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Lauren's POV

I have no idea what came over her. She hasn't mentioned her friends in a long time...They never were her true friends. True friends wouldn't stop talking to her just because she moved Countries, but the thing that stung the most was when she said that I didn't mean anything to her. Yeah, she said that about everyone else too but knowing that includes me hurts so much.

I wanted to fight her about it, make her see sense...But I don't want to make it worse. Watching her walk away is probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

I quickly blink as I feel tears threatening to escape my eyes. I don't want to cry. I don't want to care and show that it hurts.

I quickly turn around and head back inside where everyone is sat down in silence.

"Hey." Lisa greets. "Where's Jade?"

I sigh as I flop down on the sofa next to Amy and cross my arms.

"Lauren?" Dani says my name and I quickly glance towards her. I feel my bottom lip tremble and a tear escapes my eye.

"Lauren." The girls say at the same time and quickly come over to me and wrap their arms around me in a big hug.

"What happend?" Katherine asks.

The girls pull away except Amy who keeps her arms loosely around me.

"She uh..." I sniffle and wipe my eyes. "She hates us."

Saying it out loud breaks my heart and I begin to cry harder. I feel Amy tighten her grip on me. I lean further into her and feel her own tears fall on to my shirt.

"She doesn't hate us." Lisa says.

"She does Lise." I hiccup slightly. "She told me."

"Well, she didn't mean it." Christina says.

"She doesn't want anything to do with us." I say getting annoyed. Why doesn't anyone believe that she actually hates us?! They should have seen the way she looked when she said the things she did. She meant every word.

"So...That means none of us can go and talk to her about it?" Dani says sadly.

"She won't talk to us." Lisa says.

I hear heavy footsteps come down the stairs and turn my head slightly to see who it is.

"Maybe she won't talk to you guys...But maybe she'll talk to me."

"How can you be so sure?" Christina asks.

"Because. I have my ways."

I watch as Nick walks over to Christina and places a gentle kiss on her forhead. "We'll sort this." He smiles.

I instantly feel jealous...I want someone like that. Someone who can make me feel safe. Feel loved. Reasure me that everything will be okay. Who will give me random kisses. Who will be there for me...Just like I would do for them. I remove myself from Amy's grip and storm upstairs.

I walk into my room to see a note on my bed. I walk over and gently pick it up and read it.

To Lisa/Lauren/Dani/Amy/Katherine and Christina

Your Mother and I have decided to have a couple vacation. It's only for a month but we decided we wanted to have a break away from you guys. We know that sounds awful but we love you so much. We just want us time. Your brothers (Not Mike) will be staying with your grandparents so they won't be much trouble. I'm leaving Katherine, Christina and Nick in charge whilst we're away. Don't get into too much trouble. Love you all.

Mom and Dad x x x

I send a quick text to everyone about the letter because I can't be bothered to walk back down there. Of course the replies are that they know. Gee. Thanks for telling me guys.

I sit down slowly on my bed and grab my phone and unlock it. I have no messages from Jade and I feel my heart begin to hurt again. I want to send her a message but I know she'll just ignore me.

Just as I'm about to turn my phone off it vibrates and I feel my heart pound. I start getting excited as I hope it's Jade. I frown when I see a message from Ellie instead.

Ellie: What have you done to Jade?!

Me: Nothing! Why?

Ellie: She's broken up with me and said she hates me! Are you happy now?! Is this what you wanted?! We haven't even got this relationship started properly and she's dumped me!

Well, atleast something good has come of this. I smirk slightly, but I kinda feel bad for her...

Me: She's said she hates me and my family too. I don't know what's wrong with her. We did a cover and then she walked out of the house and then flipped out on me.

Ellie: I don't care about you and your family. She has broken my heart and it's all your fault.

My eyes widen and jaw drops. My fault?! How is this my fault?!

Me: This isn't my fault. It's not my families fault or yours. She mentioned something about her friends back home, maybe she misses them and she thinks she's replacing them with us.

Ellie: Ugh, whatever.

I sigh and turn my phone off and gently throw it next to me on my bed.

I hope Nick can find a way to fix this...I just want her back. Even though it's been about ten minutes I'm missing her so bad...I need her.

The Girls Next Door - A Cimorelli StoryWhere stories live. Discover now