n i n e t e e n

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Each day was harder and harder, and I sincerely feared for my well being. I didn't prepare for classes, it seemed so ridiculous to me considering everything that is going on. Classes and school in general seemed so unnecessary and overrated to me right now, sometimes it even made me angry that all of our lives are at stakes, yet we have to worry about other things that are absolutely irrelevant compared to the current situation.

Yet here I am again, walking through the blank halls which I became so sick of, but what can I do? I'm just a human, and no matter how good at fighting or self-defense I would be, I can't change anything. It's supernatural, not humane.

"Remember, that in co-dominance, neither allele is recessive. The phenotypes of both alleles are expressed." I gloomily flicker my eyes to the chalkboard, where Mrs. Finch had drawn colorful examples. "In human blood, what is a good example of co-dominance?" She looked around choosing a student, and unfortunately, her eyes settled on me. "Silvie?"

I used to be great at biology, in fact, I liked other classes too and that's what made me successful – interest. But now that quality is long, long gone.

I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment, trying to muster up an answer. My mind was utterly blank.

"I, uh..." I rubbed my forehead, but to no use.

"Silvie, what happened? You used to be one of the smartest students. Can't say the same right now." Mrs. Finch spoke, making me want to roll my eyes. What does she understand, anyway?

She continued to speak something about incompetence and laziness, pushing me to the edge further and further. I tried to block out her rants, but my vulnerable state didn't help.

I lifted my head and stared at the teacher, who upon seeing my teary eyes stopped talking, leaving her mouth agape. "Okay." She whispered, guilt reflecting on her features. "Class, turn around and face your partners, open your packets and read the instructions."

I was ready to turn around and face whoever is sitting behind me, but Mrs. Finch once again spoke. "Silvie, come with me."

I sighed and caught a worried glance of Liam, who was paired up with Hayden. She too looked at me somewhat concerned. I gulped and followed Mrs. Finch out of the classroom.

The teacher continued to walk down the hall, so all that was left for me to do was follow. "Where are we going, Mrs. Finch?" I asked in a weakened voice.

"To the counselor." Great. Lydia's mom.

I sighed, thinking about how awkward everything will be.

"Silvie," Mrs. Finch interrupted me from entering Lydia's mom's office. "I know that with everything that happened to your family you have a right to feel distraught. But I also know that you are a potential student and I don't want to see that potential ruined, because it's seems like you're trying to do that on purpose."

If only I could explain everything to her. "I understand, Mrs. Finch." Was all I said instead.

The teacher stroked my shoulder gently before walking away.

I sighed and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I heard the call of Mrs. Martin, doing exactly that.

"Silvie! What a pleasant surprise..." Although she pretended to be happy, she obviously wasn't, and I could see that she preferred to stay alone right now, but it's her job, and Mrs. Finch wanted me here.

"Actually, Mrs. Martin, I believe you expected to see me at some point. " I stated with a bitter smile. 

Lydia's mom didn't have the complete knowledge of what's going on, but of course, she has been involved with supernatural on several occasions and knew that there are other creatures than simple humans in Beacon Hills.

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