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Jade's POV

I slowly walk downstairs and feel myself getting annoyed. The neighbour is knocking on the door again. Like stop! Give me a chance to get to the damn door.

"Alright. Alright. Bloody 'ell." I growl and quickly open the door and my eyes widen and I slam the door in her face.

I open it again slowly and watch as the girl laughs.

"You okay?" She asks and my mouth opens slightly. "You seem a little surprised."


"What about me?" She asks furrowing her eyebrows and frowning.

"You look like someone I know. Well not personally but someone I'm a fan of."

"Oh really?" She asks and I nod my head slowly.

"Oh shit." I say and move away from the door and let her in.

"Watch your language." She warns as she walks into my...Temporary home.

I lead her through to the living room and we sit down on the sofa and she turns to face me.

"So, whose this girl I look like that you know?"


"Lauren huh? Lauren who?"

"Lauren Cimorelli."

She stands up quickly which startles me and she has a huge grin on her face.

"Oh! I know her!"

"You do?"

"Yeah! I'm Lauren Cimorelli! Duh!" She laughs and I could kick myself. I feel so stupid.

"Sorry, I'm just in shock. I'm a huge fan...And you're my neighbour. And you're in my home..."

"Hey, calm down." She says and sits down next to me and places her hand on my shoulder. "You look like you're about to pass out."

"I'm probably tired..."

"No...You're pale and you're shaking slightly. Have you eaten?" She asks standing up.

"Uh...On the plane I had a sandwhich."

"Is that it?"

"Mmhmm. I hate plane food."

"Do you have any food here yet?"

"I think that's what my parents have gone to get. Food and other things."

I'm surprised that I'm having an actual conversation with her. I always thought I'd be a big mess. Crying and making no sense but I'm actually doing okay, minus the slamming the door in her face and saying she looked like herself...When she IS herself.

"Well, I think your blood sugar level is low. How are you on your feet?" She asks and I stand up. I'm shaky but I'm okay.

"I feel shaky..."

"Okay." She says and wraps her arm around my waist and leads me out of the living room and outside.

"Where are we going?"

"My house silly. You need some sugar in you...And seeing as you have no food..." She says as we walk down the street and arrive at her house.

She opens the front door and once I'm inside she closes it and leads me towards the kitchen.

"Sit." She orders and I sit down on one of the chairs at the counter and watch as she makes me a sandwhich with a glass of Dr Pepper.

"My favorite." I say quietly.

"Sarcasm?" She asks.

"No." I shake my head. "My favorite sandwhich is chicken and my favorite drink is Dr Pepper."

"Good." She smiles and pushes the plate towards me and drink. "After that I'll see what candy I have." She winks.

I hear someone run downstairs and I turn my head to see a girl with purple hair run towards me.

"Who are you? Why are you here? Why you eating my food?" She asks quickly.

"Hi Dani." I say shyly.

"You know who I am?" She asks surprised.

"She's knows who we all are. She's a fan." Lauren says and hands me a packet of Peanut M&M's.

"WHY IS SHE EATING ALL OF THE FOOD?!" Dani yells dramatically and I feel nervous.

"Because! She just got here, her parents have gone to buy food and her blood sugar levels are low so I'm making sure she doesn't pass out." Lauren snaps at her younger sister.

"Okay." Dani shrugs her shoulders and sits next to me and rests her elbow on the counter and rests her cheek on her hand and looks at me. "You're English."

"Mmhmm." I hum as I chew my food.

"Cool, I like the English accent. I find it...Sexy." Dani says and I nearly choke on my food and her eyes widen. "Oh no no. I didn't mean I find you sexy, not that you're not sexy. You're really beautiful. Wait, I'm not flirting with you or anything." She says quickly.

"Dani, just go." Lauren laughs and Dani nods her head before literally running out of the kitchen.

"And I thought I was awkward." I chuckle as grab my plate and walk towards the sink.

Lauren snatches the plate out of my hand and places it in the sink for me.


"Hi." She laughs and grabs my arm and pulls me outside but she grabs my drink too. "Drink it." She says as we sit on a bench outside.

I drink it slowly and she watches me and smiles.

"Do you feel better now?"

"A little, I'm not as shaky now."

"Good. So Jade. Tell me about yourself."

"You know my name?"

She rolls her eyes and moves closer to me. "Yeah! Your Mom told me. She also told me you're sixteen. Like me!"

"Yeah." I laugh a little nervous.

"Please tell me about yourself. I'd like to get to know you and hopefully be friends."


Here it goes, telling Lauren Cimorelli about myself...Never thought this would happen. Maybe moving here wasn't such a bad idea after all.

A/N: I changed the ages and other things just because I can 😂😂😜😜

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