist. She looked from my eyes to my lips and back up to my eyes.

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