t w e n t y o n e

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"By order of the Sheriff, a county-wide curfew goes into effect tonight at sundown. All after-school activities are canceled until further notice. Students should go directly home at the end of the school day."

I frown slightly at the announcement. As I dwell deeper on my thoughts, I realize that this is actually the worst we had encountered. The line between supernatural and humans was never as blurred as it is now.

"Silvie!" I turn around and see my brother catching up, along with Scott.

I gulp, trying to keep my yesterday activities quiet. May that meeting with Theo remain our little, harmless secret.

"We have some news." Scott breathed out, turning to Stiles, indicating for him to speak.

"Right, so, Chris and Gerard have been doing some investigating in the tunnels. They found several bodies dumped below, decaying and—"

"Stiles, please, skip the gore." I whined, already feeling my stomach churning.

"All right, uh, so, we think that the Dread Doctors are protecting the Beast, because the Medical Examiner told that the bodies were killed somewhere else and only then dumped in the tunnels."

I shivered at the thought of the Beast. Once again I remembered that horrible dream of mine. "You mean... they collected the bodies after the Beast killed them and hid them in the tunnels?"

"Yeah. It's actually a werewolf." Scott added.

I sighed and looked around the pairs of deputies walking around the corridors with their shotguns. If only they knew what they're really dealing with...

Stiles seemed to notice my anxiety towards that much of a firepower. "You don't think this is a bit much in terms of firepower for a high school?"

Deputy Strauss turned to Stiles with a worrisome look. "Your dad's the one that issued us these things, and he wouldn't officially say why."

I gulped once more and looked around as to dispel the feeling of suspicious that started to dwell between us.

"Did he say anything unofficially?"

"No," Replied Strauss. "But everyone's got a theory."

I curtly lifted my head, suddenly interested with that theory of theirs. "What's yours?" I asked, trying to tame my curiosity.

"I shouldn't be talking with you guys. Don't you have a class?"

"Come on, Strauss. What is it?" I kept teasing.

Deputy Strauss looked around sneakily before slightly lowering his stature torwards us. "Do you guys believe in supernatural?"

Oh boy.


I sent five texts to Malia, yet she didn't answer.

As I sauntered to the school yard with my head buried into my phone, I bumped into someone and almost let the phone shatter to the ground.

I felt very confused for a split second, what made me stare into Malia's face for long, five seconds, before I actually realized it's her.

"Hey," I choked out.

"Great, I was looking for you." She said, not minding my perplexity.

I opened my mind to remind her of my text as I diverted my gaze from my phone to Malia several times, but eventually decided that it's not worth it and that Malia will make the simplest and reasonable arguments as to why she didn't reply me.

"Let's go." She muttered and gripped my hand, dragging me behind her.

"Where?" I questioned, feeling eerily calm about something that's definitely going to happen.

Insidious ✖ Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now