Chapter 29.

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Ashlyn's POV
Hope and Kelley went to go get the shopping. Brian went home to shower and Ali and I went to the travel agency. We had to change our flight tickets back a week. When we got everything sorted we drove back to the house. We arrived at the same time as Hope and Kel. We helped unload the car and went inside. We put all the groceries into the kitchen and put them away. I left the three in the kitchen gossiping and went into the living room to watch tv. I walked in and smiled. Car and Lex were asleep on the couch. I picked up the blanket and put it over them. I turned on the tv and watched a recorded NWSL game. I went into the kitchen to grab a coke and saw the girls outside. I smiled at the sight and walked back to the living room. I pressed play and watched the game. 5 minutes into the game I heard Lex moan. I laughed and walked over to her.
"Evening baby girl."
"Ash I'm so tired."
"How? You were asleep for 5 days remember."
"Thanks for the reminder."
"No problem kid." I walked back over to my chair and resumed the game. Lex got up and fixed the blanket around Carli and walked out of the room. She came back moments later with a bottle of water and a granola bar. She sat down next me and put her head in my lap and took out her phone.
I laughed at her. After a few moments I saw her staring at me. I looked down at her and she smiled.
"Is there a reason as to why you are smiling at me?"
"Yes actually."
"Any intention of sharing it?"
"Do you want kids?"
"Yes. 3. Twins, a girl and a boy."
"But that's only two? What's the third?" The girls walked into the room and Ali cam and sat next to us. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and wrapped an arm around her.
"What are you two on about?" She asked.
"If Ash wants kids or not." Lex said with a smirk. Ali looked at me intensely.
"Yes, three actually. I want twins, a boy and a girl." I looked at Ali and she smiled.
"What's the third? Cmon you've gotta tell me this." Lex said impatiently. I looked over at Ali and gave her a nod.
"You." I said looking at Lex. She looked confused but then her smile grew bigger. She pulled me into a tight hug. I smiled and I pulled Ali into it. There was a knock on the door and Lex got up to get it. I heard her scream and we all ran out. Becky was standing there with Tobin and HAO. We greeted them and went into the kitchen so we wouldn't disturb Carli. Kelley was upstairs so HAO decided to surprise her. She hasn't seen Kelley in nearly a year. She hid behind me and Hope. Lex screamed up the stairs to her.
"MUM COME HERE QUICK. ITS IMPORTANT." Seconds later there was thud down the stairs and Kelley was there in shorts and a tank top. Lex went over and sat on Tobin's lap and laughed.
"What's the emergency?" She said looking around.
"There is none."
"Then why did you scream at me?"
"For this." Hope and I separated and HAO jumped out. Kelley jumped and screamed. She ran in HAO's arms and hugged her tight. Carli emerged from the living room half asleep. When she saw the three girls she smiled and greeted them.

Becky's POV
"So you all are probably wondering why we're here?" They all nodded. "Well here's the thing. We have camp next week and we need you all there because Jill is making cuts to the team. That means to stay apart of it you have to be there and train."
"Alrighty then. Where's the camp?" Hope asked.
"Am here's the tricky part. It's in Ireland."
"Ireland? Are you serious?" Kelley asked excitedly.
"Yes." I turned around to look at Carli. "May I have a word with you for a moment. Alone" she gave me a nod and we went outside. We sat down on the deck chairs and sat in silence for a moment.
"What's up Becky?"
"I wanted to ask who's going to wear the captains armband now that you're pregnant? Oh yeah Jill told us you wouldn't be coming back for a while and then when I saw you I assumed. Oh and congrats."
"Haha thanks. And Becky it's your time to prove you're as much as a captain as I am for this team. It's your time to shine."
"Thanks Carli."
"No bother Cap!" I smiled and helped her up. I gave her a hug and we walked back into the house.

Alexa's POV
I was sitting on Tobin's lap watching everyone laughing. Tobs wrapped her arms around my waist and I smiled.
"How you feelin' kid?"
"A lot better I must say. I'm happy again and that's all that matters."
"I'm glad. I've a surprise for you actually. It's out in the car. Let me go get it and bring it in." I smiled at her and got up. She got up and walked out of the room. I sat on her chair and pulled out my phone. I was watching Netflix and I felt someone's hands in front of my eyes.
"Guess who?" I didn't recognise the voice.
"Channing Tatum?" I heard them laugh and I screamed. "ALEX!"
"Hey Lex. I've missed you."
"I'm missed you too. Oh my god I can't believe you're actually here. I haven't seen you in over a year."
"I know. It was a long year without seeing you at camp. Are you coming to Ireland?"
"Am I'm not sure it's up to mom but hopefully I can. I miss seeing everyone." She laughed and pulled me into another hug. Mom walked over and hugged Alex and everyone followed. I left the catch up and went up to my room. I jumped up on my bed and left out a groan. I rolled over so I was on my back and stared at the ceiling. There was a knock on the door but I didn't feel like getting up to open it.
"Come in." I roared out. Ali walked in and shut the door behind her. She smiled and climbed in next to me in bed. I laughed and she she wrapped me into a hug. I put my arm across her torso and she kissed the top of my head. She let out a sigh and I could tell something was on her mind.
"What's wrong Al?"
"Nothing. Just wanted to spend some alone time with my niece that's all." I could tell she was lying but I didn't want to push her. I knew she'd tell me when she's ready. I snuggled closer into her and drifted off to sleep.

Ali's POV
Once I knew Lex was asleep and ran my fingers through her hair. I felt my eyes swell and I shut them tight and tears fell out. I leaned my head against Lex's and let out quiet sobs.
"Lex. My baby Lex. I don't know what I would've done if you left me. I would've lost my way and left Ash. I'm so sorry I'm not there as much as I think I am. I love you so much Lex. Don't ever forget that please. I love you and if you ever feel done you can come to me and I'll be here. Forever and always kid. We're a family and we've got to be there for each other." I kissed her head and hugged her tight. I kept running my fingers through her hair and tears still falling down my cheeks. I felt my eyes get heavier and soon enough I was sound asleep with Lex in my arms.

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