Chapter 24.

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Kelley's POV
I was beyond happy Lex came to me to apologise. I thought she wouldn't talk to me for a few days. We're heading out to her surprise party. She thinks we're going to the restaurant to have dinner but it's going to be much better than that. Brian had asked her father could he use the soccer zone for the night. Just to have some quality family time doing what we love. She's going to love it. Hope already had our gear packed and in her car so we didn't need to worry about them. I walked down to Lex's room.
"You ready Lex?"
"Yeah. Cmon mum." I smiled and wrapped an arm her shoulder. We walked out to the car and drove off towards the restaurant. I texted Hope to tell her we were on our way. We arrived 10 minutes later. Lex looked confused and I laughed.
"Cmon we've got to go get something for your mother."
She laughed and followed me inside. We walked down the hall towards the field. I stopped outside the door and looked back at Lex.
"Lex, cmon kid."
"Coming." I left her walk in first. I laughed when everyone jumped screaming and blowing them annoying horns.
"SURPRISE KID" Pinoe yelled. Lex jumped and laughed. She went over to Hope and hugged her. She let go and ran and jumped on Ash causing her to fall. She was laughing and rolling on the ground. Everyone gathered around and we picked two teams of 14 seeing as there was 28 of us. It was 14 aside so it was a bit crowded but sure no harm was done yet. Lex was captain and so was Mal seeing as they were the two youngest. Hope and I were against Lex so this was going to be fun.

Alexa's POV
I was on the opposite team to mum and mom. We made a deal that the loser(s) have to do the dishes every night for a week. I was only praying that it wouldn't be me. I was marking mum and she gave me a smirk. I kissed her cheek and walked away. I looked back and stuck my tongue out at her. The game started we had possession. It was a game of back and forth with the ball until Tobin ran down the left side with the ball. She passed it to Car and I ran into the box unmarked. She saw me and kicked it into me. I had to chest it to keep it under control but once it was where I wanted it I powered it into the left bottom corner. Mom just missed it and it went into the back of the net. I ran screaming into Carli's arms. She caught me and spun me around and fell. She laughed and I did too while lying on top of her. All the girls came over and did a dog pile on us laughing. After a few more laughs and complains they all got off and I helped Carli up. I walked over to mom and gave her a smile. She rolled her eyes and laughed.
"So seeing as everyone was over today and there's a load of dishes I will help you but only tonight because I feel bad. Deal?"
"I could live with that." Mum said walking over and giving me a slight push. I laughed and hugged her. After another few games we decided to call it a night and head back to the house to watch a movie. It was almost 11. I went with Dad and Car to their house to grab a few more quilts and pillows seeing as everyone was staying at my house tonight. I don't know how we'll all fit but it's going to be amusing. We drove back as mom was setting up the movie. I ran up to my room and threw on a pair of shorts and one of Ash's t-shirts I stole. I came down away and walked over and sat next to Kling and Moe. I saw Ash glaring at me and I turned to look at her. I glared back until  Mum sat up and flicked me in the head.
"Ow. What was that for?"
"Staring. It's rude!"
"But mom she started it."
"Ash leave the poor child alone. I don't need another Hope Bitch face in this house." Ash and I laughed along with everyone else. Mom wasn't amused by that but was trying hard not to smile. She started the movie and everyone went quiet. We were watching a horror movie. I'm not a very big fan of them. In other words I most likely going to wet myself. It got to a really scary bit and I couldn't handle it anymore. I got up and walked out of the room. Most of the girls were asleep against each other so I had trouble trying not to step on anyone. I went into the kitchen and opened the side door to go outside. It was pitch black outside and the stars were shining alongside the moon. I closed the door but not fully. I walked over and lied down on the grass. I put my arms behind my head for support and looked up at the stars. It was so quiet and peaceful. I heard the door slid up and shut and footstep crunching the grass. They grunted and giggled as they lay down next to me on two different sides.I turn my heard and see Ash and Ali on either side. I scooted over next to and lay my head on her chest.
"Thanks for the shirt by the way."
"Whatever." She said laughing. Ali scooted over to me and sat the exact same way as me on Ash. We sat in silence looking at the stars enjoy each other's presence. I heard Ash's clock ding meaning it was midnight and my birthday was over.
"So how does it feel to be 16?" Ali asked still looking up at the stars.
"Old." I replied and she laughed.
"Can I ask you guys something?"
"Sure anything kid."
"I was wondering if I could meet your families? I mean I've met Dads, Carli's, mom's and I lived with mums. And you guys are practically another pair of parents to me." Ali sat up and had the biggest smile on her face. I sat up too so Ash could. I looked at Ash and she had a replica of Ali's smile on her face. I looked at them thinking they were crazy and then Ali jumped on me hugging me tight.
"Of course Lex. My mom and Kyle really want to meet you. You're practically a grandchild to them. We already have the flight booked because it was meant to be a late birthday surprise but I guess now you know."
"Omg really? That really means a lot."
"So they live about 6 hours away from here which is closer than Ash's so we're going to meet them first when we leave on Monday. We'll spend a week there and you'll get to know them better and then we'll got to Orlando for five days to meet Ash's family. How's that?"
"Amazing. Really. Thank you so much."
"It's our pleasure baby girl." I hugged Ash and stood up. We walked back inside and everyone was asleep except for Dad and Mom. I smiled and went and sat down in between them. They both kissed my cheek and I giggled. Mum and Car were asleep on their laps but woke up once they heard me giggle. I smiled at them and they smiled back. Dad and Car got up and said goodbye. I kissed and gave them hugs and they left. Ash and Ali were sleeping in my bed tonight so I was sleeping with Mom and mum. We headed up to bed and got under the covers. I was in the middle and was immediately wrapped in mom's arms. Mum turned to face me and smiled.
"So how was your birthday?"
"The best one I've had. I don't know how I'm ever going to repay you guys for everything you've don't for me these past few years."
"We love you Lex more that you could possibly know."
"I love you too. Goodnight."
"Night kid." After a few minutes mum was out like a light. I turned over to face me. She had her eyes closed but I didn't think she was asleep. I looked at her face and looked at her facial expressions. She had no smile or no frown just neutral. I looked around her face and saw how much alike we really were. I tucked a loose strand of her behind her ear and she smiled.
"Hey baby girl."
"Hi mom."
"Can't sleep?"
"You could say that."
"What's going on in that unusual mind of yours?"
"You, me, mum, this family, everything."
"Why's that?"
"Mom are you going to marry her?"
"Honestly kid I'm thinking about it. I even have the ring."
"Hope Amelia Solo I am your daughter. You are meant to tell me stuff like this."
"Alexandra Elizabeth Solo I am your mother and yes I was going to tell you when the time came."
"Oh you used my full name. Ew."
"You started it. Never use them again?"
"Deal. I love you mom."
" I love you too Lex." She kissed the top of my head and I fell asleep in her arms for the first time in months.
I woke up at 6 the following morning. I slowly got out of mom's grip and went downstairs. Everyone was still asleep and I chuckled looking at how they were all snuggled into each other. I got my phone and walked into the kitchen and texted Carli.
To MommaC;
Hey! You up to train for a bit? I can't sleep and need to clear my mind for a bit.
From MommaC;
Yeah I'm below here now. Will I get B to pick you up or are you gonna take the trail?
To MommaC;
I'll take the trail. See you in ten.
I put my phone on the counter and walked up to my room. I opened the door slightly and got my back out of my closet. I didn't wake up Ash and Ali and walked out quietly closing the door behind me. I walked back down to the kitchen and wrote mom a note.
Gone with Carli to the field. I'll be safe so no need to call the guards if I don't answer my phone. Okay mum? I'll see you soon. Don't miss me too much x
I stuck it on the coffee machine so I knew they would read it. I walked out the front door and walked across the road to the trail to the field. I reached it 6 minutes and saw Car sitting on the bench drinking her water. I walked into the grass and picked up the ball. I placed it on the ground and took a few steps back. Car set her water down and went on her phone. She still hasn't noticed I was there. I kicked the ball and it curved and hit the water bottle knocking it over and making Carli scream and jump. I laughed and fell to my knees laughing so hard. I saw Carli running over. She picked me up over shoulder and spun me around. I laughed even more after she fell. We lay on the grass laughing for a few moments before getting up and walking over to the bench. I took off my trainers and put on my boots. I laced them up. Left before right because mom got me into the superstition crap. I picked up a ball and started juggling. I juggled all the way over to Car.
"So what's the story with soccer?"
"Am I'm still the highest goal scorer at 28. I've had college scouts looking at me offering full scholarships but I don't want to go to any of those schools."
"What schools?"
"UV, Standford, Berkeley, UNC and Notre Dame."
"Lex! They're massive schools. Who are you looking for?"
"UCLA. They're coming to the opener in a few weeks. I'm so nervous."
"Don't be. I'll help you train and coach you."
"Thanks Car. Cmon lets get playing." We did a few passing drills and then individual ones with Carli pointing out what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it. Towards the end we had a 1v1 and shooting. We collapsed with exhaustion after a few hours. We walked over to the bench and realised it was nearly 11 am. I checked my phone and had 5 missed calls from mom and 13 unread messages from mum,Ash and Ali. Car laughed when she saw. When she saw her phone she had the same and I laughed at her. She called Dad to come collect us. He came after 10 minutes and drove me home. I walked in and mom came storming down the stairs with mum behind her and Ash and Ali came running from the kitchen. I put my head down and made my way to my room. I closed my door but mom came bursting through seconds later. I flinched when it slammed against the wall.
"Where were you that you weren't answering your phone?"
"I was training with Carli like I wrote on the letter."
"Alexandra Elizabeth Brian do not give me cheek. I was not the one missing and not answering her phone for over 2 hours."
"Because I didn't answer my phone you disown me? Jesus Mom I know you're mad but you didn't have to call me Brian."
"No. Screw you. If you didn't want me anymore fine but Jesus you didn't have to call me a Brian." I screamed back. I picked up my phone and walked past her. I had tears streaming down my face as I ran down the stairs. Everyone was standing there with sad smiles. I gave them a forced smile.
"Thanks for the surprise. It really does mean a lot to know you all care but if you'll excuse me I have to leave." And with that I ran out the door. I didn't know where I was running to until I was outside their front door. I rung the bell and he answered. He looked surprised to see me but when he saw that I was crying he pulled me into a hug and I immediately broke down. He picked me up and closed the door with his foot and carried me into the living room where Carli was sitting on the couch watching ESPN. She immediately sat up when she saw me and Dad sat down next to her. I cried into his shoulder and he rubbed my back to try comfort me. Carli had her hand on my knee looking at me with concern. After I calmed down I sat up and Carli pulled me into a hug. I sat back down on Dad's lap and put my head against his chest. I heard his heartbeat and fell it against my cheek. I fell asleep listening to it.

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