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My eyelids fluttered as I gradually ascended from that state of oblivion when you just wake up. Little grin that played on my lips died out instantly the moment I realized what happened few hours prior.

Me and Theo.

The whole accord felt great, of course. The paradox hit me when I realized that I feel guilty for not feeling guilty. I knitted my eyebrows together as I rubbed my eyes, trying to get down to earth.

Something uneasy churned down below my stomach as I sat up, contemplating my surroundings. Theo was absent.

I rubbed my eyes once again and grabbed my phone which was tossed on the ground. 43 unread messages from either Stiles, Scott, Lydia or Liam. I was afraid to open them, for I know that I'm already screwed. Theo isn't here, that means a lot of terrible things should have happened while I slept here...

I just slept with an enemy. How will others see me now? What will I say? Perhaps they won't find out, at least for a while... Because truth always comes out, no matter what.

I stood up and got dressed hastily, trying to fight back the tears that threatened to run down my cheeks any second. I slowly opened the door and listened – quiet.

I ran down and headed straight towards the door but stopped just before I passed them. My breathing became more and more shallow as I forced myself to open those unread messages.

As I was thinking, my friends were looking for me, and then my heart basically stopped when I read the message that Hayden is dead. I bit my lower lip, knowing that everyone must be frustrated, but continued reading on. Other messages were even worse – Stiles kept texting that our dad is missing. I felt horrible, the terror inside me rose up, threatening to erupt into a ghastly scream.

I gasped and stormed out through the door, phone slipping from my hand and hitting the ground. Not that I cared right now.

I ran as fast as I could towards the hospital, not caring about the occasional cars that would beep, signaling me to get out of the way, for I was cutting the corners of the streets in order to shorten my trajectory.

As soon as I stormed through the hospital door I basically threw myself over the reception table, demanding to know the ward my father resides. The employee looked at me wide eyed before I screamed at her again, this time convincing her into giving me the info. No one wants crazy teenage girl running around the hospital, but seeing that I'm the patient's daughter, I got extra credit.

I rushed upstairs and through the secluded hallway, where I could see Stiles' face through the double door, as well as Melissa's and Liam's father's.

"What do you mean you don't know? Two hours ago he was fine. Now it looks like someone took a baseball bat to his neck." I heard Stiles' muffled voice coming from the recovery room, in which I still peeked through, afraid to make a sound, afraid to reveal myself standing here.

While Stiles became more agitated in the conversation, I heard someone come behind me. Turning my head I noticed Scott, my body freezing in place. I had no idea how much he knew, and at this point I was too afraid to ask.

"Silvie, you're okay," He breathed out, engulfing me into a warm hug. "Where were you?" He asked me when he drew back, eyebrows knitted together.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to answer because my brother stormed out of the recovery room, lashing out on me. He dug his fingers into my shoulders and slammed me to the wall, air abandoning my lungs instantly. I darted my wide eyes to his with my mouth agape, unable to say anything due to the lack of air.

"You BITCH!" His fiery eyes burned into mine, but as he was going to shout something else, Scott shoved him off of me, resulting in two of them fighting.

Insidious ✖ Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now