Chapter 42.

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Alexa's POV
Christie and I are leaving today. I shipped all my stuff to her house yesterday. Mal wasn't back yet so I didn't get to say goodbye. I wrote her a note explaining things. I was going to miss her. I looked around my dorm to make sure everything I own is gone. I left a few of my coffee mugs that Mal loves for her. I walk into the bedroom and took one last look around. My side was empty. I walked out and closed the door. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the wall. There was a knock on the door and I saw Christie standing there.
"Are you ready?"
"Yeah. Let's go home." I grabbed my phone and keys and walked out. I locked the door and we walked to the hall monitor. I handed her my keys and said goodbye. Christie and I walked out to her car and drove to the airport. I helped her with her bags and went through security. We had an hour or so before our flight got called. We went for some food. Christie got up to go to the bathroom so I was left alone. I took out my phone and played on it. After a few seconds Mum called.
Me- hello?
Mum-where are you?
Me- the airport why?
Mum- why didn't you come to say goodbye?
Me- I don't know what to say.
Mum- Lex I'm your mom. You don't have to say anything. All we need to do is hug and cry until you leave.
Me- I'm sorry. Are you upset?
Mum- I mean yes because I didn't get a goodbye but I'm more upset you're eating a doughnut.
Me- how do you know I'm eating a doughnut?
Mum- mother senses.
Me- Mum be serious. Did Christie send you a picture or something?
Mum- no I see you myself. Turn around Lex.
I turned around and saw Mum standing there on the phone.
Me- is that really you?
Mum- yes Lex. It's really me.
I hung up and ran to her. I had tears in my eyes running towards her. She wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me tight. We said nothing just hugged and I cried a bit. We didn't let go until Christie came up behind us and coughed.
"I hate to break this up ladies but Lex it's time to go." I looked at mum and hugged her one last time. She wiped my tears and kissed my cheek.
"I'll see you in three weeks for the wedding okay? I will call you every day and you better answer otherwise I'll call Christie. I love you."
"I love you too mum." I hugged her one last time and walked away with Christie. We walked a few steps and I turned and saw Mum looking down. I looked up at Christie and she gave me a nod. I ran back to mum and hugged her one last time and kissed her cheek. I ran back to Christie and we walked to our gate. We walked on the plane and found out seats. I looked out the window as we took off. I took out my phone and put my headphones in and fell asleep. I was woken by Christie saying we were about to land. I looked out the window as we landed and Christie took my hand.
"Welcome home for a while Lex." I smiled at her.

Hope's POV
I walked to Lex's dorm to talk to her. I knocked but there was no answer. I tried calling her but it went straight to voicemail. I called Ash to see if she knew where Lex was.
Ash- hey Hope what's up?
Me- where's Lex?
Ash- oh Hope I thought you knew. Christie took her with her this morning.
Me- oh okay. Thanks Ash.
Ash- you okay?
Me- fine. I'll talk to you later.
I hung up and went back to the hotel. I went into my room and sat on the bed. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out. It was a text from Carli.
From Car;
Lex left this morning. She didn't even say goodbye. What's going to happen now?
To Car;
I honestly don't know anymore. She's coming back for the wedding. From then on I don't know.
From Car;
Are you not going to see her before then?
To Car;
No. She doesn't want to see me so why bother start a fight.
From Car;
So you're giving up? Wow I never thought you would give on anything. Especially your daughter. See you around Hope.
I sighed and threw my phone on the other bed. I really messed up. Maybe it's for the best I leave. Leave without a word and never come back. Go overseas to play. I hope PSG still have the offer open. I stood and grabbed my phone and called my manager Marissa.
Me-Is the offer from PSG still there?
Marissa- Yes. Why?
Me- Can I go check it out over there? Meet the coaches and managers.
Marissa-Yeah I'll have a flight for you tomorrow morning. I'll call later after everything is set up. Bye Hope.
I hung up and booked a flight back to Houston. I close my phone and put it down. Seconds later it rings and I see Lex's called ID come up on the screen. I answer it.
Me- hello?
Lex- hi
Me- what's wrong?
Lex- we need to talk.
Me- I know and I'm sor-
Lex- no not about that. About you leaving.
Me- how do you know I'm leaving?
Lex- your manager called. You seriously can't be leaving. You're getting married in just three weeks.
Me- it's not permanent Alexa. I'm just going to check out the facility.
Lex- and then what? You move and leave us all behind. You're a coward Hope. You're running from your problems like always. You're giving up. On this family. On your friends. On me. I guess I don't mean as much to you as I thought.
Me- Alexa you know you mean the world to me.
Lex- so where were you today huh? I left and mum was the only one who followed. If anything Hope I thought it was going to be you that would show up and take me home but no. You gave up and now you lost me. Christie is the ONLY one who actually cares about me. She's the only one who acts like a mother to me.
She paused to take a deep breath. She was crying and I was the cause.
Lex- Why didn't you come after me? Why didn't you beg me to stay? Why don't you love me enough to stay? I waited for you. I waited for nearly four months for you to come to me. I waited for you today. I waited for you to come for the last few years but you never did. I'm sick of waiting for someone who just doesn't care.
Me- I'm so sorry.
Lex- stop apologising. They're just words. Jesus Hope. Have you never heard the saying actions speak louder than words. If you leave tomorrow don't expect to come running back to me and apologise. If you know what's best for you and our family I'll see you in Houston tomorrow.
And with that she hung up. I wiped my tears and ran out of the hotel room with my bags in hands. I drove quickly to the airport and ran to my gate. The intercom announced my flight and I walked up and handed my boarding pass over.
"Enjoy the flight."
"Thanks." I walked onto the plane and took my seat. After a few minutes it took off.
""Ladies and gentle welcome to Delta Airlines. This is your pilot speaking. I hope you all have a lovely flight. This is the 405 plane from California to........"

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